1. Grouping of data using mapper
2. Split comma separated string into an Array
3.1 sample in.zip
3. Convert JSON String into Native JSON payload
4.1 sample in.zip
4. Convert JSON to String
5. Parallel Execution of Actions
6. Save Payload into DB for Future Purpose
7. Download and Upload attachments to database
8. How to use Private Endpoint to connect to private resources with agent
9.1 fixedlength.zip
9. How to read fixed length file and push data to database
10. Filter unique records using for-each-group
11. Validate Items and Sum (Balancing & Control) from summary of the file data
12. How to filter data from CSV file
13. How to set your own chunk size in Read file in Segment
14. Storing secrets in OCI Vault and leverage in Integration for APIs authentication
15. Leverage OCI Vault to sign request payload using own private keys
16. Leverage OCI Vault to verify the request using own private key