1. Generation (source systems) Intro
2. Generation (source systems) Types of databases
3. Section 2 - Quiz 1.html
4. Generation (source systems) Third-party systems and event streams
5. Storage Intro
6. Storage Serialization (storage file formats), compression, and caching
7. Storage Distributed storage
8. Storage Types of storage systems
9. Storage Row-based vs columnar storage (or OLTP vs OLAP)
10. Storage Data warehouse, data lake, and data lakehouse
11. Section 2 - Quiz 2.html
12. Ingestion Batchmicro-batchstreaming ingestion and ETL vs ELT
13. Ingestion Streaming ingestion
14. Ingestion Scalability and upstream schema changes
15. Ingestion Different ways to ingest data
16. Transformation Queries
17. Transformation Data modeling
18. Transformation Queries and transformations
19. Transformation Events vs states and batch vs streaming
20. Serving
21. Section 2 - Quiz 3.html