01. NestJS Architecture & Advanced Patterns -1920x1080 288K
02. Prerequisite Generate a Nest application - NestJS - 1920x1080 427K
03. Whats a Layered (N-tier) Architecture - NestJS - 1920x1080 220K
04. Three-tier Architecture vs Hexagonal Architecture - NestJS - 1920x1080 264K
05. Hexagonal Architecture in Practice. Part 1 - NestJS - 1920x1080 422K
06. Hexagonal Architecture in Practice. Part 2 - NestJS - 1920x1080 409K
07. Onion Architecture - NestJS - 1920x1080 194K
08. Introduction to Domain-Driven Design - NestJS - 1920x1080 164K
09. Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) - NestJS - 1920x1080 166K
10. Experimenting with CQRS. Part 1 - NestJS - 1920x1080 384K
11. Whats an Event-Driven Architecture - NestJS - 1920x1080 157K
12. Experimenting with CQRS. Part 2 - NestJS - 1920x1080 336K
13. Eventual Consistency - NestJS - 1920x1080 171K
14. Experimenting with CQRS. Part 3 - NestJS - 1920x1080 457K
15. Introduction to Event Sourcing Some key characteristics of Event Sourcing are - NestJS - 1920x1080 164K
16. Adding an Event Store. Part 1 - NestJS - 1920x1080 408K
17. Adding an Event Store. Part 2 - NestJS - 1920x1080 388K
18. Extra Autowire Event classes - NestJS - 1920x1080 402K
19. Rehydrating Aggregates - NestJS - 1920x1080 435K
20. Snapshots What & Why - NestJS - 1920x1080 184K
21. Understanding Sagas - NestJS - 1920x1080 623K