1 - Introduction to Arduino UNO
2 - Say hello world using an Arduino UNO on Serial Monitor
3 - Blinking an LED with an Arduino UNO
4 - Arduino UNO interface with a push button
5 - Arduino UNO interface with a Potentiometer using ADC pins
6 - Arduino UNO interface with an RGB module
7 - Arduino interface LDR Light Dependent Resistor
8 - Arduino UNO interface microwave radar module
9 - Arduino UNO interface IR LED to detect fire
10 - Arduino UNO interace potentiometer to control the brightness of an LED
11 - How to use a dowhile loop in an Arduino UNO
12 - Using Arduino UNOs PWM pin to control the brightness of an LED
13 - Arduino UNO interface piezeoresistor to detect knocks
14 - Sound detection using an Arduino UNO
15 - Use Arduino UNO and piezeoresistor to plot detected vibrations data
16 - A Extra lecture A comparison between arduino UNO and PIC16F877A microcontroller