1. Project Scope and Background
2. Taking out the operational requirement
3. Storage Design
4. Implement Data Security
5. Implement Resource Policies
6. Decouple Data Ingestion
7. Design Bronze Layer
8. Design Silver and Gold Layer
9. Setup your environment
10. Create a workspace
11. Create and Storage Layer
12. Setup Unity Catalog
13. Create Metadata Catalog and External Locations
14. Setup your source control
15. Start Coding
16. Test your code
17. Load historical data
18. Ingest into bronze layer
19. Process the silver layer
20. Handling multiple updates
21. Implementing Gold Layer
22. Creating a run script
23. Preparing for Integration testing
24. Creating Test Data Producer
25. Creating Integration Test for Batch mode
26. Creating Integration Test for Stream mode
27. Implementing CI CD Pipeline
28. Develop Build Pipeline
29. Develop Release Pipeline
30.1 Data Set.zip
30.2 Notebooks.zip
30.3 Other Code.zip
30. Creating Databricks CLI Script