وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

Microbiology Course – Bacteria, Antibiotics, and Diseases

سرفصل های دوره

Infections and Antibiotics. Everything you need to know about microbiology

1 - Introduction
  • 1 - Introduction

  • 2 - General Infections
  • 2 - Staphylococcus Aureus
  • 3 - Streptococcus
  • 4 - Anthrax
  • 5 - Lyme Disease Borreliosis
  • 6 - E Coli
  • 7 - Campylobacter
  • 8 - Legionella
  • 9 - Listeria
  • 10 - Nocardia
  • 11 - Vibrio Vulnificus

  • 3 - Infections of Newborn and Pediatrics
  • 12 - Measles Infection Rubeola
  • 13 - Neonatal Conjunctivitis
  • 14 - Rash of Newborn
  • 15 - Rheumatic Fever
  • 16 - Scarlet Fever

  • 4 - Respiratory Infections
  • 17 - Tuberculin Skin Test PPD Test
  • 18 - Respiratory Syncytial Virus
  • 19 - Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
  • 20 - Mycoplasma Pneumonia
  • 21 - Bordetella Pertussis
  • 22 - Comparing Important Respiratory Infections

  • 5 - Brain and Spine Infections
  • 23 - Meningitis
  • 24 - Prions
  • 25 - Rabies

  • 6 - Clostridium Family
  • 26 - Clostridium Botulinum
  • 27 - Clostridium Tetani
  • 28 - Clostridium Difficile and Toxic Megacolon

  • 7 - Dengue Fever
  • 29 - Dengue Fever Features
  • 30 - Symptoms Treatment and Vaccine
  • 31 - Preventing Dengue Fever

  • 8 - Dermatological infections
  • 32 - Tinea Corporis
  • 33 - SSSS vs TEN

  • 9 - Gynecology Infections
  • 34 - Group B Strep and Pregnancy
  • 35 - TORCHes Infection

  • 10 - Hepatic Infections
  • 36 - Hepatitis Viruses
  • 37 - Hepatitis B Infection Curve
  • 38 - Hepatitis B Serology
  • 39 - Hepatitis B Therapy
  • 40 - Hepatitis C Therapy

  • 11 - Microbial Genetics
  • 41 - Bacterial Conjugation
  • 42 - Bacterial Transduction
  • 43 - Bacterial Transposition
  • 44 - Viral Genetics
  • 45 - Endotoxins
  • 46 - Oncogenic Microbes
  • 47 - Positive and Negative Sense Viruses

  • 12 - Microbial Resistance
  • 48 - Bacterial Virulence Factors

  • 13 - Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • 49 - Chlamydiae Infection
  • 50 - Gonorrhea Infection
  • 51 - HIV Prophylaxis Antibiotics
  • 52 - HIV Therapy
  • 53 - Human Herpesviruses HHV
  • 54 - Human papillomavirus HPV
  • 55 - Treatment of Human papillomavirus HPV

  • 14 - Stains and Agars
  • 56 - Bacteria Agars
  • 57 - Bacteria Stains

  • 15 - Zoonotic Infections Contracted From Animals
  • 58 - Bacillary Angiomatosis
  • 59 - Zika Infection

  • 16 - Pain Management
  • 60 - Acetaminophen Paracetamol
  • 61 - Aspirin
  • 62 - NonSteroidal AntiInflammatory Drugs NSAIDs
  • 63 - Opioids

  • 17 - Antibiotics
  • 64 - Acyclovir
  • 65 - Aminoglycosides
  • 66 - Amphotericin b
  • 67 - AntiTB drugs
  • 68 - Azoles
  • 69 - Carbapenems
  • 70 - Cephalosporins
  • 71 - Clindamycin
  • 72 - Daptomycin
  • 73 - Doxycycline
  • 74 - Fluoroquinolones
  • 75 - Macrolides
  • 76 - Metronidazole
  • 77 - Penicillin
  • 78 - Penicillinases
  • 79 - Trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole
  • 80 - Vancomycin

  • 18 - Ethical Principles
  • 81 - Autonomy
  • 82 - Beneficence
  • 83 - Justice
  • 84 - Nonmaleficence

  • 19 - Miscellaneous Topics
  • 85 - Antidotes and Antitoxins
  • 86 - Autoantibodies and Autoimmune Conditions
  • 87 - Chromosomal Defects
  • 88 - Diseases Affecting The Shape of RBCs
  • 89 - Hypersensitivity
  • 90 - Isolation Precautions
  • 91 - Nosocomial Infections
  • 92 - Passive and Artificial Immunity
  • 93 - Sepsis Guidelines
  • 94 - Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis
  • 95 - Sterilization Techniques

  • 20 - CaseDiscussion
  • 96 - Case 1
  • 97 - Case 2
  • 98 - Case 3
  • 99 - Case 4
  • 100 - Case 5
  • 101 - Case 6
  • 102 - Case 7
  • 103 - Case 8
  • 104 - Case 9
  • 105 - Case 11
  • 54,900 تومان
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    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 15977
    حجم: 2357 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 225 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 15 تیر 1402
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

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