1 - Introduction and Syllabus
2 - Architecture and Introduction of DeltaLake
3 - How Delta table differs from Normal tables
4 - Create a Delta table
5 - Generate Column in Delta table
6 - Read a Delta table
7 - Write to a Delta table
8 - ReplaceWhere while writing to Delta table
9 - Delete a Delta table
10 - Update a Delta table
11 - Upsert or Merge Statment in Delta tables
12 - Understand transactional logs in deltalog folder
13 - How to go to time travel in Delta table using History
14 - Restore Delta table to previous version
15 - How to add constraint in Delta table
16 - How to add user meta data information in a Delta table
17 - Schema evolution and enforcement in Delta table
18 - Shallow and Deep Clone of Delta table
19 - Addition on Deep and Shallow Clone of Delta table
20 - How to enable Change Data Feed in Delta table
21 - Reduce small file issue using optimize