1 - Provisioning a Linux to Install Zabbix Server
2 - Download and Install The Zabbix Repository
3 - Create the Initial Database
4 - Log in and Configure Zabbix Server Front End
5 - Configure a Domain name for the Zabbix Server
6 - Configure SSL for Zabbix Server Front end
7 - Configure Firewall
8 - Overview So Far
9 - Install Zabbix Agent on Same Network as Zabbix Server
10 - Install Zabbix Agent Active on a Windows Host Behind a Firewall
11 - Install Zabbix Agent on CentOS on a different Cloud Provider
12 - Zabbix Agent Auto Registration
13 - Enable PSK Encryption for Zabbix Agents
14 - Creating Host Items
15 - Creating Host Triggers
16 - Set up the Email Media Type
17 - Creating Host Graphs
18 - Convert Host Items Triggers and Graphs To A Template
19 - Template Dashboards
20 - Global Dashboards
21 - Creating a Network Map
22 - Reading Windows Event Logs
23 - Item Preprocessing with Regex
24 - Item Preprocessing with JavaScript
25 - Remote HTTP monitoring using Web Scenarios
26 - JSON API Monitoring with the HTTP Agent Item
27 - Log File Monitoring ApacheNginx HTTP Status Codes
28 - Dependent Items
29 - Execute Bat File on Remote Windows Host with Zabbix Agent
30 - Execute a Shell Script using Zabbix Agent
31 - User Defined Parameters
32 - Calculated Items
33 - Global Scripts
34 - Course Update Notice
35 - Install and Configure Zabbix Proxy
36 - Configure Zabbix Agent on the Zabbix Proxy
37 - Reconfigure Zabbix Agents to use Zabbix Proxy
38 - Install Zabbix Agent on MacOS Behind the Proxy
39 - Zabbix Server Health
40 - Zabbix Proxy Health
41 - Enable PSK Encryption for Zabbix Proxy
42 - Item Cloning to Create a PCI DSS Windows Template
43 - Importing Templates
44 - Slack Media Type
45 - Telegram Media Type
46 - Customising Trigger Alert Messages with Macros
47 - Add Disk Space History Graph To OS Linux Template
48 - Trigger Prototypes and Triggering within a Range
49 - Configure Trigger Ok Event Generation to minimise Alert Flapping
50 - Execute Python Script on Remote Linux Host with Zabbix Agent
51 - Execute Powershell Scripts to Check Windows Updates
52 - Creating Custom Low Level Discovery Rules Part 1
53 - Creating Custom Low Level Discovery Rules Part 2
54 - Setup SNMP Hosts in Zabbix
55 - Query SNMP Hosts using OIDs
56 - Query SNMP Hosts using MIBs
57 - Set up a Network Discovery Rule and Action to Auto Configure SNMP Devices
58 - Setup SNMP Traps
59 - Triggers on SNMP Traps
60 - Using the Zabbix Get Command
61 - Zabbix Sender and Trapper
62 - Setup MySQL Monitoring
63 - Users Groups Roles
64 - Grafana Zabbix Plugin
65 - Prometheus Node Exporter
66 - Course Conclusion