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Java Interview Masterclass: Top 350 Questions (PDF)(2024)

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Topics - Java Coding/ OOPS/ Exception Handling/ Collections/ Multithreading/ Generics/ Spring Boot/ MVC/ REST Services

1. Introduction
  • 1.1 Java-Code.zip
  • 1. Course Structure and Introduction (PDF books attached in resources)
  • Files.zip

  • 2. Java-Basics
  • 1. Java-Basics Introduction
  • 2. Q. What is Java
  • 3. Q. What are JDK, JRE & JVM How a Java program compiled or executed
  • 4. Q. What is compile-time and run-time in Java
  • 5. Q. What are the main features and advantages of Java
  • 6. Q. How Java is platform independent Why convert java code to bytecode
  • 7. Q. How to setup VS Code for Java (not an interview question)
  • 8. What is the role of public, static and void in it
  • 9. Q. What is Java Bytecode What is high-level, low-level code

  • 3. Variables & Data types
  • 1. Variables & Data types
  • 2. Q. What are variables & data types What are the types of data types
  • 3. Q. What are primitive data types
  • 4. Q. What are reference non-primitive data types
  • 5. Q. What are the differences between primitive and reference data types

  • 4. Operators
  • 1. Operators Introduction
  • 2. Q. What are Operators What the types of operators in Java
  • 3. Q. What are Arithmetic Operators
  • 4. Q. What are Assignment Operators
  • 5. Q. What are Comparison Operators When to use them
  • 6. Q. What are Logical Operators When to use them
  • 7. Q. What are Unary Operators
  • 8. Q. What are Ternary (Conditional) Operators
  • 9. Q. What is instanceOf Operator

  • 5. Control statements - Basics
  • 1. Control statements - Basics - Introduction
  • 2. Q. What are control statements in Java
  • 3. Q. What are conditional statements What is if-elseif-else condition
  • 4. Q. What are looping statements in Java What is while loop
  • 5. Q. What is the difference between while loop and for loop
  • 6. Q. What is the difference between break and continue statement

  • 6. Control statements - Advanced
  • 1. Control statements - Advanced - Introduction
  • 2. Q. What is the difference between while loop and do-while loop
  • 3. Q. How to decide which loop(for, while, do-while) to use in real applications
  • 4. Q. What is the difference btw for loop and for-each loop When to use for-each l
  • 5. Q. What is switch statement
  • 6. Q. When to use which type of conditional statements in real applications

  • 7. Mock Interview Question and Answers - 1
  • 1. Java-Basics, Variables & Data types, Operators, Control statements
  • 2. Java-Basics, Variables & Data types, Operators, Control statements

  • 8. String & StringBuilder
  • 1. String & StringBuilder - Introduction
  • 2. Q. What is StringBuilder Difference between String and StringBuilder
  • 3. Q. When to use String and when to use StringBuilder in real applications
  • 4. Q. What is the concept of string pool in Java
  • 5. Q. Difference between == and equals() method for comparing strings
  • 6. Q. What are the important methods of String class

  • 9. Arrays
  • 1. Arrays
  • 2. Q. What is an Array Why we need array in real applications
  • 3. Q. How to declare and initialize an array How to access array elements
  • 4. Q. What is the length property of an array
  • 5. Q. How do you iterate over an array in Java

  • 10. OOPS - Classes, Objects & Package
  • 1. OOPS - Classes, Objects & Package - Introduction
  • 2. Q. What is OOPS What are the main concepts of OOPS
  • 3. Q. What are classes and objects Why use them in applications
  • 4. Q. How to implement classes and objects in Java
  • 5. Q. What are the members of class
  • 6. Q. What is the role and benefit of package in Java

  • 11. OOPS - Access Specifiers, Getter-Setter & this keyword
  • 1. OOPS - Access Specifiers, Getter-Setter & this keyword
  • 2. Q. What are access specifiers What are public and private specifiers
  • 3. Q. What is the role of default access specifier Difference btw public, private
  • 4. Q. What is the role of this keyword in java When to use it
  • 5. Q. Why to use same names for class fields and parameter name in Setter method
  • 6. Q. What are getter and setter methods
  • 7. Q. What are the advantages of getter and setter methods
  • 8. Q. What are the 4 principles pillars of OOPS

  • 12. Mock Interview Question and Answers - 2
  • 1. OOPS - Classes, Objects, Access Specifiers, Getter-Setter & this keyword
  • 2. OOPS - Classes, Objects, Access Specifiers, Getter-Setter & this keyword

  • 13. OOPS - Inheritance
  • 1. OOPS - Inheritance - Introduction
  • 2. Q. What is inheritance and when to use inheritance in real applications
  • 3. Q. How to implement inheritance in Java
  • 4. Q. What are the different types of Inheritance When to use what
  • 5. Q. What is multiple inheritance Does Java support it
  • 6. Q. Why Java does not support multiple inheritance of classes
  • 7. Q. What is the alternative of multiple inheritance in Java
  • 8. Q. How to prevent a class from being inherited

  • 14. OOPS - Polymorphism
  • 1. OOPS - Polymorphism - Introduction
  • 2. Q. What is polymorphism
  • 3. Q. What are the types of polymorphism
  • 4. Q. What is Method Overloading How to implement it and when to use it
  • 5. Q. Why do we call method overloading as a type of compile-time or early binding
  • 6. Q. In how many ways can a method be overloaded
  • 7. Q. If two same methods have different return type, then are methods are overload
  • 8. Q. What is Method Overriding
  • 9. Q. Why to use method overriding Why dont we have different name methods
  • 10. Q. How to implement method overriding
  • 11. Q. Why we call method overriding as a run-time or late binding
  • 12. Q. What are the 5 differences between Overloading and Overriding
  • 13. Q. What are Annotations in Java

  • 15. OOPS - Encapsulation & Abstraction
  • 1. OOPS - Encapsulation & Abstraction - Introduction
  • 2. Q. What is Encapsulation
  • 3. Q. How to achieve Encapsulation in Java
  • 4. Q. What are the advantages of Encapsulation in Java
  • 5. Q. What is Abstraction How to implement abstraction
  • 6. Q. What is the difference between abstraction and encapsulation

  • 16. Mock Interview Question and Answers - 3
  • 1. OOPS - Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation & Abstraction
  • 2. OOPS - Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation & Abstraction

  • 17. Abstract class & Interface
  • 1. Abstract class & Interface - Introduction
  • 2. Q. What is abstract class In Java How to implement it
  • 3. Q. When to use abstract class in real applications
  • 4. Q. What are interfaces in Java How to implement it
  • 5. Q. When to use interfaces in real applications
  • 6. Q. Differences between an Abstract class & an Interface
  • 7. Q. What are default methods When to use default methods
  • 8. Q. Can you create an instance of an Abstract class or an Interface
  • 9. Q. Do abstract class can have Constructors What is the use of that constructor
  • 10. Q. Do Interface can have a constructor
  • 11. Q. When to use Interface and when Abstract class in real applications
  • 12. Q. How to achieve abstraction Abstraction vs Abstract class

  • 18. Constructors
  • 1. Constructors - Introduction
  • 2. Q. What is Constructor in Java
  • 3. Q. What are the types of constructors What is Default constructor
  • 4. Q. What is Parameterized constructor When to use it in real applications
  • 5. Q. What is constructor overloading When to use it in real applications
  • 6. Q. What is constructor chaining
  • 7. Q. What is copy constructor
  • 8. Q. When to use copy constructor in real applications
  • 9. Q. Can a constructor have a return type
  • 10. Q. What will happen if no constructor is defined inside the class
  • 11. Q. What is the role of super keyword

  • 19. Mock Interview Question and Answers - 4
  • 1. Abstract class & Interface, Constructors
  • 2. Abstract class & Interface, Constructors

  • 20. Exception Handling - Basics
  • 1. Exception Handling - Basics - Introduction
  • 2. Q. What is Exception Handling How to implement it in Java
  • 3. Q. What is the role of finally in exception handling
  • 4. Q. When to use finally in real applications
  • 5. Q. Can we have multiple catch blocks
  • 6. Q. What is catch-all block Is it a good practice in real applications
  • 7. Q. Can we execute all catch blocks at one time

  • 21. Exception Handling - Advanced
  • 1. Exception Handling - Advanced - Introduction
  • 2. Q. What is the role of throw keyword in exception handling When to use it
  • 3. Q. What is the role of throws keyword in exception handling
  • 4. Q. What are the differences between throw and throws keywords
  • 5. Q. What are the types of exceptions in Java
  • 6. Q. What are checked and unchecked exceptions

  • 22. Mock Interview Question and Answers - 5
  • 1. Exception Handling
  • 2. Exception Handling

  • 23. Collections - Basics
  • 1. Collections - Basics - Introduction
  • 2. Q. What are collections and what is their use in Java
  • 3. Q. What are the types of collections in Java
  • 4. Q. What are Iterable & Collection interfaces
  • 5. Q. What are List, Queue & Set collections What is the difference between them
  • 6. Q. What is Arraylist How to implement it and when to use it
  • 7. Q. What are the differences between Array and Arraylist
  • 8. Q. What is HashSet What are the differences btw ArrayList(List) & HashSet(Set)
  • 9. Q. What is Map In Java Which classes implements Map interface
  • 10. Q. What is HashMap In Java How to implement it and when to use it
  • 11. Q. What are the differences btw HashSet(Set) and HashMap(Map)

  • 24. Collections - Advanced
  • 1. Collections - Advanced - Introduction
  • 2. Q. What is LinkedList in Java What are Singly and Doubly linked list
  • 3. Q. How to implement LinkedList Difference between Arraylist & LinkedList
  • 4. Q. What are Collections
  • 5. Q. What is TreeSet in Java What is the difference between HashSet and TreeSet
  • 6. Q. What is the difference between HashMap and HashTable
  • 7. Q. What are the advantages of using collections

  • 25. Mock Interview Question and Answers - 6
  • 1. Collections
  • 2. Collections

  • 26. Multithreading - Overview
  • 1. Multithreading - Overview - Introduction
  • 2. Q. What is Process and Thread What is the difference between them
  • 3. Q. Explain Multithreading What is the advantage of it
  • 4. Q. What is Main Thread & Daemon Thread in Java

  • 27. Multithreading - Implementation
  • 1. Multithreading - Implementation
  • 2. Q. In how many ways we can implement multithreading in Java
  • 3. Q. How to implement multithreading using Thread class
  • 4. Q. How to implement multithreading using Runnable Interface
  • 5. Q. What is the differences between Thread class & Runnable interface
  • 6. Q. What are some important methods of Thread class

  • 28. Mock Interview Question and Answers - 7
  • 1. Multithreading
  • 2. Multithreading

  • 29. Generics - Basics
  • 1. Generics - Basics - Introduction
  • 2. Q. What is the role of Generics in Java
  • 3. Q. What is a Generic method How to implement Generic method
  • 4. Q. What is a Generic class How to implement Generic class
  • 5. Q. What are type parameters and type arguments What is T in Generic class
  • 6. Q. When to use Generic method and when to use Generic class in Java

  • 30. Generics - Advanced
  • 1. Generics - Advanced - Introduction
  • 2. Q. What are bounded type parameters in generics
  • 3. Q. Can primitive types be used as type arguments in generics
  • 4. Q. How to use Generics with Collections
  • 5. Q. What is Type Safety How generics provide type safety
  • 6. Q. What is Type casting How generics eliminates type casting
  • 7. Q. What are the advantages of using Generics

  • 31. Mock Interview Question and Answers - 8
  • 1. Generics
  • 2. Generics

  • 32. Lambda expression
  • 1. Lambda expression - Introduction
  • 2. Q. What is lambda expression and lambda operator
  • 3. Q. What is the difference between normal interface and functional interface
  • 4. Q. How to use lambda expression to implement functional interfaces
  • 5. Q. Can we use lambda expression for non-functional interfaces

  • 33. Types of Classes - Inner class & Final class
  • 1. Types of Classes - Inner class & Final class - Introduction
  • 2. Q. What are the types of classes in Java
  • 3. Q. What are Inner Classes (Nested Classes)
  • 4. Q. What is Final class in Java
  • 5. Q. What is Final method in Java
  • 6. Q. What is the role of final keyword

  • 34. Types of Classes - Static class & Enum
  • 1. Types of Classes - Static class & Enum
  • 2. Q. What is the role of Static method
  • 3. Q. When to use static methods in real applications
  • 4. Q. What is Static nested class
  • 5. Q. What is the role of static keyword in Java
  • 6. Q. What is Enum What is the use of it in real applications
  • 7. Q. How to use and implement Enums

  • 35. Mock Interview Question and Answers - 9
  • 1. Types of Classes
  • 2. Types of Classes

  • 36. Coding Question and Answers
  • 1. Array Coding Problems
  • 2. Q. What are the must-know pre-requisites for solving basic coding problems
  • 3. Q. What is the common approach for solving coding problems
  • 4. Q. Write a function to calculate the sum of all elements in an array.
  • 5. Q. Write a function to calculate the average of an array of numbers.
  • 6. Q. Write a function to find the smallest number in an array.
  • 7. Q. Write a function to find the largest number in an array.
  • 8. Q. Write a function to find the second largest number in an array.

  • 37. Array Coding Problems Using Functions
  • 1. Array Coding Problems Using Functions
  • 2. Q. What are the top 5 important array functions used in coding problems
  • 3. Q. Write a function to check whether two arrays are same or not
  • 4. Q. Function to check if a given array is sorted in ascending order or Not
  • 5. Q. Write a function to merge two arrays into a single sorted array.
  • 6. Q. Write a function to remove a specific element from an array.

  • 38. String Coding Problems
  • 1. String Coding Problems
  • 2. Q. Write a function that counts the number of characters in a string
  • 3. Q. How to iterate a string
  • 4. Q. Write a function that returns the reverse of a string
  • 5. Q. Write a function that checks whether a given string is a palindrome or not

  • 39. String Coding Problems Using Functions
  • 1. String Coding Problems Using Functions
  • 2. Q. What are the important methods of String class
  • 3. Q. What are some more important methods of String class
  • 4. Q. Write a function that returns the longest word in the sentence.
  • 5. Q. Write a function to remove all whitespace characters from a string.
  • 6. Q. Write a function that counts the number of vowels in a string
  • 7. Q. Write a function that checks whether two strings are anagrams or not

  • 40. Number Coding Problems
  • 1. Number Coding Problems
  • 2. Q. Write a function to calculate the factorial of a number.
  • 3. Q. What is the difference between ++i and i++
  • 4. Q. Write a function that checks whether a number is prime or not
  • 5. Q. How to swap two numbers in Java
  • 6. Q. Write a function to calculate the GCD for two numbers.
  • 7. Q. Write a function to sum the digits of a number.
  • 8. Q. Write a function to calculate the Fibonacci sequence up to a given number.

  • 41. Coding Algorithms
  • 1. Coding Algorithms
  • 2. Q. Write a function to sort an array of numbers in ascending order(Bubble Sort).
  • 3. Q. Write a function to search an element in any array(Binary Search)
  • 4. End
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