1. Introduction - Agenda
2. Introduction to Loops
3. Working with while loop with an Example
4. Working with do..while loop with an Example
5. Working with for loop with an Example
6. The 3 Important Sections of Loops
7. Working with Logical Loop
8. Program to Print Natural Numbers from 1 to 100 using all the 3 Loops
9. Write a Program to Print Odd Numbers from 1 to N
10. Write a Program to Inputted Name Length Number of times
11. Write a Program to Print Sum of first 10 Natural Numbers
12. What is Debugging and Explain with an Example
13. Write a Program to Print Table for the Inputted Number
14. Write a Program to Count Number of Digits from the Inputted Number
15. Write a Program to Calculate Sum of Digits
16. Write a Program to Reverse the Inputted Number
17. Introduction to Nested Loops
18. Introduction to Jump Statements
19. Working with break keyword with examples
20. Working with continue keyword with an example
21. Working with goto Keyword with Examples
22. Working with return keyword with an example
23. Write a Program to Check Whether the Inputted Number is Prime or Not
24. Write a Program to Print Prime Numbers Till 100
25. Write a Program to Check Whether the Inputted Number is Armstrong or Not
26. do..while loop Importance - Read Characters till the User enters X
27. Logical Loop Importance - Reading Numbers till the user enters 0 or -VE Numbers,
28. Write a Program to Print Factorial of an Inputted Number
29. Write a Program to Print Fibonacci Series (1,1,2,3,5,8,13,...100) till 100
30. Write a Program to Find Biggest of 10 Numbers
31. Write a Program to Check Whether the Inputted No is Perfect No or Not
32. Write a Program to Check Whether the Inputted No is Strong No or Not
33. Write a Program to Find HCFGCD of Two Inputted Numbers
34. Write a Program to Find LCM of Two Inputted Numbers
35. Introduction to Random Number Generation and Its Example Programs
36. Working with kbhit() function with an Example
37. Understanding Infinite Loops with an Example
38. Common Mistakes Made By Every Programmer