1. Introduction
2. Display bloggers personal information
3. Create My Profile Tab and link it to bloggers profile page
4. Create a template driven form to create a new post
5. Process new post form data
6. Finally create necessary functions to create a new post
7. Then create Add Post Tab and link it to create post page
8. Create My Posts Tab and link it to my posts page
9. Create an Edit Post button under authors own post
10. Create a reactive form to edit own post
11. Process reactive form data to edit own post
12. Finally create necessary functions to update own post
13. Create a form for comment and reply
14. Process comment and reply form data
15. Validate email address for comment and reply
16. Finally create necessary function post a comment under a specific post ID
17. Display all comment for a specific post
18. Implement Pull To Refresh for homepage
19. Display All Posts from blog on homepage using Infinite Scroll
20.1 wpblog-end-of-section-9-V2.zip
20. Downloadable resource at the end of the section 9.html