1 - Getting Started Install VS Code and Set Up Tailwind CSS
2 - Building a Responsive Navbar for the Project
3 - Creating a Hero Section for AROOM
4 - Creating a Hero Section for AROOM Continued
5 - Creating the Cards section
6 - Adding hover effect on our cards
7 - Creating 4th section of AROOM
8 - 4th section continued AROOM
9 - 4th section continuedAROOM
10 - 4th section continued 5th section of AROOM
11 - 5th section 6th section of AROOM
12 - 6th section continued of AROOM
13 - 6th section continued of AROOM
14 - 6th section continued of AROOM
15 - creating 7th section of AROOM Footer
16 - Creating our ARoom project responsive
17 - Creating our AROOM project responsive continued
18 - Creating our AROOM project responsive continued
19 - creating our AROOM project responsivecontinued
20 - creating our AROOM project responsivecontinued