وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

Building Database Web App PHP | OOP | PDO | AJAX | MySQL

سرفصل های دوره

A complete solution to learning and building a fully functional Web Application Using PHP, OOP, PDO, Bootstrap and AJAX

1 - Section 1 Setting up Server Environment
  • 1 - Building-App-Files.zip
  • 1 - Course Introduction and File Download
  • 1 - Working-Files.zip
  • 2 - Fixing Admin Dashboard Error Solution
  • 3 - Downloading and Installing Local Server
  • 4 - Downloading and Installing Code Editor plugins
  • 5 - Setting up the Environment Final Step

  • 2 - Section 2 PHP Fundamentals
  • 6 - PHP Introductions
  • 7 - Syntax open echo string
  • 8 - PHP Variables Logical Comparison Operators
  • 9 - Statement if else elseif
  • 10 - Array Indexed Associative
  • 11 - Exercise1.zip
  • 11 - Exercise 1 with Solution And Explanation

  • 3 - Section 2 PHP Advance
  • 12 - Loops foreach
  • 13 - Functions and Arguments
  • 14 - Include Super Global
  • 15 - Super Globals SERVER POST GET
  • 16 - Filters Validate and Sanitize
  • 17 - Echo Concatenation
  • 18 - Exercise2.zip
  • 18 - Exercise 2 with Solution And Explanation

  • 4 - Section 3 Object Oriented Programming OOP Basics
  • 19 - OOP Overview
  • 20 - Object
  • 21 - Classes
  • 22 - Properties
  • 23 - Property Declaration Access Modifier

  • 5 - Section 3 Object Oriented Programming OOP Advance
  • 24 - Static Methods and Properties scope resolution operator
  • 25 - Class Inheritance
  • 26 - Construct Destruct methods
  • 27 - Exception Handling Error Messages
  • 28 - Exercise3.zip
  • 28 - Exercise 3 with Solution and Explanation

  • 6 - Section 4 MySQL Database
  • 29 - Overview of MySQL
  • 30 - Creating Database and Tables
  • 31 - Connecting to Database and SQL Syntax Functions
  • 32 - Inserting Updating Data
  • 33 - Selecting Deleting Data
  • 34 - Looping through your results and Displaying it

  • 7 - Section 5 PHP Data Objects PDO
  • 35 - Overview of PDO Database abstraction layer
  • 36 - Understanding PDO class and its Methods
  • 37 - Understanding PDO Statement Class and its Methods
  • 38 - Understanding PDO Statement Class Cont Exception Class
  • 39 - Exercise Creating our Database Class and Testing Connection
  • 39 - PDO-Class.zip
  • 40 - Creating our Database Helper functions and Instantiating our Class
  • 40 - PDO-Class.zip
  • 41 - Performing CRUD Functionalities Using PDO

  • 8 - Section 6 PHP Forms
  • 42 - Form Overview Getting and Filtering Cleaning Data
  • 43 - Passing Data to Database using Our PDO functions
  • 44 - Getting Data from Database and Displaying in our form
  • 45 - Updating Data into our Database using our form

  • 9 - Section 7 Asynchronous JavaScript and EXtensibleMarkupLanguage AJAX
  • 46 - AJAX Overview
  • 47 - Understand JQuery AJAX ajax post Methods
  • 48 - Creating Functions withs JQuery AJAX ajax Method
  • 49 - Creating Functions withs JQuery AJAX post Method

  • 10 - Section 8 Database Wep App Project FrontEnd
  • 50 - Building-App-Files.zip
  • 50 - Completed-App-Files.zip
  • 50 - Project Overview and Dummy File Download
  • 51 - Creating our Database with phpAdmin
  • 52 - Creating our Helper Functions

  • 11 - Section 9 Database Wep App Project Admin Section
  • 53 - Admin Registrations Collecting and Cleaning Form Data
  • 54 - Admin Registration Processing Form Data
  • 55 - Collecting Data and Processing Login
  • 56 - Creating Sessions data for Logged in Users
  • 57 - Using our sessions to control pages and display profile images
  • 58 - Working on myadmin account after login
  • 59 - Processing Admin Account Deletion
  • 60 - Processing Admin Updating Editing
  • 61 - Wrapping up Admin Section

  • 12 - Section 10 Database Wep App Project Customers Section
  • 62 - Fixing Links and Securing Pages
  • 63 - Registering New Customer
  • 64 - Avoiding Duplicates and Displaying all Customers
  • 65 - Editing Customers
  • 66 - Deleting Customers
  • 67 - Reports Fetching results using AJAX ajax Method
  • 68 - Reports Displaying Customer Information using AJAX get Method
  • 69 - Reports Posting Form Data using AJAX post Method
  • 70 - Emailing our customers
  • 71 - Wrapping up and Testing Our App in Local Environment

  • 13 - Section 10 Upload File to Servers
  • 72 - Overview of Hosting
  • 72 - Relaible Web Hosting Account.txt
  • 72 - Reliable Domain Registration Account Under 2 first Year.txt
  • 73 - Using File Zilla to Transfers files to online hosting account
  • 74 - Exporting and Importing Database to online Database
  • 75 - Testing our Application Fixing all Issues
  • 76 - Fixing File Upload Security Issue
  • 45,900 تومان
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 38648
    حجم: 2637 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 1144 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 29 تیر 1403
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    45,900 تومان
    افزودن به سبد خرید