4 - 4 Install Composer Firebase PHP JWT
5 - 5 Create your first file
6 - 6 Include files and composer autoloader
7 - 7 Creating endpoints in our PHP service
8 - 8 PHP 81 User Composer requirements
9 - 9 if needed Upgrade your PHP version to correct one
10 - 10 Use an API client Insomnia Postman
11 - 11 HTTP methods for RESTful API architecture CRUD
12 - 12 Implement User class
13 - 13 Helpers and Headers
14 - 14 Add namespace and composer autoload
15 - 15 Implementing your first API Routes
16 - 16 Implement match and enum PHP 80 and 81
17 - 17 Completing user routes and handle requests
18 - 18 Read the API payload body data and that it from the backend server
19 - 19 Validate endpoints
20 - 20 Add missing arguments
21 - 21 Initialize Git
22 - 22 Add justhttpstatuscodes and phphttpresponseheader packages
23 - 23 Save our code on a Git hosting platform GitHub
24 - 24 Refactor the payload validation
25 - 25 Add support for generating UUID GUID
26 - 26 Setup ORM RedBeanPHP and MySQL on development machine
27 - 27 Handle exceptions beautifully and convert into JSON format