01 - Course Overview
02 - Getting Started
03 - Creating the Skeleton
04 - Creating the Animation Controls
05 - Building the Ribbon Surface
06 - Adding Hair Follicles to the Ribbon
07 - Driving the Ribbon with a Wire Deformer
08 - Adding Twist to the Spine
09 - Finalizing the Twist Setup
10 - Driving the Mid Spine Control
11 - Adding Driven Bend Functionality
12 - Fixing the Body Anim Twist
13 - Creating the Stretch Blendshape
14 - Creating the Squash Blendshape
15 - Hooking up Squash and Stretch
16 - Finalizing the Spine Rig
17 - Creating the Leg Joints
18 - Building the IK Hind Leg Rig
19 - Adding Foot Roll
20 - Creating the Pole Vector Control
21 - Adding Space Switching
22 - Integrating the Leg Rig
23 - Adding the Twist Joints
24 - Finalizing the Leg Rig
25 - Setting up the IK Rig
26 - Adding Foot Roll and Knee Controls
27 - Adding the FK Space Switching
28 - Setting up Twists and Finalizing
29 - Creating the Arm Skeleton
30 - Building the IK Arm Rig
31 - Building the FK Arm Rig
32 - Setting up Rig Blending
33 - Setting up Arm Twists
34 - FK Arm Space Switching
34 - FK Arm Space Switching (fix)
35 - Finalizing the Arm Rig
36 - Placing the Finger Joints
37 - Placing the Thumb Joints
38 - Creating the Finger Controls
39 - Setting up IK Hand Roll
40 - Finalizing IK Hand Roll
41 - Finalizing Hand Rigging
42 - Building the Wing Proxy Mesh
43 - Creating the Wing Skeleton
44 - Skinning the Proxy Wing
45 - Building the Wing Rig
46 - Adding Animation Controls
47 - Adding Offset Controls
48 - Finalizing the Wing Rig
49 - Mirroring the Joints and Weights
50 - Mirroring the IK Arm Rig
51 - Mirroring the FK Arm Rig
52 - Setting up Rig Blending
53 - Wrapping up the Arm Rig
54 - Mirroring the Finger Rigs
55 - Setting up the Hand Roll
56 - Wrapping up the Hand Rig
57 - Mirroring the IK Wing Rig
58 - Mirroring the FK Wing Rig
59 - Wrapping up the Wing Rig
60 - Adding the Head Joint and Weighting
61 - Building the Head Rig
62 - Rigging the Jaw
63 - Rigging the Left Ear
64 - Mirroring the Ear Rig
65 - Adding the Eye Joints and Weights
66 - Rigging the Left Eye
67 - Rigging the Right Eye
68 - Weighting the Upper Eyelid
69 - Weighting the Lower Eyelid
70 - Setting up Blink Controls
71 - Wrapping up the Head Rig
72 - Fixing the Spine Twist
73 - Rigging the Ring and Fur
74 - Placing the Cloth Joints
75 - Building the Cloth Proxy Mesh
76 - Setting up the Cloth Simulation
77 - Prepping the Scene for Delivery
78 - Pose Tests and Engine Tests