1. Scheduling
2. Controlling Pod Placement
3. Quiz - Scheduling.html
4. Static Pods
5. Pod Disruption Budgets (PDB)
6. Kubernetes Security
7. Authentication
8. Authorization
9. RBAC Authorization
10. Hands On - Kubernetes Security
11. Quiz - Security.html
12. Networking in Kubernetes
13. Hands On - Kubernetes Networking
14. Kubernetes Services
15. Ingress
16. Hands On - Kubernetes Services
17. Hands On - Expose a Deployment using Kubernetes Services
18. Service Mesh
19. Quiz - Networking and Services.html
20. Kubernetes Storage
21. persistent Volumes and Persistent volume claims
22. Hands On - Kubernetes Storage Volumes
23. Hands On - Using Volumes within a Kubernetes Deployment
24. Hands on persistent volumes and persistent volume claims
25. Hands On - Using Persistent Storage with StatefulSets
26. Container Storage Interface
27. Autoscaling K8S Workloads
28. Helm and Helm Charts
29. Quiz - Storage, Autoscaling, Helm.html