1. PostgreSQL GitHub repository configuration
2. Manage repository from VS code for PostgreSQL
3. Implement PostgreSQL Dockerfile
4. PostgreSQL startup scripts
5. Implement PostgreSQL github actions workflow
6. AWS ECR repository for PostgreSQL image
7. Update repository Secrets with IAM User credentials and ECR repository
8. PostgreSQL Trigger GitHub actions with Image build workflow
9. EKS cluster walkthrough
10. Integrate ECR policy to EKS Compute nodes (EC2)
11. Kubernetes secrets to store PostgreSQL credentials
12. AWS EBS CSI driver for EKS Cluster
13. AWS EBS StorageClass
14. Part 1 Implement StatefulSet object for PostgreSQL deployment
15. Part 2 Implement StatefulSet object for PostgreSQL deployment
16. Access PostgreSQL DB with Service type ClusterIP
17. NodeJS K8SEngineers backend repository
18. Manage repository from VS code for NodeJS
19. Implement Dockerfile for NodeJS
20. Skip files to Image build with .dockerignore
21. Implement NodeJS github actions workflow
22. Update repository Secrets with IAM User credentials and NodeJS ECR repository
23. NodeJS Trigger GitHub actions with Image build workflow
24. Re-build NodeJS Image with custom .env file
25. Implement Deployment YAML for NodeJS
26. Create deployment object for NodeJS
27. Expose NodeJS through k8s service type ClusterIP
28. ReactJS K8SEngineers backend repository
29. Manage repository from VS code for ReactJS
30. Implement Dockerfile for ReactJS
31. Add nginx default configuration and .dockerignore
32. Implement ReactJS github actions workflow
33. Update repository Secrets with IAM User credentials and ReactJS ECR repository
34. ReactJS Trigger GitHub actions with Image build workflow
35. Create deployment object for ReactJS and service ClusterIP
36. Integrating AWS Load Balancer controller for Layer-7 routing on EKS
37. ReactJS Ingress rules
38. NodeJS Ingress rules
39. Ingress rule for SSL redirection
40. AWS Certificate Manager for SSL communication
41. Ingress rule with AWS SecurityGroup
42. Create Ingress object for AWS ALB
43. Add DNS record for k8sdevops.in domain with ALB DNS as alias
44. k8sdevops.in application accessiability
45. Resource cleanup activity