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Certified Kubernetes Application Deeloper (CKAD) Prep Course

سرفصل های دوره
  • Course Introduction
  • Domain Introduction Application Deployment Domain Objecties
  • Domain Introduction Application Design and Build Domain Objecties
  • Domain Introduction Application Enironment, Configuration & Security Domain Objecties
  • Domain Introduction Application Obserability & Maintenance Domain Objecties
  • Domain Introduction Serices & Networking Domain Objecties
  • Lesson 1.1 Oeriew and Objecties
  • Lesson 1.2 Domains and Curriculum Details
  • Lesson 1.2 Domains and Curriculum Details (1)
  • Lesson 1.3 Exam Enironment and Tips
  • Lesson 1.4 Exam Preparation and Practice Tests
  • Lesson 2.1 Introduction to Kubernetes
  • Lesson 2.2 High-leel Kubernetes Architecture
  • Lesson 2.3 Adantages of using Kubernetes
  • Lesson 3.1 Kubernetes Primities and Objects
  • Lesson 3.2 Managing Objects with kubectl
  • Lesson 3.3 Object Management Exam Essentials
  • Lesson 4.1 Introduction to Container Fundamentals
  • Lesson 4.2 Building Container Images and Running Containers
  • Lesson 4.3 Exercise Defining, Building, and Running a Container Image
  • Lesson 4.4 Container Fundamentals Exam Essentials
  • Lesson 5.1 Introduction to Pods and Namespaces
  • Lesson 5.2 Running and Configuring Applications in Containers with Pods
  • Lesson 5.3 Grouping Objects in Namespaces
  • Lesson 5.4 Exercise Creating, Inspecting, and Interacting with a Pod in a Namespace
  • Lesson 5.5 Pods and Namespaces Exam Essentials
  • Lesson 6.1 Introduction to Jobs and CronJobs
  • Lesson 6.2 Jobs Executing one-time operations with Jobs
  • Lesson 6.3 Exercise Creating and inspecting a Job
  • Lesson 6.4 CronJobs Executing Periodic Operations with CronJobs
  • Lesson 6.5 Exercise Creating and inspecting a CronJob
  • Lesson 6.6 Jobs and CronJobs Exam Essentials
  • Lesson 7.1 Introduction to Volumes
  • Lesson 7.2 Using Ephemeral Volumes in Pods
  • Lesson 7.3 Exercise Creating and Using an Ephemeral Volume
  • Lesson 7.4 Proisioning Persistent Volumes and Using them in a Pod
  • Lesson 7.5 Exercise Creating and using a Persistent Volume using static Proisioning
  • Lesson 7.6 Volumes Exam Essentials
  • Lesson 8.1 Introduction to Multi-Container Pods
  • Lesson 8.2 Understanding Init containers
  • Lesson 8.3 Exercise Adding an init Container
  • Lesson 8.4 Understanding Common Multi-Container Design Patterns
  • Lesson 8.5 Exercise Implementing the Adapter Pattern
  • Lesson 8.6 Exercise Implementing the Ambassador Pattern
  • Lesson 8.7 Multi-Container Pods Exam Essentials
  • Lesson 9.1 Introduction to Labels and Annotations
  • Lesson 9.2 Understanding Labels
  • Lesson 9.3 Understanding Annotations
  • Lesson 9.4 Exercise Using Labels and Annotations
  • Lesson 9.5 Labels and Annotations Exam Essentials
  • Lesson 10.1 Introduction to Deployments
  • Lesson 10.2 Exercise Performing Rolling Updates and Manually Scaling a Deployment
  • Lesson 10.3 Autoscaling Workloads
  • Lesson 10.4 Exercise Creating a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler for a Deployment
  • Lesson 10.5 Deployment Strategies
  • Lesson 10.6 Exercise Implementing the Blue-Green Deployment Strategy
  • Lesson 10.7 Deployment Exam Essentials
  • Lesson 11.1 Introduction to Helm
  • Lesson 11.2 Discoering and Installing a Public Helm Chart
  • Lesson 11.3 Exercise Installing an Existing Helm Chart from the Central Chart Repository
  • Lesson 11.4 Building and Installing a Custom Helm Chart
  • Lesson 11.5 Exercise Implementing, Packaging, and Installing a Custom Helm Chart
  • Lesson 11.6 Helm Exam Essentials
  • Lesson 12.1 Introduction to API Deprecations
  • Lesson 12.2 API Deprecation Scenarios by Example
  • Lesson 12.3 Exercise Identifying and Replacing a Deprecated API
  • Lesson 12.4 API Deprecations Exam Essentials
  • Lesson 13.1 Introduction to Probes
  • Lesson 13.2 Health Probes and Verification Methods
  • Lesson 13.3 Exercise Defining Probes for a Container
  • Lesson 13.4 Probes Exam Essentials
  • Lesson 14.1 Introduction to Metrics Serer
  • Lesson 14.2 Collecting and Rendering Node and Pod Resource Metrics
  • Lesson 14.3 Exercise Determining Metrics for Pods
  • Lesson 14.4 Metrics Serer Exam Essentials
  • Lesson 15.1 Introduction to Troubleshooting Pods and Containers
  • Lesson 15.2 Troubleshooting Techniques
  • Lesson 15.3 Exercise Troubleshooting a Pod that has Issues at Runtime
  • Lesson 15.4 Troubleshooting Pods and Containers Exam Essentials
  • Lesson 16.1 Introduction to Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)
  • Lesson 16.2 Understanding a CRD by Example
  • Lesson 16.3 Exercise Defining and Interacting with a CRD
  • Lesson 16.4 Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) Exam Essentials
  • Lesson 17.1 Introduction to Authentication and Authorization
  • Lesson 17.2 Authentication ia credentials in kubeconfig
  • Lesson 17.3 Role-based Access Control (RBAC)
  • Lesson 17.4 Using a SericeAccount with RBAC
  • Lesson 17.5 Exercise Regulating Access to API Resources with RBAC
  • Lesson 17.6 Authentication and Authorization Exam Essentials
  • Lesson 18.1 Introduction to Resource Management
  • Lesson 18.2 Defining Container Resource Requests and Limits
  • Lesson 18.3 Exercise Defining Container Resource Requests and Limits
  • Lesson 18.4 Constraining Resource Consumption with a ResourceQuota
  • Lesson 18.5 Exercise Defining a Resource Quota for a Namespace
  • Lesson 18.6 Constraining or Defaulting Resource Allocations with a LimitRange
  • Lesson 18.7 Exercise Creating a Pod Conforming with LimitRange in Namespace
  • Lesson 18.8 Resource Management Exam Essentials
  • Lesson 19.1 Introduction to ConfigMaps and Secrets
  • Lesson 19.2 Creating and consuming a ConfigMap
  • Lesson 19.3 Exercise Representing a file in a ConfigMap and Mounting it as a Volume
  • Lesson 19.4 Creating and Consuming a Secret
  • Lesson 19.5 Exercise Representing Plain-Text Values in a Secret and Injecting them as Enironment Variables
  • Lesson 19.6 ConfigMaps and Secrets Exam Essentials
  • Lesson 20.1 Introduction to Security Context
  • Lesson 20.2 Defining Container Security Settings by Example
  • Lesson 20.3 Exercise Defining a Security Context on the Pod- and Container-leel
  • Lesson 20.4 Security Context Exam Essentials
  • Lesson 21.1 Introduction to Serices
  • Lesson 21.2 Exposing a Stable Network Endpoint to Pods with a Serice
  • Lesson 21.3 Exercise Routing Traffic to Pods from Inside and Outside of a Cluster
  • Lesson 21.4 Serices Exam Essentials
  • Lesson 22.1 Introduction to Troubleshooting Serices
  • Lesson 22.2 Troubleshooting Techniques for Serices
  • Lesson 22.3 Exercise Troubleshooting a Serice
  • Lesson 22.4 Troubleshooting Serices Exam Essentials
  • Lesson 23.1 Introduction to Ingresses
  • Lesson 23.2 Route HTTP(S) Traffic from the Outside of the Cluster to Serice(s)
  • Lesson 23.3 Exercise Defining and using an Ingress without TLS
  • Lesson 23.4 Ingresses Exam Essentials
  • Lesson 24.1 Introduction to Network Policies
  • Lesson 24.2 Constraining Network Communication between Pods
  • Lesson 24.3 Exercise Restricting access to and from a Pod with Network Policies
  • Lesson 24.4 Network Policies Exam Essentials
  • 54,900 تومان
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 38850
    حجم: 9487 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 490 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 9 مرداد 1403
    دسته بندی محصول
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    54,900 تومان
    افزودن به سبد خرید