1.1 GitHub Code Repository.html
1. Introduction to Vertex AI Google PaLM API
2.1 GitHub Code Repository.html
2. The Game Plan
3.1 GitHub Code Repository.html
3.2 Vertex AI REST API Documentation.html
3. Vertex AI REST API Integration
4.1 environment variables.zip
4.2 examples.zip
4.3 GitHub Code Repository.html
4.4 PaLM REST API Documentation.html
4.5 PaLM REST API Quickstart.html
4. PaLM REST API Integration
5.1 environment variables.zip
5.2 examples.zip
5.3 GitHub Code Repository.html
5.4 Install the Vertex AI Client Libraries.html
5.5 nuget packages.txt
5.6 Vertex AI .NET Client Library.html
5. Vertex AI SDK Integration
6.1 environment variables.zip
6.2 GitHub Code Repository.html
6. Creating Your Own GenAI Bot