00 Introduction
01 Setting Up Blender
02 Workspace And Shortcuts
03 A First Scatter
04 Geometry Nodes As A Tool
05 How Does Geometry Nodes Work
06 Modeling And Materials
07 Understanding Instancing
08 Introducing The Glade Scene
09 Mesh Displacement
10 Scattering A Collection
11 Wind I Animated Noise
12 Wind Ii Affecting The Rotation
13 Wind Iii Looping The Animation
14 Using Vertex Groups
15 Instancing On Vertices
16 The Raycast Node
17 The Attribute Statistic Node
18 The Geometry Proximity Node
19 Movement Along A Spline
20 Looping Around A Spline
21 Instancing The Birds
22 Instancing Lamps
23 Setting Up Billboards
24 Extra Challenges And Wrap-Up