1. Cat Command
2. Cal Command (calendar)
3. CD Command
4. cmp diff Command
5. cp command (copy files)
6. Date command
7. Egrep Command
8. File Permissions
9. Find command
10. Find files by names command
11. Find files by type and perm
12. grep command
13. ls command (List)
14. Mkdir command (make the directory)
15. Modes command
16. mv command (move files)
17. Paste command
18. pwd command (present working directory)
19. rm command (to remove the files)
20. Sort command
21. touch command
22. tr command (translate)
23. Uname command
24. uniq command
25. Users last command
26. w command (who)
27. wc command (word count)
28. whereis command
29. whoami command
30. who command
31. who-is-logged command