1. Introduction
2. 1. Project Demo
3. 2. Fundamentals
4. 3. Prerequisites
5. 4. Project Setup
6. 5. Folder Structure
7. 6. Layout Templates
8. 7. Routing
9. 8. Adding Salesforce Lightning Design System
10. 9. Navbar Creation
11. 10. Home Page Design
12. 11. Car Details Component
13. 12. Range Selection Component
14. 13. Color Selection Component
15. 14. Price Footer Component
16. 15. Components Communication
17. 16. Fix Price Footer
18. 17. Modal Component
19. 18. Animate Footer Price
20. 19. Code Push to GitHub
21. 20. Code Deployment
22. 21. Salesforce Developer Account
23. 22. Lead Form Creation
24. 23. Email for Customer
25. 24. Final Deployment and Testing of Complete Journey
26. 25. Thank You