1. Course Introduction
2. Introduction To Exploitation
3. Banner Grabbing
4. Vulnerability Scanning With Nmap Scripts
5. Vulnerability Scanning With Metasploit
6. Searching For Publicly Available Exploits
7. Searching For Exploits With SearchSploit
8. Fixing Exploits
9. Cross-Compiling Exploits
10. Netcat Fundamentals
11. Bind Shells
12. Reverse Shells
13. Reverse Shell Cheatsheet
14. The Metasploit Framework (MSF)
15. PowerShell-Empire
16. Windows Black Box Penetration Test
17. Port Scanning & Enumeration - Windows
18. Targeting Microsoft IIS FTP
19. Targeting OpenSSH
20. Targeting SMB
21. Targeting MySQL Database Server
22. Linux Black Box Penetration Test
23. Port Scanning & Enumeration - Linux
24. Targeting vsFTPd
25. Targeting PHP
26. Targeting SAMBA
27. AV Evasion With Shellter
28. Obfuscating PowerShell Code
29. Course Conclusion