26 - Course Resources for Dataflow SQL and Python.txt
26 - Introduction.pdf
26 - Introduction to Data Engineering with SQL
27 - Course Resources for Dataflow SQL and Python.txt
27 - SQL Workspace Setup
28 - Course Resources for Dataflow SQL and Python.txt
28 - To Bronze Data Pipeline Copy Activity
29 - SQL-To-Silver.pdf
29 - To Silver Intro to Ingesting Data in the Silver Layer
30 - To Silver Writing Silver Layer Queries part 1
31 - To Silver Writing Silver Layer Queries part 2
32 - To Silver Writing Silver Layer Queries part 3
33 - Azure Data Studio.txt
33 - To Silver Using Azure Data Studio alongside MS Fabric
34 - To Gold Intro to Ingesting Data in the Gold Layer
35 - To Gold Dimension Modeling using SQL part 1
36 - To Gold Dimension Modeling using SQL part 2
37 - To Gold Dimension Modeling using SQL part 3
38 - To Gold Creating Pipeline for Automation
39 - To Gold Data Visualization of SQL Prepared Gold Layer