وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

All You Need to Know MERN Stack with Practical Project

سرفصل های دوره

Learn MERN stack by building real-world applications with Node, Express, MongoDB, React & integrating RESTful APIs

1. Introduction
  • 1. Course Overview
  • 2. What is Nodejs
  • 3. How Nodejs Work
  • 4. Install Nodejs on Windows OS
  • 5. Install Nodejs on Mac OS
  • 6. Install Nodejs on Linux OS

  • 2. Module and Global Object
  • 1. How to Run Nodejs Code
  • 2. Global Object
  • 3. What is Module
  • 4. How to Do Export and Import in Nodejs
  • 5. What is Module Wrapper Function

  • 3. Core Module in Nodejs
  • 1. Core Module Introduction
  • 2. Path Module
  • 3. OS Module
  • 4. FS Module Part 1
  • 5. FS Module Part 2
  • 6. Event Module Part 1
  • 7. Event Module Part 2
  • 8. HTTP Module

  • 4. Steam and Buffer Introduction
  • 1. Steam and Buffer Introduction
  • 2. Read Stream
  • 3. Write Stream
  • 4. Stream with Pipe

  • 5. Express Framework
  • 1. Express Framework Introduction
  • 2. Basic Project Setup
  • 3. First Express Server
  • 4. Nodemon Module
  • 5. Request Method
  • 6. Take a Look About Postman
  • 7. Parse Incoming Request Body
  • 8. Params Object
  • 9. Query String
  • 10. Sub Route
  • 11. Cookies
  • 12. Request Object Introduction
  • 13. Request Object Part 2
  • 14. Response Object Introduction
  • 15. Response Method
  • 16. View Engine and Html Response
  • 17. Response Format
  • 18. Http Response Status Code
  • 19. What is Middleware
  • 20. How to Use Middleware
  • 21. Error Handling Middleware
  • 22. Error Handling

  • 6. MongoDb and Mongoose
  • 1. Database Introduction
  • 2. MongoDB Install on Windows OS
  • 3. MongoDB Install on Mac OS
  • 4. MongoDB Install on Linux OS
  • 5. Establish Database Connection
  • 6. Add to Database Part 1
  • 7. Add to Database Part 2
  • 8. Find Single Document from Database
  • 9. Find Multiple Document from Database
  • 10. Update Single Document
  • 11. Update Multiple Document
  • 12. Delete Single Document
  • 13. Delete Multiple Document
  • 14. What is ODM
  • 15. Database Connection Using Mongoose
  • 16. Schema Define
  • 17. Add Single Document Using Mongoose
  • 18. Add Multiple Document Using Mongoose
  • 19. Update Single Document Using Mongoose
  • 20. Update Multiple Document Using Mongoose
  • 21. Find Single Document Using Mongoose
  • 22. Find Multiple Document Using Mongoose
  • 23. Delete Single Document Using Mongoose
  • 24. Delete Multiple Document Using Mongoose
  • 25.1 Source Code.zip
  • 25. Take a Look MongoDB Compass GUI Tool

  • 7. Project Todo
  • 1. Project Overview
  • 2. Initialize Project
  • 3. Add Project to Github
  • 4. Connect with Database
  • 5. List Todo Page
  • 6. Add Todo Page
  • 7. Update Todo Page
  • 8. Delete Todo Page
  • 9. Adding External CSS File
  • 10. All Link Clickable
  • 11. EJS Partials Concept
  • 12. Page Dynamic Title
  • 13. Todo Model Schema
  • 14. Add Todo
  • 15. List Todo
  • 16. Date Format
  • 17. Code Refactoring Part 1
  • 18. Code Refactoring Part 2
  • 19. Code Refactoring Part 3
  • 20. Code Refactoring Part 4
  • 21. Code Refactoring Part 5
  • 22. Environment Variable
  • 23. Test After Refactor
  • 24. Update Todo
  • 25. Delete Todo
  • 26. Test App
  • 27.1 Github Repository Link.txt
  • 27. Clone This Repository

  • 8. Project Blog RESTful APIs
  • 1. Project Requirement Analysis
  • 2. What is RESTful API
  • 3. Initial Project Setup
  • 4. Connect Database
  • 5. Cloud Database
  • 6. User Model
  • 7. Signup Route
  • 8. Test Signup Route
  • 9. Test Database in the Browser
  • 10. Morgan Module
  • 11. Response Format
  • 12. Error Handling Middleware
  • 13. Test Error Handle Middleware
  • 14. Not Found Route
  • 15. Signup Validation Part 1
  • 16. Signup Validation Part 2
  • 17. Signup Validation Part 3
  • 18. Hashed Password
  • 19. Signin Route
  • 20. Generate Token
  • 21. Email Verification Code
  • 22. Send Verification Email
  • 23. Add Environment Variable
  • 24. User Verification
  • 25. Send Forgot Password Code
  • 26. Recover Password
  • 27. Authenticate Middleware
  • 28. Change Password
  • 29. Update Profile
  • 30. Category Model
  • 31. Add Category
  • 32. Is Admin Middleware
  • 33. Update Category
  • 34. Delete Category
  • 35. Search Categories
  • 36. Categories Pagination
  • 37. Detail Category
  • 38. File Module Introduction
  • 39. Upload File
  • 40. Filename
  • 41. File Filter
  • 42. Upload Multiple File
  • 43. AWS S3 Bucket Setup
  • 44. File Model
  • 45. Multer Memory Storage
  • 46. Upload File to S3
  • 47. Add File to Database
  • 48. Signed Url
  • 49. Delete File
  • 50. Update Profile Picture
  • 51. Current User
  • 52. Post Model
  • 53. Add Post
  • 54. Update Post
  • 55. Delete Post
  • 56. Post List
  • 57. Detail Post
  • 58.1 Export or Import API Collection.pdf
  • 58.2 Github Repository Link.txt
  • 58. Filter Post by Category

  • 9. React Introduction
  • 1. What is React
  • 2. What is Virtual DOM
  • 3. Setup a React Project

  • 10. JSX Element and Rendering JSX Element
  • 1. What is JSX Element
  • 2. JSX More Detail
  • 3. Rendering JSX Element

  • 11. Component and Props
  • 1. What is Component
  • 2. What is Props
  • 3. Export and Import Component
  • 4. Root Component
  • 5. Children Property
  • 6. Class Based Component

  • 12. State and Life Cycle Method
  • 1. What is State
  • 2. More About State
  • 3. Component Did Mount
  • 4. Update State
  • 5. Component will Unmount
  • 6. State in Functional Component
  • 7. Event Handler
  • 8. Passing Parameter to Event Handler

  • 13. Conditional Rendering List and Key
  • 1. What is Conditional Rendering
  • 2. Conditional Rendering More Detail
  • 3. List
  • 4. List Key Props
  • 5. Counter App

  • 14. React Form
  • 1. Controlled Form vs Uncontrolled Form
  • 2. Input Element
  • 3. Textarea Input Element
  • 4. Select Element
  • 5. Checkbox Input Element
  • 6. Radio Input Element
  • 7. Submit Input
  • 8. Registration Form

  • 15. Higher Order Component
  • 1. What is Higher Order Component
  • 2. How to Create Higher Order Component
  • 3. How to Use Higher Order Component

  • 16. Render Props Pattern
  • 1. What is Render Props
  • 2. Render Props Example
  • 3. Render Props Variation

  • 17. Context API
  • 1. Props Drilling
  • 2. What is Context API
  • 3. Create Custom Context
  • 4. How to Use Context
  • 5. Built in Context
  • 6. useContext Hook

  • 18. React Hook
  • 1. React Hook Introduction
  • 2. What is useEffect Hook
  • 3. Timer Example
  • 4. Cleanup Function
  • 5. Fetch Data from API Request
  • 6. React Memo and useCallback Hook
  • 7. useMemo Hook
  • 8. useRef Hook
  • 9. useReducer Hook
  • 10. Complex Counter
  • 11. Fetch Post List Example
  • 12. Fetch Post List by useReducer Hook
  • 13. Custom Hook

  • 19. React CSS
  • 1. React Stylesheet
  • 2. CSS Style in Html
  • 3. Inline CSS
  • 4. CSS Module
  • 5. Dynamic CSS

  • 20. React Router
  • 1. What is React Router
  • 2. Route Configuring
  • 3. Nav Link
  • 4. Active Link
  • 5. Navigate Programmatically
  • 6. Not Found Route
  • 7. Dynamic Route
  • 8. Url Params
  • 9. Search Params
  • 10. Nested Route
  • 11. Relative Link
  • 12.1 myapp.zip
  • 12. Source Code

  • 21. React Blog Project
  • 1. Project Requirement Analysis
  • 2. Initiating React App
  • 3. Project Layout and Routing
  • 4.1 React Blog Project Html Template Source Code.zip
  • 4. Signup Form
  • 5. Signup Form Validation
  • 6. Signup API Integration
  • 7. Cors Middleware
  • 8. Base Url
  • 9. Toast Message
  • 10. Signin API Integration
  • 11. Store Information to Local Storage
  • 12. Auth Context
  • 13. Logout Functionality
  • 14. Category Module All Pages
  • 15. Add Category
  • 16. Add Token to Request Headers
  • 17. Category List
  • 18. Category List Pagination
  • 19. Search Category
  • 20. Update Category
  • 21. Delete Confirmation Modal
  • 22. Delete Category
  • 23. Post Module All Pages
  • 24. Add New Post
  • 25. Upload File
  • 26. Post List
  • 27. Post Detail
  • 28. Post Update
  • 29. Post Delete
  • 30. Home Page
  • 31. Update Profile
  • 32. Change Password
  • 33. Verify User
  • 34. Multi User Role
  • 35. Recover Password
  • 36.1 Github Repository Link.txt
  • 36. Wrapup

  • 22. What Next
  • 1. What Next
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