1. The difference between General Training and Academic
2. The assessment criteria
3. The official answer sheet
4. Paper or computer IELTS
5. Mindset change
6. Types of questions in Task 1 Academic
7. Types of questions in Task 1 General Training
8. Types of questions in Task 2
9. Strategies for Task 1 General Training
10. Strategies for Task 1 Academic
11. Strategies for Task 2
12. Creating an outline for Task 2
13. Time management
14. How and how often you should practice
15. What each band score looks like
16. How to get a 7 in the writing test
17. Paraphrasing
18. Grammar for the writing test 1
19. Vocabulary for the writing test 1
20. Common topics in Task 2
21. 10 things to be careful about in the test
22. Conjunctions for better cohesion
23. Why practice makes it perfect
24. Whats next