وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

Data Structures and Algorithms-Deep Dive into Core Concepts

سرفصل های دوره

Mastering the Essentials of Efficient Programming

1. Introduction to Data Structures
  • 1. Introduction

  • 2. Arrays
  • 1. Introduction to arrays
  • 2. Inserting an element in an array
  • 3. Deleting an element from an Array
  • 4. Traversal and Searching in an Array
  • 5. Advantages and Disadvantages of arrays

  • 3. Linked lists
  • 1. Introduction of Linked Lists
  • 2. Singly Linked Lists - Traversal and Searching
  • 3. Singly Linked Lists - Insertion at the Beginning and the End
  • 4. Singly Linked Lists - Insertion at the Middle
  • 5. Singly Linked Lists - Deletion at the Beginning and the End
  • 6. Singly Linked Lists - Deletion at the Middle
  • 7. Circular Singly Linked Lists - Insertion
  • 8. Circular Singly Linked Lists - Deletion
  • 9. Doubly Linked Lists - Introduction
  • 10. Doubly Linked Lists - Insertion at the beginning and the end
  • 11. Doubly Linked Lists - Insertion at the Middle
  • 12. Doubly Linked Lists - Deletion at the Beginning and the End
  • 13. Doubly Linked Lists - Deletion at the Middle
  • 14. Circular Doubly Linked Lists - Introduction
  • 15. Circular Doubly Linked Lists - Insertion
  • 16. Circular Doubly Linked Lists - Deletion
  • 17. Linked Lists - Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications

  • 4. Stacks
  • 1. Stacks Introduction
  • 2. Stack Implementation Using Array
  • 3. Stack Implementation Using Array - Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications
  • 4. Stack Implementation Using Linked Lists
  • 5. Stack Implementation Using L L - Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications
  • 6. Stack Applications
  • 7. Stack Applications - Reversing a List and Balancing Symbols
  • 8. Stack Applications - Infix to Postfix Conversion 1
  • 9. Stack Applications - Infix to Postfix Conversion 2
  • 10. Stack Applications - Infix to Postfix Conversion 3
  • 11. Stack Applications - Evaluating Postfix Expression
  • 12. Stack Applications - Recursion

  • 5. Queues
  • 1. Queue Introduction
  • 2. Queue Implementation Using Array

  • 6. Trees
  • 1. Tree Traversals
  • 2. Tree Traversals - In-Order Traversal
  • 3. Tree Traversals - Pre-Order Traversal
  • 4. Tree Traversals - Post-Order Traversal
  • 5. AVL Tree - Rotations (LL, RR, LR, RL)
  • 6. AVL Tree - Insertion

  • 7. Graphs
  • 1. Graph Traversals - Breadth-First Search (BFS)
  • 2. Graph Traversals - Depth-First Search (DFS)
  • 3. Breadth-First Search (BFS) Vs Depth-First Search (BFS)
  • 4. Minimum Spannoing Tree (MST) - Prims Algorithm
  • 5. Minimum Spannoing Tree (MST) - Kruskals Algorithm

  • 8. Searching Algorithms
  • 1. Linear Search
  • 2. Binary Search - Example
  • 3. Binary Search - Pseudocode and Time Complexity Analysis
  • 4. Difference Between Linear Search and Binary Search

  • 9. Sorting Algorithms
  • 1. Bubble Sort - Example, Pseudocode and Time Complexity Analysis
  • 2. Insertion Sort - Example
  • 3. Insertion Sort - Pseudocode and Time Complexity Analysis
  • 4. Quick Sort - Example
  • 5. Quick Sort - Pseudocode and Time Complexity Analysis
  • 6. Merge Sort - Example
  • 7. Merge Sort - Pseudocode and Time Complexity Analysis
  • 54,900 تومان
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    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 39370
    حجم: 5312 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 772 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 9 مرداد 1403
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

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