01 installation database and migration refresher
02 creating and accessing the relationship
03 creating an address
04 updating an address
05 deleting an address
06 scoping to get the most recent address
07 building a working example
08 defining one to many relationships
09 two ways to insert
10 accessing the relationship data
11 deleting records
12 updating records
13 adding modifiers directly to the relationship
14 creating a postable timeline app
15 defining a belongs to relationship
16 associating relations
17 switching up keys
18 debugging the issue
19 eager loading
20 defining many to many relationships
21 attaching relations
22 detaching relations
23 attaching and detaching multiple relations
24 eager loading
25 defining the inverse of the relationship
26 intermediate table columns
27 filtering by intermediate columns
28 syncing relations
29 defining and using has many through relationships
30 using has one through relationships
31 setting up a practical example
32 defining and using a has one of many relationship
33 using aggregate functions