وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

Docker and Kubernetes Projects | Beginner to Advanced

سرفصل های دوره

Real-Time hands-on Projects from different Tools deployment to gain in-depth knowledge of Containerization platforms

1. Project Docker Engine Deploy wordpress application
  • 1. Introduction to WordPress and MySQL Deployment
  • 2. WordPress and MySQL Deployment on Docker Engine
  • 3. Resource cleanup

  • 2. Project Docker Engine Implement overlay network without Docker swarm tool
  • 1. Understanding Docker overlay network
  • 2. Implementing Docker overlay network
  • 3. Points to consider while working with overlay network

  • 3. Project Docker Engine Jenkins application data disaster recovery using volumes
  • 1. Understanding Jenkins deployment using volume mount architecture
  • 2. Jenkins CICD application deployment using volume mount

  • 4. Project Docker Engine NFS storage with Docker storage volume mount
  • 1. Understanding remote storage using NFS server
  • 2. Implement Docker volume mount with NFS server

  • 5. Docker Project Nginx webapp running as non-root user
  • 1. Deploy Nginx app on Ubuntu 22.04 base image as non-root user

  • 6. Project Docker Engine Container image vulnerability scan using Trivy tool
  • 1. Basic understanding of Trivy tool
  • 2. Deploy and configure Trivy
  • 3. Demo Basic Image vulnerability scan
  • 4. Demo Container Image
  • 5. Container Image scan on files inside Image
  • 6. Container Image scan on Image metadata

  • 7. Project Docker Engine Docker Engine CIS benchmark testing
  • 1. CIS benchmark walkthrough
  • 2. Installation Docker bench security tool (Run as script)
  • 3. Installation Docker bench security tool (Run as container)
  • 4. Optional Challenges with script as a command
  • 5. Scenario 1 Run benchmark check and fix
  • 6. Scenario 2 Run benchmark check and fix
  • 7. Scenario Post fix validation (Manual)
  • 8. Docker security bench logging

  • 8. Project DockerEngine Implement CICD for Image build &push to DockerHub registry
  • 1. GitHub and Docker Hub account walkthrough
  • 2. GitHhub intergration with VS Code
  • 3. Scenario 1 Implement Dockerfile for Nginx webapp
  • 4. Scenario 1 GitHub Secrets for authentication
  • 5. Scenario 1 GitHub actions workflow YAML (GitHub actions)
  • 6. Scenario 1 GitHub actions execution
  • 7. Scenario 2 Repository tags
  • 8. Scenario 2 Repository tags

  • 9. Project Docker Engine Implement CICD for Image vulnerability scan
  • 1. Image vulnerability scan implementation (build and push action)
  • 2. CICD workflow Commit changes to run Image scan (dynamic tagging)
  • 3. Manual Run github workflow
  • 4. Run Build, Scan and Push github workflow

  • 10. Project Docker Engine Node application on Docker Engine
  • 1. Project Introduction
  • 2. Project agenda
  • 3. AWS EC2 Instance setup for Docker Engine
  • 4. EC2 ssh access and configuration
  • 5. Basic check of Docker Engine tool and directory structure
  • 6. K8SEngineers application deployment workflow
  • 7. PostgreSQL deployment workflow
  • 8. PostgreSQL Implement Dockerfile
  • 9. PostgreSQL Implement scripts to initialize
  • 10. PostgreSQL Download and access initial DB backup file
  • 11. PostgreSQL Build image from Dockerfile
  • 12. Launch PostgreSQL database
  • 13. NodeJS deployment workflow
  • 14. Backend Clone repository for k8sengineers backend code
  • 15. Backend Implement Dockerfile
  • 16. Backend Define ENV for NodeJS to access PostgreSQL
  • 17. Backend Build Image from Dockerfile
  • 18. Backend Launch NodeJS container
  • 19. Backend Check NodeJS health after deployment
  • 20. ReactJS deployment workflow
  • 21. Frontend Clone repository for k8sengineers frontend code
  • 22. Frontend Implement Dockerfile
  • 23. Frontend Build image from Dockerfile
  • 24. Frontend Launch ReactJS container
  • 25. Allow ports to access k8sengineers application
  • 26. Conclusion Access application to verify deployment

  • 11. Project Docker Compose Node application using Docker Compose
  • 1. Changes for Docker Compose
  • 2. Implement Docker compose file
  • 3. Image build with Docker compose
  • 4. Deploy service with Docker compose
  • 5. Update AWS Rote53 with A and CNAME record
  • 6. Access application after deployment
  • 7. Cleanup activity

  • 12. Project AWS ECS Node on AWS ECS
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Project agenda
  • 3. Application deployment workflow
  • 4. PostgreSQL architecture
  • 5. ECS VPC network architecture
  • 6. VPC network components
  • 7. ECS Cluster walkthrough
  • 8. GitHub repository for PostgreSQL
  • 9. IAM user for terraform workflow
  • 10. Terraform VPC datasource
  • 11. Terraform task role and policies
  • 12. Terraform PostgreSQL task definition
  • 13. Terraform Security group
  • 14. Terraform NLB and Targetgroups
  • 15. Terraform ECS datasource
  • 16. Terraform PostgreSQL ECS service
  • 17. Terraform Push to GitHub repo
  • 18. GitHub Actions secrets for IAM keys
  • 19. Terraform Remote state storage and state locking
  • 20. GitHub Implement workflow actions yaml
  • 21. GitHub actions Resource creation
  • 22. Fix failures PostgreSQL DB check
  • 23. Fix failures Update workflow aws s3 command
  • 24. K8S application (React and Node) architecture
  • 25. Node app GitHub repo setup and vs code configuration
  • 26. Node app Code walkthrough
  • 27. Node app Dockerfile
  • 28. Node app GitHub actions workflow implementation
  • 29. Node app Image build and push to ECR workflow
  • 30. React app ECR repository configuration
  • 31. React app GitHub repo setup and vs code configuration
  • 32. React app Dockerfile
  • 33. React app GitHub workflow execution and fix failures
  • 34. Terraform GitHub repository setup and vs code configuration
  • 35. Terraform Provider block
  • 36. Terraform Task role and policies
  • 37. Terraform Security group and rules
  • 38. Terraform ALB and target groups
  • 39. Terraform ECS node service and task definition
  • 40. Terraform ECS react service and task definition
  • 41. AWS S3 bucket for ENV files
  • 42. Terraform Route53 configuration
  • 43. Terraform GitHub actions workflow YAML
  • 44. Terraform Deployment process
  • 45. Terraform cleanup resources activity

  • 13. Project AWS EKS Node on AWS EKS
  • 1. PostgreSQL GitHub repository configuration
  • 2. Manage repository from VS code for PostgreSQL
  • 3. Implement PostgreSQL Dockerfile
  • 4. PostgreSQL startup scripts
  • 5. Implement PostgreSQL github actions workflow
  • 6. AWS ECR repository for PostgreSQL image
  • 7. Update repository Secrets with IAM User credentials and ECR repository
  • 8. PostgreSQL Trigger GitHub actions with Image build workflow
  • 9. EKS cluster walkthrough
  • 10. Integrate ECR policy to EKS Compute nodes (EC2)
  • 11. Kubernetes secrets to store PostgreSQL credentials
  • 12. AWS EBS CSI driver for EKS Cluster
  • 13. AWS EBS StorageClass
  • 14. Part 1 Implement StatefulSet object for PostgreSQL deployment
  • 15. Part 2 Implement StatefulSet object for PostgreSQL deployment
  • 16. Access PostgreSQL DB with Service type ClusterIP
  • 17. NodeJS K8SEngineers backend repository
  • 18. Manage repository from VS code for NodeJS
  • 19. Implement Dockerfile for NodeJS
  • 20. Skip files to Image build with .dockerignore
  • 21. Implement NodeJS github actions workflow
  • 22. Update repository Secrets with IAM User credentials and NodeJS ECR repository
  • 23. NodeJS Trigger GitHub actions with Image build workflow
  • 24. Re-build NodeJS Image with custom .env file
  • 25. Implement Deployment YAML for NodeJS
  • 26. Create deployment object for NodeJS
  • 27. Expose NodeJS through k8s service type ClusterIP
  • 28. ReactJS K8SEngineers backend repository
  • 29. Manage repository from VS code for ReactJS
  • 30. Implement Dockerfile for ReactJS
  • 31. Add nginx default configuration and .dockerignore
  • 32. Implement ReactJS github actions workflow
  • 33. Update repository Secrets with IAM User credentials and ReactJS ECR repository
  • 34. ReactJS Trigger GitHub actions with Image build workflow
  • 35. Create deployment object for ReactJS and service ClusterIP
  • 36. Integrating AWS Load Balancer controller for Layer-7 routing on EKS
  • 37. ReactJS Ingress rules
  • 38. NodeJS Ingress rules
  • 39. Ingress rule for SSL redirection
  • 40. AWS Certificate Manager for SSL communication
  • 41. Ingress rule with AWS SecurityGroup
  • 42. Create Ingress object for AWS ALB
  • 43. Add DNS record for k8sdevops.in domain with ALB DNS as alias
  • 44. k8sdevops.in application accessiability
  • 45. Resource cleanup activity
  • 139,000 تومان
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