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[Master Class] Deep Dive into React 18 + Typescript

سرفصل های دوره

Completely understand how React 18 works with Typescript

1 - Introduction
  • 1 - Introduction
  • 2 - Your Instructor
  • 3 - Why React
  • 4 - Typescript Overview

  • 2 - Refresh your Javascript Skills
  • 5 - Introduction
  • 6 - 2.Javascript-Essentials-for-ReactJS.pdf
  • 6 - Lecture for this course.html
  • 7 - Var Let and Const
  • 8 - Var Let and Const Hands On
  • 8 - var-let-const.zip
  • 9 - Logical OR and AND
  • 10 - Logical OR and AND Hands On
  • 10 - logicalorandand.zip
  • 11 - Primitive Values vs Reference Type
  • 12 - Primitive Values vs Reference Type Hands On
  • 12 - primitivevsreferencetype.zip
  • 13 - Shallow and Deep Copy
  • 14 - Shallow and Deep Copy Hands On
  • 14 - shallow-deepcopy-array.zip
  • 14 - shallow-deepcopy-object.zip
  • 15 - Spread Operator Rest Parameter Destructuring
  • 16 - Spread Operator Rest Parameter Destructuring Hands On
  • 16 - restparameters-spreadoperator-destructuring.zip
  • 17 - Class
  • 18 - Class Hands On
  • 18 - class.zip
  • 19 - This Object Arrow Function
  • 20 - This Object Arrow Function Hands On
  • 20 - this-arrowfunction.zip
  • 21 - Promises and AsyncAwait
  • 22 - Promises and AsyncAwait Hands On
  • 22 - async.zip
  • 22 - promises.zip
  • 23 - Export Import
  • 24 - Summary

  • 3 - Play with React Components
  • 25 - Introduction
  • 26 - 1.Setup-Environment.zip
  • 26 - Setup Environment
  • 27 - You can use Vite instead of craetereactapp.html
  • 28 - Component Props
  • 28 - Component-Props.zip
  • 29 - Style Class
  • 29 - Style-and-Class.zip
  • 30 - List Keys
  • 30 - List-Keys.zip
  • 31 - Conditional Rendering
  • 31 - Conditional-Rendering.zip
  • 32 - React Dev Tools
  • 32 - React-Dev-Tools.zip
  • 33 - Lifecycle of a Component
  • 33 - Lifecycle-Of-A-Component.zip
  • 34 - Solution Assignment Create a Simple UI
  • 34 - simple-ui-assignment.zip
  • 35 - Before we jump to Hooks
  • 35 - hooks-are-coming.zip

  • 4 - Data Hooks
  • 36 - Introduction
  • 37 - useState Hooks
  • 37 - useState-Hook.zip
  • 38 - useState with Objects StrictMode
  • 38 - useState-with-Object-Strict-Mode.zip
  • 39 - Controlled Uncontrolled Components
  • 39 - controlled-and-uncontrolled.zip
  • 40 - useReducer Hooks
  • 40 - useReducer-Hook.zip
  • 41 - useReducer Advance
  • 41 - useReducer-advance.zip
  • 42 - useReducer vs useState
  • 42 - useReducer-vs-useState.zip
  • 43 - Context useContext
  • 43 - context.zip
  • 44 - context-reducer.zip
  • 44 - useReducer useContext
  • 45 - useSyncExternalStore
  • 45 - useSyncExternalStore.zip
  • 46 - Solution Assignment My Book App
  • 46 - -Solution-Assignment-My-Book-App.zip
  • 47 - Batching Updates
  • 47 - batching-updates.zip

  • 5 - Refs
  • 48 - Introduction
  • 48 - refs-introduction.zip
  • 49 - useRef.zip
  • 49 - useRef Hook
  • 50 - Manipulating DOM with Refs
  • 50 - manipulating-dom-useRef.zip
  • 51 - callback Refs
  • 51 - callback-refs.zip
  • 52 - Forwarding Ref Add Ref to your component
  • 52 - forwarding-refs.zip
  • 53 - useImperativeHandle.zip
  • 53 - useImperativeHandle Hook
  • 54 - Solution Survey Form App
  • 54 - assignment-survey-form.zip
  • 55 - Display Name in React Dev Tools.html

  • 6 - useEffect
  • 56 - Introduction
  • 56 - introduction-effects.zip
  • 57 - fakeApi.zip
  • 57 - useEffect
  • 57 - useEffects.zip
  • 58 - useEffect vs Class Components.html
  • 59 - useLayoutEffect
  • 59 - useLayoutEffect.zip
  • 60 - How browsers populate the page.txt
  • 60 - Reflow and Repaint
  • 60 - Reflow-and-Repaint.pdf
  • 61 - Caution
  • 61 - caution.zip
  • 62 - Solution Assignment Users App
  • 62 - solution-users-app.zip

  • 7 - Performance Optimizations
  • 1 - Performance Optimizations.html
  • 63 - Introduction
  • 63 - Introduction.zip
  • 64 - memo
  • 64 - memo.zip
  • 65 - useMemo
  • 65 - useMemo.zip
  • 66 - useCallback
  • 66 - useCallback.zip
  • 67 - Transitions
  • 67 - transitions.zip
  • 68 - useDeferredValue
  • 68 - useDeferredValue.zip
  • 69 - Render Commit Phase
  • 69 - Render-Commit-Phase.pdf
  • 70 - React Fiber
  • 70 - React-Fiber.pdf
  • 71 - Lazy Suspense
  • 71 - lazy-suspense.zip
  • 72 - Understanding Suspense
  • 72 - fakeApi.zip
  • 72 - suspense.zip
  • 73 - Profiler React Dev Tools
  • 73 - React Dev Tools Chrome Extension.txt
  • 73 - profiler-dev-tools.zip
  • 74 - Profiler Component
  • 74 - analytics.zip
  • 74 - profiler-component.zip

  • 8 - More Hooks
  • 75 - Introduction
  • 76 - useId
  • 76 - useId.zip
  • 77 - Create a Custom Hook
  • 77 - custom-hook.zip
  • 78 - useDebugValue
  • 78 - useDebugValue.zip
  • 79 - Solution Assignment Create Custom Hook
  • 79 - useHovering.zip

  • 9 - Thank You and Congratulations
  • 80 - Congratulations.html
  • 45,900 تومان
    بیش از یک محصول به صورت دانلودی میخواهید؟ محصول را به سبد خرید اضافه کنید.
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 38309
    حجم: 4255 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 558 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 20 تیر 1403
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    45,900 تومان
    افزودن به سبد خرید