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Mastering NodeJS with Interview Questions 2024

سرفصل های دوره

Learn Express.js, REST API, MySQL, Sequelize, MongoDB, Mongoose, Handlebars, EJS, SocketIO, JWT, BcryptJS and more.

1. Introduction
  • 1. What is Node,js
  • 2. Installation and Environment Setup
  • 3. Initializing Project using NPM

  • 2. Node Basics
  • 1. First Application
  • 2. Introduction to Modules
  • 3. Exporting Object Literal - Multiple Exports
  • 4. Basic Debugging
  • 5. Global Objects
  • 6. setTimeout() - Global object Method
  • 7. clearTimeout() - Global object Method
  • 8. setInterval() - Global Object Method
  • 9. clearInterval() - Global Object Method
  • 10. The process Global Object
  • 11. Process.argv
  • 12. process.on() - Process Event Handling
  • 13. Chalk library
  • 14. OS Module
  • 15. What is REPL
  • 16. Event Loop

  • 3. Buffers
  • 1. Introduction to Buffers
  • 2. Numeric Systems
  • 3. Character sets - Unicode
  • 4. Working with Buffers
  • 5. Buffer.from()
  • 6. Changing Buffer Values

  • 4. File System Object
  • 1. What is File System Object
  • 2. Does it Exist - fs.existsSync()
  • 3. Reading Files With fs Object
  • 4. Writing Files - writeFile()
  • 5. readFile() vs readFileSync()
  • 6. fs.copyFile()
  • 7. Assignment - Copy Any File to a Given Location
  • 8. fs.appendFile()
  • 9. Reading Directory Using readdir()
  • 10. Assignment - Count files & folders of directory
  • 11. Renaming and moving Files - fs.rename()
  • 12. Deleting a File - fs.unlink()
  • 13. readdir() Vs readdirSync()
  • 14. Creating Folder using fs.mkdir()
  • 15. Delete Folder - fs.rmdir() & recursive

  • 5. HTTP Module
  • 1. Introduction - What is a server
  • 2. Creating Server with http
  • 3. Decoding The Request object
  • 4. Auto Restart Server - Nodemon
  • 5.1 Responding to request - Response object.txt
  • 5. Responding to request - Response object
  • 6.1 Routes - Request url.txt
  • 7. Sending JSON Response
  • 8.1 Assignment-Get Server Date & Time.txt
  • 8. Assignment - Get Server Date & Time
  • 9.1 form, Query String - GET method.txt
  • 9. form, Query String - GET method
  • 10.1 Request with POST method.txt
  • 10. Request with POST method
  • 11.1 POST-ing Data.txt
  • 11. POST-ing Data
  • 12.1 querystring - Parsing.txt
  • 12. querystring - Parsing
  • 13.1 Assignment - POST data to a JSON file on server.txt
  • 13. Assignment - POST data to a JSON file on server

  • 6. Express.js
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Creating Server with Express.js
  • 3. Understanding the Request
  • 4. Responding to the Request
  • 5. Headers & JSON Response
  • 6. Defining Routes
  • 7. Wildcard Characters in Routing
  • 8. Dealing with URL parameters
  • 9. POST Request With Express.js
  • 10. Accessing POST Data with Middleware
  • 11. express.Router() - Better Approach for Routes
  • 12. POSTMAN - Introduction & Installation
  • 13. Making Request Using POSTMAN
  • 14. PUT, PATCH, DELETE Request
  • 15. res.sendFile() - Serving HTML Files
  • 16. express.static()

  • 7. Middleware
  • 1. Introduction to Middleware
  • 2. First Custom Middleware
  • 3. Assignment - Create a Middleware to Check Content-Type
  • 4. The bodyParser() Middleware

  • 8. Templating Engine - Working with Pug
  • 1. Introduction to Server Side Rendering
  • 2. Project Scaffolding
  • 3.1 Creating Store HTML - Nav & Product Cards.zip
  • 3. Creating Store HTML - Nav & Product Cards
  • 4.1 Converting HTML to pug.zip
  • 4. Converting HTML to Pug
  • 5.1 Rendering the pug File.zip
  • 5. Rendering the Pug File
  • 6.1 Creating Form Using Templating Engine.zip
  • 6. Creating Form Using Templating Engine
  • 7.1 Fetching the Product Data.zip
  • 7. Fetching the Product Data
  • 8.1 Rendering Products Using eachin.zip
  • 8. Rendering Products Using each...in...
  • 9.1 Conditional Rendering - No Product Section.zip
  • 9. Conditional Rendering - No Product Section
  • 10.1 Inherited Reusable Interface - Template Layout.zip
  • 10. Inherited Reusable Interface - Template Layout
  • 11.1 Giving Dynamic Classes With Pug.zip
  • 11. Giving Dynamic Classes With Pug

  • 9. Templating Engines - Handlebars & EJS
  • 1.1 Configuring Handlebars.zip
  • 1. Configuring Handlebars
  • 2.1 Adding Dynamism with Handlebars.zip
  • 2. Adding Dynamism With Handlebars
  • 3.1 Working with Default Layout in Handlebars.zip
  • 3. Working with Default Layout in Handlebars
  • 4.1 Introduction to EJS.zip
  • 4. Introduction to EJS
  • 5.1 Component Based EJS - Partials.zip
  • 5. Component Based EJS - Partials

  • 10. Node and MySQL Basics
  • 1. Setting up the Project
  • 2. Connecting to the Database
  • 3. Querying the Database - pool.query()
  • 4. Inserting Data with pool.query()
  • 5. Updating Records with pool.query()
  • 6. Deleting Records with pool.query()
  • 7. Safer Approach for Query Execution - pool.execute()

  • 11. Database Operations with REST APIs
  • 1. Introduction to APIs
  • 2. API Creation
  • 3. Status Codes
  • 4. Inserting Data with POST Request
  • 5. Deleting Records With API
  • 6. Updating Database with PUT
  • 7. Refactoring the Code Structure

  • 12. Practical Application - MyStore API Creation - Express,js
  • 1. Introduction to MyStore
  • 2. MyStore Application Flow
  • 3. Creating Home Route
  • 4. Configuring the Template Files
  • 5. Creating Navbar with includes
  • 6. Creating Home Interface
  • 7. Conditional Rendering - No Product Found
  • 8. Configuring Add Product Route
  • 9. Creating Add Product Interface
  • 10. Configuring Edit Product Route
  • 11. Interface and Functionality - Edit Product

  • 13. Attaching MySQL with MyStore
  • 1. Setting Up MySQL
  • 2. Fetching the Products
  • 3. Adding Product to Database
  • 4. Editing the Product
  • 5. Deleting the Product

  • 14. Cookies
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Authentication Workflow
  • 3. Understanding Cookies
  • 4. Creating Cookie Using setHeader()
  • 5. res.setHeader() vs. res.cookie()
  • 6. Reading a Cookie
  • 7. Expiring Cookie - expires & maxAge Attributes
  • 8. Optional Security Attributes of Cookie

  • 15. Authentication with Session Cookie
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Setting Up the Route for SignUp
  • 3. Designing the SignUp Form
  • 4. ShowHide Password Functionality
  • 5. Validating Password
  • 6. Registering User to the Database
  • 7. Configuring Login Page
  • 8. Validating User and Sending Cookie
  • 9. Reading the Cookie - cookie-parser
  • 10. Rendering DOM Based on Login Status
  • 11. Implementing Logout
  • 12. Why Need Session Cookie
  • 13. Configuring express-session
  • 14. Sending Session Cookie to Client
  • 15. Reading and Configuring Session Cookie
  • 16. Storing Session in MySQL - express-mysql-session
  • 17. Logout - Destroying Session

  • 16. Authentication with JWT
  • 1. Introduction to JSON Web Token
  • 2.1 Understanding JWT Practically.zip
  • 2. Understanding JWT Practically
  • 3.1 Verifying a Token with JWT.zip
  • 3. Verifying a Token with JWT
  • 4.1 Sending Token on Login.zip
  • 4. Sending Token on Login
  • 5.1 Validating Request with Custom Middleware.zip
  • 5. Validating Request with Custom Middleware
  • 6.1 Enabling The Conditional Rendering.zip
  • 6. Enabling The Conditional Rendering

  • 17. Bcrypt
  • 1. Introduction & Installing Bcrypt
  • 2.1 Generating Salt with Bcrypt.zip
  • 2. Generating Salt with Bcrypt
  • 3.1 Hashing with Bcrypt.zip
  • 3. Hashing with Bcrypt
  • 4.1 Validating a Hashed String.zip
  • 4. Validating a Hashed String
  • 5.1 Hashing the Password on SignUp.zip
  • 5. Hashing the Password on SignUp
  • 6.1 Validating Login Credentials.zip
  • 6. Validating Login Credentials

  • 18. File UploadDownload with Multer
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2.1 Configuring Multer as Middleware.zip
  • 2. Configuring Multer as Middleware
  • 3.1 Storing Files Using Multer.zip
  • 3. Storing Files Using Multer
  • 4.1 Updating the Database.zip
  • 4. Updating the Database

  • 19. Sequelize
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2.1 Installing Sequelize.zip
  • 2. Connecting to MySQL using Sequelize
  • 3.1 Creating Model.zip
  • 3. Creating Model With Sequelize
  • 4.1 Entering records.zip
  • 4. Entering records in the table
  • 5.1 Displaying records.zip
  • 5. Displaying records from table
  • 6.1 Update records.zip
  • 6. Updating records from table
  • 7.1 Delete records.zip
  • 7. Deleting records from table
  • 8.1 allowNull.zip
  • 8. Validations And Constraints With Sequelize
  • 9.1 emptyString.zip
  • 9. Empty String Validation
  • 10.1 uniqueConstraint.zip
  • 10. Setting Unique Constraint
  • 11.1 lenValidator.zip
  • 11. Validating Length of Characters
  • 12.1 min_max.zip
  • 12. Built-in min and max validator
  • 13.1 customValidation.zip
  • 13. Applying Custom Validations
  • 14.1 fetchingValue.zip
  • 14. Getting the field value
  • 15.1 Assignment - UserValidation.zip
  • 15. Assignment - Implementing User Validation

  • 20. MyStore with Sequelize
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2.1 23.2. Configuring Sequelize - Code.zip
  • 2. Configuring Sequelize with MyStore
  • 3.1 23.3. Updating Product & Users model - Code.zip
  • 3. Updating Products Model
  • 4.1 23.4. Products CRUD - Code.zip
  • 4. Updating Users Model
  • 5. Synchronizing models with the database
  • 6.1 23.5. Updating User Auth - Code.zip
  • 6. Updating Product CRUD Operations
  • 7.1 23.6. Updating login session - Code.zip
  • 7. Updating User Auth
  • 8. Managing Login Session With Sequelize

  • 21. Node & MongoDB Basics
  • 1. Introduction To MongoDB
  • 2. Installing MongoDB
  • 3. Creating Database with MongoDB
  • 4. Connecting MongoDB with Node.js
  • 5.1 InsertingDocument - Code.zip
  • 5. Inserting document
  • 6.1 find() - Code.zip
  • 6. Finding Data From Collection
  • 7.1 Cursor - Code.zip
  • 7. What is a Cursor
  • 8.1 sortingLimiting - Code.zip
  • 8. Sorting and Limiting
  • 9.1 countingDocuments - Code.zip
  • 9. Counting Documents
  • 10.1 Assignment - countDocuments() .zip
  • 10. Assignment - Total Employees Earning Above 50K
  • 11.1 updatingDocuments - Code.zip
  • 11. Updating Documents
  • 12.1 Assignment - updateMany().zip
  • 12. Assignment - Increase and decrease salary by department
  • 13.1 Deleting Documents.zip
  • 13. Deleting Documents

  • 22. Mongoose - The Practical Approach
  • 1. Introduction To Mongoose
  • 2.1 Installing Mongoose.zip
  • 2. Installing Mongoose
  • 3.1 Creating model().zip
  • 3. Creating Collection Using model()
  • 4.1 Schema().zip
  • 4. Schema - A Better Way
  • 5.1 requiredConstraint .zip
  • 5. Required Constraints In Schema
  • 6.1 uniqueConstraint.zip
  • 6. Unique Constraints In Schema
  • 7.1 min & maxLength .zip
  • 7. Built-in Validators (minLength & maxLength)
  • 8.1 min & max.zip
  • 8. Built-in Numeric min & max Validators
  • 9.1 customValidation.zip
  • 9. Implementing Custom Validations
  • 10.1 {VALUE} Placeholder.zip
  • 10. { VALUE } Placeholder
  • 11.1 Assignment - Password and Email Validation.zip
  • 11. Assignment - UserSchema with Password and Email Validation
  • 12.1 CREATE Operation.zip
  • 12. CRUD With Mongoose (CREATE Operation)
  • 13.1 READ Operation.zip
  • 13. CRUD With Mongoose (READ Operation)
  • 14.1 Update Operation.zip
  • 14. CRUD With Mongoose(UPDATE Operation)
  • 15.1 DELETE Operation.zip
  • 15. CRUD With Mongoose (DELETE Operation)

  • 23. MyStore with MongoDB & Mongoose
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2.1 24.2 - Configuring Mongoose- Code.zip
  • 2. Configuring Mongoose with MyStore
  • 3.1 24.3 - Creating Product Schema and Model - Code.zip
  • 3. Creating Product Schema and Model
  • 4.1 24.4 - Creating User Schema and Model - Code.zip
  • 4. Creating User Schema and Model
  • 5.1 24.5 - Defining Product CRUD - Code .zip
  • 5. Defining Product CRUD Operations
  • 6.1 24.6 - Defining User Auth - Code.zip
  • 6. Defining User Auth
  • 7.1 24.7 - Managing Login Sessions With MongoDB - Code.zip
  • 7. Managing Login Session With MongoDB

  • 24. Socket.IO
  • 1. Introduction to web sockets
  • 2.1 Installing socket.io.zip
  • 2. Getting Started With Web Socket
  • 3.1 Configuring Socket.io.zip
  • 3. Configuring Socket.IO Server
  • 4.1 socket disconnect().zip
  • 4. Disconnecting Socket.IO With Client
  • 5.1 Transfer message.zip
  • 5. Socket.IO Events - Part 1 (Transfer messages in real time)
  • 6.1 Broadcasting message.zip
  • 6. Socket.IO Events - Part 2 (Broadcasting message)
  • 7.1 Assignment - Broadcasting Message.zip
  • 7. Assignment - Broadcasting message to connected clients
  • 8.1 eventAcknowledgement.zip
  • 8. Event Acknowledgements
  • 9.1 Rendering message.zip
  • 9.2 Rendering message.zip
  • 9. Rendering Messages Inside The Template
  • 10.1 joinForm.zip
  • 10.2 joinForm.zip
  • 10. Creating A Join Page
  • 11.1 Storing & Displaying Users(Pt1).zip
  • 11. Storing & Displaying Connected Users In Chat Page - Part 1
  • 12.1 Storing & Displaying Users(Pt2).zip
  • 12. Storing & Displaying Connected Users In Chat Page - Part 2
  • 13.1 SortingUser.zip
  • 13. Sorting The Displayed Users
  • 14.1 Updating the UI.zip
  • 14. Updating the UI
  • 15.1 privateMessage.zip
  • 15. Sending Private Message
  • 16.1 persistentUserId.zip
  • 16. Implementing A Persistent User ID
  • 17.1 sendImages.zip
  • 17. Sending Images in the Chat
  • 18.1 finalChatApp.zip
  • 18. Finalizing the chat app
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