1. Introduction
2. Creating Basket module
3. Fixing Module error
4. Creating basket routes
5. Testing the UI
6. Creating Basket Types
7. Implementing UUID package
8. Creating the basket service using ChatGPT
9. Implementing the basket service methods
10. Extending Basket service methods
11. Mapping product to basket Item
12. Implementing upsert method
13. Adding basket item from product item page
14. Removing UUIDV4 package to fix the issue
15. Fixing the basket error
16. Modifying app component to capture basket details
17. Implementing the cart no functionality
18. Implementing the basket tooltip
19. Designing the basket page
20. Designing the Basket page - 2nd Part
21. Calculating Basket sub total
22. Creating the Order Summary page
23. Implementing Basket increment, decrement, remove functionality
24. Working basket functionality