وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

Developing Kubernetes Operators from the Ground Up

سرفصل های دوره

01 Introduction
  • 001 Course Introduction
  • 001 building operators from the ground up documentation.zip
  • 1669765100414-1146 - Developing Kubernetes Operators from the Ground Up - Complete Course PDF (1).pdf

  • 02 What You Will Need
  • 001 Introduction What You Will Need
  • 002 Go Programming Language
  • 002 go programming language download page.zip
  • 002 tutorial get started with go.zip
  • 003 kind
  • 003 kind quick start documentation.zip
  • 004 Operator SDK
  • 004 operator sdk installation documentation.zip
  • 005 Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM)
  • 005 olm installation documentation.zip
  • 006 Image Registry
  • 006 docker hub loginregistration.zip
  • 008 Recap What You Will Need

  • 03 How to Develop an Operator
  • 001 Introduction How to Develop an Operator
  • 001 operator sdk quickstart.zip
  • 002 Hello Operator
  • 002 kubernetes operator documentation.zip
  • 003 Project Overview
  • 004 Create the Operator Project
  • 004 operator sdk project creation documentation.zip
  • 005 Recap How to Develop an Operator

  • 04 Bootstrap a New Operator
  • 001 Introduction Bootstrap a New Operator
  • 001 documentation covered in the section.zip
  • 002 Understand Kubernetes APIs
  • 002 kubernetes api documentation.zip
  • 003 Define the API
  • 003 create the api and controller documentation.zip
  • 004 Implement the Controller
  • 004 implementing the controller documentation.zip
  • 005 Generate Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Manifests
  • 005 generate rbac manifests documentation.zip
  • 006 Recap Bootstrap a New Operator

  • 05 Test and Deploy
  • 001 Introduction Test and Deploy
  • 002 Run Outside of a Cluster
  • 002 run the operator documentation.zip
  • 003 Run as a Deployment
  • 003 run as a deployment operator documentation.zip
  • 004 Deploy with Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM)
  • 004 deploy your operator with olm documentation.zip
  • 005 Create the Custom Resource (CR)
  • 005 create the custom resource for the operator documentation.zip
  • 007 Recap Test and Deploy
  • 007 go operator tutorial.zip

  • 06 Conclusion
  • 001 Course Summary
  • 001 go operator tutorial.zip
  • 002 Conclusion and Whats Next
  • 002 designing applications for kubernetes.zip
  • 002 hands-on kubernetes troubleshooting.zip
  • 002 implementing a full cicd pipeline.zip
  • 002 kubernetes the hard way.zip
  • 54,900 تومان
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    تولید کننده:
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    حجم: 1690 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 115 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 12 فروردین 1402
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