وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING in procurement and supply

سرفصل های دوره

Ultimate guide to CONTRACT MANAGEMENT in purchasing and supply

1 - Analyse the documentation that can comprise a commercial agreement
  • 1 - Introduction and Overview
  • 2 - The thing about commercial agreements contracts
  • 3 - The thing about quotations
  • 4 - Regarding Tenders and Tendering process
  • 5 - Developing specifications
  • 6 - Key performance indicators KPIs
  • 7 - Do KPIs need to be contractual
  • 8 - CONSEQUENCES of meeting or not meeting the KPI targets.html
  • 9 - Understanding Contractual terms
  • 10 - Standard and model form contracts
  • 11 - PDF DOWNLOAD Examples of model forms of contract.html
  • 12 - Key sections of the contractual terms document
  • 13 - Pricing and other schedules

  • 2 - Analyse the legal issues that relate to the creation of contracts
  • 14 - Introduction and overview
  • 15 - Why you need to understand legal aspects relating to business
  • 16 - Essentials of a valid contract
  • 17 - The OFFER
  • 18 - Types of offers
  • 19 - Acceptance of the offer
  • 20 - Communication of acceptance & EXCEPTIONS.html
  • 21 - Consideration
  • 22 - Contractual capacity
  • 23 - Intention to create legal relation
  • 24 - The battle of forms and precedence of contract terms
  • 25 - The Vienna convention on contracts of international sale of goods
  • 26 - Vitiating elements or factors
  • 27 - DOWNLOAD Vitiating factors Summary PDF.html
  • 27 - DOWNLOAD-Vitiating-factors-Summary.pdf

  • 3 - Types of contractual agreements made between customers and suppliers
  • 28 - Introduction and Overview
  • 29 - Oneoff purchases
  • 30 - Reasons for and risks of oneoff purchase contracts
  • 31 - Framework arrangements and agreements
  • 32 - Informal framework arrangements
  • 33 - Formal framework agreements
  • 34 - Call offs
  • 35 - The use of minicompetitions
  • 36 - Services contracts service level agreements
  • 37 - Contracts for the hiring and leasing of assets

  • 4 - Analyzing the content of specifications for procurements
  • 38 - Introduction and Overview
  • 39 - Drafting specifications
  • 40 - ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES of starting from a prewritten specification
  • 41 - Developing market dialogue with suppliers
  • 42 - The use of standards in specifications
  • 43 - Typical sections of a specification
  • 44 - Including social and environmental criteria in specifications
  • 45 - The role of information assurance in developing specifications

  • 5 - Appraise examples of key performance indicators KPIs in contractual agreements
  • 46 - Introduction and overview
  • 47 - How many kpis do you need
  • 48 - Sources of data and who controls them
  • 49 - Converting a measure into a score and setting targets
  • 50 - Setting targets
  • 51 - 5 five steps to defining KPIs
  • 52 - The use of service level agreements SLAs
  • 53 - Important things to know in SLA.html
  • 54 - DOWNLOAD Designing Service Level agreement SLA.html
  • 54 - DOWNLOAD-designing-service-level-agreement-SLA.pdf
  • 55 - DOWNLOAD Examples of Typical KPI measures.html
  • 55 - DOWNLOAD-Examples-of-Typical-KPI-measures.pdf

  • 6 - Contractual terms for contracts that are created with external organizations
  • 56 - The use of EXPRESS terms.html
  • 57 - Why do you need express terms in a contract.html
  • 58 - Express terms and contract schedules.html
  • 59 - Common-issues-with-contractual-terms.pdf
  • 59 - PDF DOWNLOAD Establishing what express terms of a contract are.html
  • 60 - PDF DOWNLOAD The use of standard terms of business by both purchasers and suppl.html
  • 60 - The-use-of-standard-terms-of-business-by-both-purchasers-and-suppliers.pdf
  • 61 - Advantages and disadvantages of standard terms.html
  • 54,900 تومان
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    مدت زمان: 183 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 22 دی 1401
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