1. Changing The Position of the Sun and Setting Up For Adding In Art
2. Managing Exposure Settings in Unreal Engine
3. Downloading Some Environmental Art From Epic Store (FREE ASSETS)
4. Adding 3D Environment Assets Basics
5. Adjustments To The Position Of Background 3D Assets
6. Exponential Height Fog Adjustments
7. Recommendations Before Adding 2D Art To The Project
8. Adding 2D Art Into Unreal Engine
9. Adding A 2D Sprite To A Character
10. Adding A 2D Sprite Animation To Your Character
11. How To Add A simple 3D Model To Our Scene As The Pillar
12. Changing The Materials On 3D Objects
13. How To Add Niagara Particle Effects To An Object
14. Adding illumination To Our Material
15. Explaining How Niagara Particles Work And How To Use Them
16. Advanced Material Editing For The Final Boss
17. Advanced Material Editing Part 2
18. Advanced Material Editing Part 3
19. Setting Up Before Using Chaos Physics
20. Creating Destructible Objects in Unreal Engine
21. Replacing 3D Asset Of The Pillar And Mesh Troubleshooting
22. Switching To Quixel Megascans For 3D Assets For Our Pillar
23. Adding Destruction To Megascan Objects
24. Performance Optimisations By Despawning Assets After A Time
25. Adding Impact To The Pillar (This is a long one)
26. Overview on the last few parts of Unreal Engine To Be Covered
27. Adding a health bar to the player and some troubleshooting
28. Adding Damage to the Pillar and the Homing Projectile
29. Pause The Game Once Player Health goes below zero
30. Adding A Deathscreen
31. Adding Buttons To The Deathscreen
32. Adding Audio Into Unreal Engine
33. Adding Audio Components To All Blueprints
34. Final Words Of Encouragement For Your Game Development Journey