1. Bottom Navigation Drawer
2. How to Create Custom Shapes in Flutter
3. Create Custom AppBar
4. Search bar and Categories
5. Create Carousal Slider (Scrollable Banners)
6. Product Card Design and Display them in Grid Layout
7. Store Screen Design (Nested Scroll View, Brand Cards, Show Brands in Grid View)
8. Categories in Tab Bar with Custom Brand Showcase
9. Wishlist or Favorites Screen Design
10. App Settings Screen
11. Profile Screen
12. Products Detail Screen Design
13. Products Detail Screen Design (Part )
14. Ratings and Reviews
15. Addresses Screen (Add or Remove addresses)
16. Cart Screen Design
17. Checkout Screen Design
18. Orders Screen Design
19. Sub Categories Screen Design
20. All Products Screen Design
21. All Brands Screen and Brand Specific Products Screen