1. Coding the HTML of the navbar
2. Coding the CSS of the navbar
3. Handling the JavaScript of the navbar
4. Creating the structure of the Hero section
5. Coding the CSS of the Hero section
6. Responsive of the Hero section
7. HTML of the dual content section
8. Creating CSS utility classes
9. Correcting a little bug
10. Coding the dual content CSS
11. Dual content responsiveness
12. Adding the slider JavaScript feature
13. HTML of the Prestations section
14. CSS of the Prestations section
15. Creating the team sections structure
16. Team section CSS
17. Coding the HTML of the CSS Slider
18. Handling CSS Slider style
19. Coding the Contact HTML
20. Coding the Contact CSS
21. How to add the smooth scroll
22. How to read a mockup and the usage of REM