1. Is this course for you
2.1 Assignment 1.02 writer responsibility.docx
2.2 Assignment 1.02 writer responsibility.pdf
2.3 Blog post How your culture shapes the way you write.html
2. Tone of voice 1 English as a writer-responsible culture
3. Tone of voice 2 Using indirect language to be polite
4.1 Assignment 1.03.pdf
4.2 Economist article This may interest you.html
4. Practical activity Interpret the real meaning behind these phrases.html
5. Tone of voice 3 Three words to avoid!
6. Tone of voice 4 Flat hierarchies in anglophone business culture
7.1 Assignment 1.6 rephrase requests.docx
7.2 Assignment 1.6 rephrase requests.pdf
7. Practical activity make this email more polite.html
8.1 Cribsheet 1.06.docx
8. Names and titles how they work in English
9. Greeting people politely
10.1 Assignment - greeting people politely.docx
10.2 Assignment - greeting people politely.pdf
10. Practical activity Choose the right greeting.html
11. Signing-off politely
12. Subject lines
13.1 Assignment 1.11 - subject lines.docx
13.2 Assignment 1.11 - subject lines.pdf
13. Practical activity rewrite these subject lines.html