1. Course project introdcution
2.1 shopapp-complete-project.zip
2. Download the complete project.html
3.1 initiate common.zip
3. Initiate the common package
4. Publish our package to npm
5. fix1 npm package
6. fix2 npm package
7. Structure our code and run the app
9. urlencode extended false.html
10. structure And create user model
11. Create types for user model
12. Setting up the user service
13. auth service And signup method
14. create and use the authentication service common package
15. signin method + password hash
16. Create auth routers class
17. implement auth routers inside app.module
18. Test the auth routers with postman
19. push our code to github
20. Seller Service creating product model
21. building Uploader class common package
22. use the Uploader class middle-wares
23. create product method product.service
24. finish new product router
25. dont use file.buffer and fix the upload path
26. updating a product
27. understand instanceof Error
28. deleting a prodcut
29. Updating images
30. Pushing changes to Github
31. what if we want to edit the last commit
32. Buyer service cart model structure
33. cart And productCart models
34. creating the cart service class
35. add product to cart cart service
36. updating product quantity cart service
37. removing cartProduct from cart
38. creating addProduct method buyer service
39. creating cartadd router buyer.routers
40. 12 - update cartProduct quantity buyer.service
41. 22 update cartProduct quantity buyer.service
42. updating cartProduct quantity router buyer.router
43. dont send null to the client
44. deleting product from cart And get cart routers
45. Payment with stripe introduction
46. Save stripe secret key
47. stripe implementation And the checkout method
48. creating new Customer and save customer id
49. Creating Order model And order service
50. creating new order
51. updating customer stripe card
52. lets make a payment with stripe!
53. deployment githubactions automated build
54. githubactions automated deployment
55. Deploying Our API with Heroku