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Atomic, Nuclear & Particle Physics: From Beginner to Expert

سرفصل های دوره

Models, experiments & equations: From quantum physics to radioactivity, nuclear decay, fusion, fission & standard model

1. Introduction And Fundamentals
  • 1.1 structure.zip
  • 1. Structure of this course
  • 2. About the following mathematics videos.html
  • 3. [Mathematical Basics] Derivatives
  • 4. [Mathematical Basics] Integrals
  • 5. [Mathematical Basics] Vectors
  • 6.1 01 Mathematics.pdf
  • 6. Slides of this section.html

  • 2. [Atomic Physics] Classical models Atoms, elements And Fundamental quantities
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Overview Atomic theory
  • 3. History Atomism And Elements
  • 4. Daltons model of an atom
  • 5. Mass And Force in physics
  • 6. Gravity
  • 7. Characteristic mass of matter
  • 8. Test your knowledge about the first atomic models!.html
  • 9. About exercises
  • 10. [Exercise] Mass spectroscopy
  • 11. [Solution] Mass spectroscopy
  • 12. Periodic table of elements
  • 13. Charge in physics
  • 14. Electromagnetic interaction
  • 15. Discovery of electrons
  • 16. Characterization of electrons Millikan experiment
  • 17. Characterization of electrons Classical radius
  • 18. Test your knowledge about the first atomic models!.html
  • 19. [Exercise] Calculate the mass of an electron
  • 20. [Solution] Calculate the mass of an electron
  • 21. Thomsons model of an atom (Plum pudding)
  • 22. Scattering experiments
  • 23. Rutherfords model of an atom
  • 24. Test your knowledge about the first atomic models!.html
  • 25. [Exercise] Size of the nucleus
  • 26. [Solution] Size of the nucleus
  • 27. Summary And outlook
  • 28.1 02 Atom classic.pdf
  • 28. Slides of this section.html

  • 3. [Atomic Physics] Quantum description of atoms
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Overview Models of an atom
  • 3. Photoeffect And Early quantum mechanics
  • 4. Bohrs model of an atom
  • 5. Problem Instability of atoms in Bohrs model
  • 6. Test your knowledge about early quantum mechanics!.html
  • 7. [Exercise] Classical Bohr radius of an orbiting electron
  • 8. [Solution] Classical Bohr radius of an orbiting electron
  • 9. Double-slit experiment And Schrodingers cat
  • 10. Heisenbergs uncertainty principle And wave-particle dualism
  • 11. Quantum mechanics Orbital model
  • 12. Quantum model Energy levels And Orbitals
  • 13. Test your knowledge about the quantum mechanical atomic model!.html
  • 14. [Exercise] Bohr radius in quantum mechanics
  • 15. [Solution] Bohr radius in quantum mechanics
  • 16. What is spin
  • 17. [Exercise] Electron radius Classical interpretation of spin And Uncertainty
  • 18. [Solution] Electron radius Classical interpretation of spin And Uncertainty
  • 19. Paulis exclusion principle for fermions
  • 20. Term diagram Energy levels of atoms
  • 21. Hunds rules
  • 22. Test your knowledge about the spin and related phenomena!.html
  • 23. Summary And Outlook
  • 24.1 03 Atom quantum.pdf
  • 24. Slides of this section.html

  • 4. [Nuclear Physics] Protons, neutrons And Models of the nucleus
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Overview
  • 3. Review Nucleus
  • 4. Proton
  • 5. Discovery of isotopes
  • 6. Neutron
  • 7. Nuclide classification
  • 8. Isobars, isotones, Isodiaphers, isomers And mirror nuclei
  • 9. Stability of atoms
  • 10. E = mc, Mass defect And Binding energy
  • 11. Test your knowledge about the nucleus!.html
  • 12. Outlook Quarks
  • 13. Outlook Strong interaction And Nuclear force
  • 14. Liquid-drop model
  • 15. Semi-empirical mass formula Bethe-Weizsacker formula for the binding energy
  • 16. Test your knowledge about the stability of nuclei!.html
  • 17. [Exercise] Stability of nuclei
  • 18. [Solution] Stability of nuclei
  • 19. Magic numbers
  • 20. Nuclear shell model of the nucleus
  • 21. Double-magic nuclides
  • 22. Islands of stability Future elements
  • 23. Test your knowledge about the nuclear-shell model!.html
  • 24. Section outro
  • 25.1 04 Nucleus.pdf
  • 25. Slides of this section.html

  • 5. [Nuclear Physics] Radioactivity And Nuclear decay
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Overview And History
  • 3. Radioactivity And Ionizing radiation
  • 4. (Optional) Radioactivity And Ionizing radiation Effects on humans
  • 5. (Optional) Detection of radioactivity and ionizing radiation
  • 6. Alpha decay And Alpha particles
  • 7. Neutrinos And Antineutrinos
  • 8. Beta decay And Beta rays
  • 9. Gamma decay And Gamma rays
  • 10. Electron capture And Other decay processes
  • 11. Exponential radioactive decay law
  • 12. Decay chains
  • 13. Test your knowledge about radioactivity!.html
  • 14. The wider picture Radioactive decay in our earth
  • 15. Outlook Geothermal energy from radioactive decay
  • 16. (Optional) Formation of elements and isotopes
  • 17. Example Radioactive heating by Uranium-238
  • 18. Example Radioactive heating by Uranium series
  • 19. [Exercise] Thorium series
  • 20. [Solution] Thorium series
  • 21. Test your knowledge about nuclear decay!.html
  • 22. Section outro
  • 23. Radiocarbon dating with C-14
  • 24.1 05 Radioactivity Decay.pdf
  • 24. Slides of this section.html

  • 6. [Nuclear Physics] Nuclear fusion And Nuclear fission
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Overview Nuclear fission
  • 3. Nuclear fission of uranium-235
  • 4. [Exercise] Energy stored in an atom
  • 5. [Solution] Energy stored in an atom
  • 6. Nuclear fission reactor
  • 7. Critical mass And Nuclear chain reaction
  • 8. Test your knowledge about nuclear fission!.html
  • 9. Nuclear fusion
  • 10. [Exercise] Introduction Power of the sun
  • 11. [Solution] Introduction Power of the sun
  • 12. Nuclear fusion in the sun
  • 13. Nuclear fusion on earth
  • 14. Nuclear fusion reactor And Lawson criterion
  • 15. Challenges And Problems Cost efficiency
  • 16. Challenges And Problems Tritium breeding And Radioactivity
  • 17. Pros, cons And perspectives of nuclear fusion
  • 18. Test your knowledge about nuclear fusion!.html
  • 19. Section outro
  • 20. Medical physics Nuclear medicine, imagining (PET) and radionuclide therapy
  • 21.1 06 Nuclear fission fusion.pdf
  • 21. Slides of this section.html

  • 7. [Particle physics] Standard model And Fundamental interactions
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. What we already know about particle physics Particles, interactions, quantities
  • 3. Overview of the standard model Fermions vs bosons & Particles vs antiparticles
  • 4. Fermions Quarks
  • 5. Color charge of quarks & Hadron formation Mesons, baryons and antibaryons
  • 6. Fermions Leptons (Electron, Myon, Tau, Neutrino and Antiparticles)
  • 7. Particles as interaction carriers & Particles as excitations of quantum fields
  • 8. Bosons Gauge bosons (Gluon, photon, Z and W)
  • 9. Weak interaction
  • 10. Bosons Scalar boson (Higgs boson)
  • 11. Limitations of the standard model Missing gravity & Gravitational waves
  • 12. Outlook Theory of everything, quantum gravity, string theory
  • 13. Test your knowledge about the standard model and fundamental interactions!.html
  • 14. Section outro
  • 15.1 07 Particle physics Standard model.pdf
  • 15. Slides of this section.html

  • 8. [Theory] Quantum theory of atoms
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Schrodinger equation
  • 3. i as the imaginary unit.html
  • 4. What are complex numbers
  • 5. Solving the most simple example Particle in a box
  • 6. Approximation Particle in a box
  • 7. Quantized energy levels of the particle in a box
  • 8. Electronic states of a hydrogen atom
  • 9. Separation of the problem
  • 10. Solving the angular equations
  • 11. Solving the radial equation
  • 12. Energy levels And Atomic orbitals
  • 13. Test your knowledge about the quantum theory of atoms!.html
  • 14. Section outro
  • 15. Outlook Spin And Molecular physics.html
  • 16. [Exercise] Particle in a ring - Outlook Molecular physics
  • 17. [Solution] Particle in a ring - Outlook Molecular physics
  • 18.1 08 Quantum theory.pdf
  • 18. Slides of this section.html

  • 9. [Theory] Relativity And Theory of the spin
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Electron spin And Pauli equation
  • 3. Special relativity
  • 4. Relativistic energy-momentum relation
  • 5. [Exercise] Expansion of relativistic energy
  • 6. [Solution] Expansion of relativistic energy
  • 7. Dirac equation
  • 8. Spin-orbit coupling, Darwin term And Relativistic energy correction of hydrogen
  • 9. Fine structure of the hydrogen atom And Periodic table
  • 10. Nuclear spin
  • 11. Hyperfine structure
  • 12. Test your knowledge about relativistic quantum mechanics!.html
  • 13. (Optional) Outlook Spin in statistical physics.html
  • 14. Bosons and fermions in statistical physics
  • 15. Fermions Fermi-Dirac statistics
  • 16. Bosons Bose-Einstein statistics
  • 17. Classical limit Boltzmann statistics
  • 18. Section outro
  • 19.1 09 Relativity Spin.pdf
  • 19. Slides of this section.html

  • 10. [Outlook] Molecular physics And Solid-state physics
  • 1. Introduction Molecular physics
  • 2. Molecular interactions And Lennard-Jones potential
  • 3. Hybridization of orbitals Bonding And antibonding molecule orbitals
  • 4. Section outro Molecular physics
  • 5. Introduction Solid-state physics
  • 6. Electronic band structure of a solid
  • 7. Example Band structure of Graphene in a tight-binding model
  • 8. Outlook Quasiparticles
  • 9. Section outro Solid-state physics
  • 10.1 10 Molecules and Solids.pdf
  • 10. Slides of this section.html
  • 11. Thank you And Goodbye
  • 12. Follow me And My other courses.html
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