1. Coding - Introduction
2. Q196. Write a function that returns the reverse of a string
3. Q197. Write a function that returns the longest word in the sentence
4. Q198. Function that checks whether a given string is a palindrome or not
5. Q199. Write a function to remove duplicate elements from an array
6. Q200. Write a function that checks whether two strings are anagrams or not
7. Q201. Write a function that returns the number of vowels in a string.
8. Q202. Write a function to find the largest number in an array.
9. Q203. Write a function to check if a given number is prime or not
10. Q204. Write a function to calculate the factorial of a number
11. Q205. Write a program to remove all whitespace characters from a string.
12. Q206. Write a function to find the sum of all elements in an array
13. Q207. Write a function to find the average of an array of numbers
14. Q208. Write a function to sort an array of numbers in ascending order
15. Q209. Write a function to check if an array is sorted in ascending order or not
16. Q210. Write a function to merge two arrays into a single sorted array
17. Q211. Write a function to remove a specific element from an array
18. Q212. Write a function to find the second largest element in an array
19. Q213. Write a function to reverse the order of words in a given sentence
20. Q214. Function to find the longest common prefix among an array of strings
21. Q215. Write a function to find the intersection of two arrays
22. Q216. Write a function to calculate the Fibonacci sequence up to a given number