1. 1-D Array in C with Examples
2. Roll a Die!
3. Compute the Summation of Two Matrices
4. Compute the Multiplication of two Matrices
5. Write a Function to Find the Maximum Element in an Array
6. Write a Function to Find the Maximum Element in an Array
7. Compute the Average of an Integer array by using a Function
8. Write a Function to Count the Number of Even Elements in an array
9. Initialize an Array with Random Numbers
10. Count the Number of Occurrences of X in an Array
11. How to return an Array as the return value of a Function
12. Reverse an Array in Place
13. Merge two Sorted Array by using a Function
14.1 main.zip
14. Create a 2-D array with Dynamic Memory Allocation Technique.
15.1 main.zip
15. Compute the Mirror of an Image