3 - The Program Interface
4 - The Move Tool
5 - The View Tool
6 - The Zoom Tool
7 - The three Personas
8 - The Tools of the Designer Persona
9 - Tools of the Pixel Persona
10 - Tools of the Export Persona
11 - The Toolbar
12 - The Context Toolbar
13 - The Color Panel
14 - The Panel Swatches
15 - The Panel Stroke
16 - The Panel Brushes
17 - The Panel Layers
18 - The Panel Effects
19 - The Panel Styles
20 - The Panel Text Styles
21 - The Panel Stock
22 - The Panel Transform
23 - The History Panel
24 - The Navigator Panel
25 - The Symbols Panel
26 - The Appearance Panel
27 - The Assets Panel
28 - The Panel Constraints
29 - The Panel Glyph Browser
30 - The Panel Isometric
31 - The Panel Character
32 - The Panel Paragraph
33 - The Panel Slice
34 - The Panel Export Options
35 - The Panel Layer Export Persona
36 - The Panel Snapshot
37 - The Panel 32 Bit Preview
38 - Preferences User Interface