1. Introduction
2. Who is this course for
3. Why Laravel
4. Which IDE to use
5. Tools you need
6. Install Xampp Mac
7. XAMPP Tour
8. Install Composer Mac
9. Install XAMPP Windows
10. Install Composer Windows
11. Create the project
12. Project structure
13. What is an API
14. Basic API employee 1
15. Basic API employee 2
16. Movies model, migration & factory
17. Creating database
18. Env setting credentials
19. Using movie model
20. Database fields
21. Creating movies table
22. filling up movies table with data
23. Getting all movies from database
24. What is RESTful api
25. Creating movies controller
26. What the whole process fits together
27. Get a single movie vs Get all movies
28. Get movie by id
29. Laravel resources
30. create movie resources
31. Store new movie
32. Form requests (introduction)
33. Creating Movie request
34. Save movie in Postman
35. Update a movie (introduction)
36. Update a movie
37. Delete a movie (introduction)
38. Delete a movie
39. Error Handling (introduction)
40. Handling NotFoundException error
41. Handling non existent movie
42. Response codes
43. Response code at work
44. API versioning introduction
45. API versioning structure
46. API version 1
47. API version 2
48. Filling up movies table with real data
49. Movies resources zeros
50. API documentation
51. API documentation example