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Offensive Bug Bounty – Hunter 2.0

سرفصل های دوره

A Dynamic Hands-on Course on Bug Bounty Hunting

1. Introduction
  • 1. About Hunter 2.0
  • 2. About Author
  • 3. What you should know before taking this course

  • 2. Recon for Bug Bounty Hunting
  • 1. Subdomains of domain
  • 2. Find Subdomains of Subdomains
  • 3. Filter All the Live subdomains for Hunting
  • 4. All subdomains https status code

  • 3. Advance SQL Injection
  • 1. GET - Error based - strip comments_
  • 2. POST- Second Oder Injections Real treat ...
  • 3. GET - Error based - All your OR & AND be ...
  • 4. GET - Blind Based - All your OR & AND be ...
  • 5. GET - Error based - All your SPACES and ...
  • 6. GET - Blind Based - All your SPACES and ...
  • 7. GET - Error Based- All your UNION & SELE ...
  • 8. GET - Blind Based- All your UNION & SELE ...
  • 9. GET - Error Based- All your UNION & SELE ...
  • 10. GET - Blind Based- All your UNION & SELE ...
  • 11. GET -Error based- IMPIDENCE MISMATCH- Ha ...
  • 12. GET - BLIND - IMPIDENCE MISMATCH- Having ...
  • 13. GET - BLIND - IMPIDENCE MISMATCH- Having ...
  • 14. GET - Bypass custom filter adding slashe ...
  • 15. GET - Bypass AddSlashes()
  • 16. POST - Bypass AddSlashes()
  • 17. POST - Bypass Add Slashes (we dont need ...
  • 18. GET -Bypass MySQL Real Escape String
  • 19. POST - Bypass MySQL Real Escape String
  • 20. GET- Stacked Query Injection - String
  • 21. GET - Stacked Query Injection - Intiger ...
  • 22. GET - BLIND based - String - Stacked
  • 23. GET - BLIND based - Intiger - Stacked
  • 24. POST - Error based - String - Stacked
  • 25. POST - Error based - String - Stacked -B ...
  • 26. POST - Error based - String - Stacked - ...
  • 27. GET - Error based - Numeric - ORDER BY C ...
  • 28. GET - Error based - String - ORDER BY CL ...
  • 29. GET - Error based - Blind- Numeric- ORDE ...
  • 30. GET - Error based - String- Blind - ORDE ...
  • 31. GET - Error based - ORDER BY CLAUSE -num ...
  • 32. GET - Error based - ORDER BY CLAUSE-Stri ...
  • 33. GET - Blind based - ORDER BY CLAUSE -num ...
  • 34. GET - GET - Blind based - ORDER BY CLAUS ...
  • 35. GET - challenge - Union- 10 queries allo ...
  • 36. GET - challenge - Union- 14 queries allo ...
  • 37. GET - challenge - Union- 14 queries allo ...
  • 38. GET - challenge - Union- 14 queries allo ...
  • 39. GET - challenge - Double Query- 5 querie ...
  • 40. GET - challenge - Double Query- 5 querie ...
  • 41. GET - challenge - Double Query- 5 querie ...
  • 42. GET - challenge - Double Query- 5 querie ...
  • 43. GET - challenge - Blind - 130 queries al ...
  • 44. GET - challenge - Blind - 130 queries al ...

  • 1. Background Concept
  • 2. No Rate Limiting Live Hunting 1
  • 3. No Rate Limiting Live Hunting 2
  • 4. No Rate Limiting Live Hunting 3
  • 5. Reporting

  • 5. Long Password Dos Attack
  • 1. Background Concept
  • 2. Long Password Dos Attack Hunting 1
  • 3. Long Password Dos Attack Hunting 2
  • 4. Long Password Dos Attack Hunting 3
  • 5. Reporting

  • 6. Buffer Overflow
  • 1. Background Concept
  • 2. Types of Buffer Overflow
  • 3. Buffer Overflow Live Hunting
  • 4. Buffer Overflow on browser

  • 7. Android App Vulnerability Hunting
  • 1. Background Concept
  • 2. Intercepting mobile app traffic in burpsuite
  • 3. Bypassing Android ssl pinning
  • 4. Android App Live Hunting part 1
  • 5. Android App Live Hunting part 2
  • 6. Android App Live Hunting 2
  • 7. Android App Live Hunting 3
  • 8. Accont takeover through response interception
  • 9. No rate limiting in android app

  • 8. Hostile Subdomain Takeover
  • 1. Background Concept
  • 2. Hostile Subdomain Takeover Live Hunting 1
  • 3. Hostile Subdomain Takeover Live Hunting 2
  • 4. AWS S3 Bucket Takeover part 1
  • 5. AWS S3 Bucket Takeover part 2
  • 6. Hostile Subdomain Takeover Live Hunting 4
  • 7. Hostile Subdomain Takeover Live Hunting 5
  • 8. Hostile Subdomain Takeover Live Hunting 6

  • 9. Insecure Direct Object Refernce
  • 1. Background Concept
  • 2. Idor Live Hunting 1
  • 3. Idor Live Hunting 2
  • 4. Idor Live Hunting 3
  • 5. Idor Live Hunting 4
  • 6. Account Takeover Idor

  • 10. Wordpress
  • 1. Background Concept
  • 2. WPSCAN Overview
  • 3. Hunting lab part 1
  • 4. XML RPC ping Back
  • 5. Blind RCE
  • 6. CMS Map Overview
  • 7. Hunting lab part 2
  • 8. Live hunting 1
  • 9. Live hunting 2

  • 11. Joomla
  • 1. Overview of joomla
  • 2. Live hunting 1
  • 3. Live hunting 2
  • 4. Live hunting 3
  • 5. Live hunting 4
  • 6. Live hunting 5

  • 12. Drupal
  • 1. Background Concept
  • 2. Drupal Vulnerability Hunting
  • 3. Metasploit for Drupal
  • 4. Live Hunting 1 RCE
  • 5. Live Hunting 2 RCE and Others
  • 6. Live Hunting Part 3

  • 13. CMS Vulnerability Hunting
  • 1. Overview of All Types of CMS
  • 2. Background Concept about All types of CMS Vulnerabilities
  • 3. Automated CMS Vulnerability Scanners
  • 4. Automated CMS Vulnerability Scanners

  • 14. Cross Site Request Forgery
  • 1. Background Concept
  • 2. Csrf Live Hunting 1
  • 3. Csrf Live Hunting 2
  • 4. Csrf Live Hunting 3
  • 5. Csrf Live Hunting 4
  • 6. Csrf Account Takeover
  • 7. Reporting

  • 15. HSTS
  • 1. Background Concept
  • 2. Hsts Live Hunting 1
  • 3. Hsts Live Hunting 2
  • 4. Reporting

  • 16. Session Fixation
  • 1. Background Concept
  • 2. Session Fixation Live Hunting 1
  • 3. Session Fixation Live Hunting 2
  • 4. Session Fixation Live Hunting 3

  • 17. Account Lockout
  • 1. Background Concept
  • 2. Account Lockout Hunting 1
  • 3. Account Lockout Hunting 2
  • 4. Account Lockout Hunting 3
  • 5. Reporting

  • 18. Server Side Request Forgery
  • 1. SSRF Concept
  • 2. Basic SSRF concept
  • 3. SSRF to XSS
  • 4. SSRF to read internal file
  • 5. SSRF in FFMPEG
  • 6. SSRF AWS cloud retrieve metadata
  • 7. SSRF through html

  • 19. Mobile App static code Analysis
  • 1. Background Concept
  • 2. Introduction to MobsF
  • 3. Static Analysis with MobSf
  • 4. Live Static Analysis
  • 5. Static Analysis with Visual code Grepper
  • 6. Live Static Analysis
  • 7. All About AndroBug Framework
  • 8. Hunting With Qark
  • 9. Mobile App Static Analysis

  • 20. Password Reset Poisoning
  • 1. All about Password Reset Poisoning
  • 2. Live Hunting 1
  • 3. Live Hunting 2
  • 4. Live Hunting 3

  • 21. Android App Dynamic Analysis
  • 1. Frida & Objection
  • 2. Installation and Setting Up Frida & Objection
  • 3. SSL Pinning Bypass with Frida
  • 4. SSL Pinning Bypass with objection
  • 5. Android Anti Root Bypass with Frida & Objection
  • 6. Frida & Objection Conclusion
  • 7. Introduction to AppMon
  • 8. Android APP Tracer
  • 9. Intruding in Android APP
  • 10. All About Drozer
  • 11. Hunting with Drozer

  • 22. Blind XSS
  • 1. Background Concept
  • 2. Attack Points
  • 3. Blind xss on Practice Web
  • 4. Blind xss Live Hunting 1
  • 5. Blind xss Live Hunting 2
  • 6. Multiple Blind xss Payloads Execution 1
  • 7. Multiple Blind xss Payloads Execution 2
  • 8. Blind xss Live Hunting 3
  • 9. Blind xss on DELL

  • 23. Identity Management Testing
  • 1. Identity Management Testing
  • 2. Test Role Definitions 1
  • 3. Test Role Definitions 2
  • 4. Test User Registration Process
  • 5. Test Account Provisioning
  • 6. Testing for account enumeration and guessable user account
  • 7. Test for weak or unenforced username policy

  • 24. DIGGING INTO DIGITAL IMAGES EXIF Geolocation Data Not Stripped From Uploaded Im
  • 1. Background Concept
  • 2. Facebook Live Hunting
  • 3. Live Bug Bounty Hunting on Google and others
  • 4. Flickr & Pinterest Live Hunting
  • 5. POC 1
  • 6. POC 2
  • 7. Conclusion

  • 25. Application Server Vulnerabilities
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Testing for default credentials
  • 3. Testing for default content
  • 4. Dangerous http methods
  • 5. Ways to detect http methods
  • 6. Exploitation of dangerous methods
  • 7. Application Server as proxy
  • 8. Web server software bugs
  • 9. Web server software bugs 2
  • 10. Web server software bugs 3

  • 26. Cryptography Vulnerabilities Bug Hunting
  • 1. Cryptography related issues
  • 2. Common Bugs in TLSSSL
  • 3. Testing for weak ssltls ciphersprotocolkeys vulnerabilities
  • 4. Checking for client renegotiation Manual Hunting
  • 5. Testing ssltls Vulnerabilities
  • 6. Testing ssltls Vulnerabilities part2
  • 7. Breach Compression Attack
  • 8. Poodle attack SSLV3 Live Hunting
  • 9. Poodle attack SSLV3 Live Hunting 2
  • 10. Why U should Hunt for Poodle Attack

  • 27. Testing for Session Management
  • 1. Session Management Issues
  • 2. Bypassing Session Management Schema
  • 3. Testing for Cookies Attributes
  • 4. Cookies Attributes Live
  • 5. Testing for Exposed Session Variables
  • 6. Testing for Logout Functionality
  • 7. Testing for Session Timeout
  • 8. Session Mgmt Vuln on Password Reset or on other inj point

  • 28. Exposed Source Code Control Systems
  • 1. Background Concept Must watch
  • 2. Find Source Code Control system using Burpsuite
  • 3. Find Source Code Control system using dirb
  • 4. Git Repository Dumper
  • 5. Other Types of Source Code Control System Dump
  • 6. Why Hunt and Extract Metadata of Repository

  • 29. Apache Struts RCE Hunting and Exploitation
  • 1. Apache Struts Vulnerability Details
  • 2. Identify Apache Struts2 RCE Vuln
  • 3. Exploit Apache Struts 2 RCE through Content Type
  • 4. Exploit Apache Struts 2 RCE Live website 2

  • 30. Comprehensive Command Injection
  • 1. Comprehensive Command Injection
  • 2. Steps to setup lab
  • 3. Classic regular example
  • 4. Classic (Base64) regular example
  • 5. Classic (Hex) regular example
  • 6. Classic single-quote example
  • 7. Classic double-quote example
  • 8. Classic blacklisting example
  • 9. Classic hashing example
  • 10. Classic example & Basic HTTP Authentication
  • 11. Blind regular example
  • 12. Double Blind regular example
  • 13. Eval regular example
  • 14. Eval (Base64) regular example
  • 15. Classic (JSON) regular example
  • 16. Eval (JSON) regular example
  • 17. Preg_match() regular & blind example
  • 18. Str_replace() regular example
  • 19. Create_function() regular example
  • 20. Regex for domain name validation
  • 21. Nested quotes

  • 31. Web cache deception
  • 1. Background Concept
  • 2. Exploitation Way
  • 3. Live Demo 1
  • 4. Live Demo 2
  • 5. Live Demo 3

  • 32. Server Side Includes Injection
  • 1. Background Concept
  • 2. More about SSI injection
  • 3. Live SSI injection
  • 4. Live SSI injection
  • 5. Live SSI injection

  • 33. Ticket Trick Bug Bounty
  • 1. The HelpDesk let the Hacker in
  • 2. Live Hunting Ticket Trick
  • 3. Impact of Ticket Trick Hack

  • 34. Evil way to Account Takeover
  • 1. Evil Takeover Concept
  • 2. Steps for Evil way Takeover
  • 3. Live Demonstration of Evil Takeover
  • 4. Successfully Evil Takeover

  • 35. Multifactor Authentication
  • 1. Background Concept
  • 2. Live demonstration
  • 3. Live Demonstration Part 2

  • 36. HTTPOXY Attack
  • 1. HTTPOXY Attack
  • 2. Hunting for HTT POXY Attack
  • 3. Second way to hunt HTT POXY Attack
  • 4. Live hunting of HTTPOXY Vulnerability
  • 5. Live hunting using tool

  • 37. Shellshock bash RCE
  • 1. Background Concepts
  • 2. Shellshock bash RCE live demo
  • 3. Live hunting Shellshock RCE
  • 4. Live hunting for shellshock RCE 2

  • 38. Apache http server byte range dos
  • 1. Background Concept
  • 2. Hunting apache range dos
  • 3. Exploitation of apache range dos

  • 39. Webmin unauthenticated RCE
  • 1. Background Concept
  • 2. Webmin unauthenticated RCE

  • 40. Appweb authentication bypass
  • 1. Background Concept
  • 2. Live demo authentication bypass
  • 3. Hunting for appweb authentication bypass

  • 41. Nginx
  • 1. Nginx Rate Filtering shaping overflow
  • 2. Hunting For Nginx Rate Filtering shaping overflow

  • 42. Adobe Coldfusion Vulnerabilities
  • 1. Background Concepts
  • 2. File read Vulnerability

  • 43. Docker RCE
  • 1. Docker API Unauthorized RCE
  • 2. Enum For Docker API Services
  • 3. Docker API Unauthorized RCE On lab
  • 4. Docker API Unauthorized RCE Live

  • 44. Postgres RCE
  • 1. Postgresql Authenticated RCE
  • 2. Postgres RCE On Lab
  • 3. Live Hunting Postgres RCE

  • 45. Apache Spark RCE
  • 1. Apache Spark RCE
  • 2. Hunting Apache Spark RCE Part 1
  • 3. Hunting Apache Spark RCE Part 2

  • 46. PHPMyadmin RCE
  • 1. PHPMyadmin Authenticated RCE
  • 2. Hunting RCE For Authenticated PHPMyadmin
  • 3. PHPMyadmin Authenticated RFI
  • 4. PHPMyadmin Authenticated LFI To RCE

  • 47. Mysql Authentication Bypass
  • 1. Mysql Authentication Bypass Vulnerability
  • 2. Hunting For MySQL Authentication bypassing
  • 3. Live Hunting For Mysql Auth bypass

  • 48. DNS ZONE Transfer
  • 1. DNS Zone transfer vulnerability
  • 2. Live attack dns zone transfer

  • 49. Flask (Jinja2) SSTI to RCE
  • 1. Flask (Jinja2) Server side template injection
  • 2. Exploitation of template injection

  • 50. Hadoop Vulnerabilities
  • 1. Hunting Hadoop Vulnerability
  • 2. Nmap for Hadoop Vulnerability
  • 3. Hunting for Hadoop
  • 4. Browsing the HDFS Data Leak
  • 5. Hadoop RCE
  • 6. Live Hadoop Hunting

  • 51. GIT Shell RCE
  • 1. GIT Shell Bypass
  • 2. Git Shell bypass Hunting
  • 3. Git Shell Command Execution

  • 52. REDIS RCE
  • 1. Redis Unauthorised Access Vulnerability
  • 2. Hunting For Unauthorised Access
  • 3. Live Hunting
  • 4. Redis RCE

  • 53. Scrapyd RCE
  • 1. Attack Scrapyd Crawler
  • 2. Exploting Scrapyd
  • 3. Live Hunting Scrapyd

  • 54. Advance File Uploads
  • 1. Lab Setup In Windows
  • 2. Setting Up Labs
  • 3. Upload Image by Blocking JavaScript
  • 4. Content-Type Bypass
  • 5. Suffix Blacklist Bypass
  • 6. File Parsing Rules Bypass
  • 7. Not Unified Case Of Suffix
  • 8. Blacklist Bypassing Windows Feature
  • 9. Blackist Bypassing Windows Feature More Lession 7
  • 10. Blackist Bypassing Windows Feature More Lession 8
  • 11. Blackist Bypassing Windows Feature More Lession 9
  • 12. Double Write Bypass Method
  • 13. Picture Prefix Bypass
  • 14. GetImageSize Functionality Bypass
  • 15. Php-Exif Module Bypass
  • 16. Comprehensive Picture Horse Example
  • 17. Conditional Race 1
  • 18. Conditional Race 2
  • 19. Nullbyte

  • 55. CSRF Same Site Bypass
  • 1. CSRF Same Site Bypass
  • 2. CSRF Same Site Bypass lab

  • 56. Session Puzzling
  • 1. Session Puzzling
  • 2. Session Puzzling Lab
  • 3. Live Session Puzzling Test Cases

  • 57. JWT Token Attack
  • 1. JWT
  • 2. Issues Of JWT tokens
  • 3. JWT None Algorithm
  • 4. JWT Weak Secret used as a Key
  • 5. JWT Signature RS256 To HS256

  • 58. Email Bounce Issues
  • 1. Email Bounce Issues
  • 2. Email Bounce Live
  • 3. Email Bounce Exploit Impact

  • 59. IVR Call Request Crash
  • 1. IVR Call Request Crash
  • 2. Live IVR Call Crash

  • 60. Obscure Email Vulnerability
  • 1. Obscure Email
  • 2. Live Hunting Obscure Email Vulnerability

  • 61. AWS Pentesting
  • 1. Background Concept
  • 2. AWS Attack Vector
  • 3. Attacker Motivation
  • 4. Bucket Listing Access Permission Set to Everyone
  • 5. Bucket Listing Any AWS Authenticated User
  • 6. Leaking AWS Keys by commiting GIT REPO
  • 7. EC2 Snapshot Accesible to ALL AWS USER
  • 8. Exposed Proxy Access to Instance Metadata
  • 9. Excessive Permission are Given
  • 10. Privilege Escalation by Rollback
  • 11. Privilege Escalation Automation
  • 12. AWS Cloud Breach
  • 13. AWS EC2 SSRF
  • 14. CODEBUILD Secrets
  • 15. RCE WEB APP
  • 16. RCE WEB APP Part 2
  • 17. Input Validation Vulnerability
  • 18. Open Container Images
  • 19. SSRF to Private IP Instance MetaData
  • 74,300 تومان
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    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 38432
    حجم: 20963 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 2166 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 20 مرداد 1403
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    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

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