001. 1. Project Introduction - developedbyed - Crea
002. 2.Setting Up
003. 3.Project Struc
004. 4.Rou
005. 5.La
006. 6.Page Compo
007. 7.Route Gr
008. 8.Parallel Ro
009. 9.Loading
010. 10.Error
011. 11.Route Hand
012. 12.Middle
013. 1. Cac
014. 2.Setting up NeonDB with Dri
015. 3. Schemas and Migrat
016. 4.Server Act
017. 5.Mutating and Revalida
018. 6.Progressively Enhanced F
019. 1. Tailwind I
020. 2. Tailwind Config and extens
021. 3.Layers and compon
022. 4.Adding shadcn to our pro
023. 1.Which Auth Solution To
024. 2. Next-Aut
025. 3.Setting Up Google and Github Provi
026. 4. Save Users With Drizzle Adapter to you
027. 5.Creating Our Na
028. 6. Sign In Bu
029. 7.Login
030. 8.Styling Our Login
031. 9. React-Hook-Form + Zod Pa
032. 10. React-Hook-Form + Zod Pa
033. 11.Creating Our Sign In Ac
034. 12.Form Error and Success Compon
035. 13.Creating Our Register
036. 14.Register Ac
037. 15.Email Token Drizzle Sc
038. 16.Generate Verification To
039. 17.Re
040. 18. Confirm Users Email Add
041. 19. Login Autho
042. 20.Password Reset
043. 21.Finishing Up Password Resets + HTTP and Websoc
044. 22. User Dropdown
045. 23. Theme Your
046. 24. User Prefere
047. 25. JTW and Session Callb
048. 26. Update User Prefere
049. 27. Two Factor To
050. 28. Setting up UploadT
051. 1. Animations with Framer Mo
052. 2. Create Product
053. 3. Drizzle Product Sc
054. 4. Integrating TipTap Rich Text Ed
055. 5. Create-Edit Product Server Ac
056. 6. Sonner Notificat
057. 7. Setting Up Tanstack T
058. 8. Edit and Delete Prod
059. 9. Finishing our Server Act
060. 10. Filtering and Pagina
061. 11. Drizzle One-Many Relat
062. 12. Product Variant Wra
063. 13. Server Component Shanani
064. 14. Variant
065. 15 Input
066. 16. Variant Images with Uploadt
067. 17.Variant Act
068. 18.Deleting Vari
069. 19.Indexing With Alg
070. 20. Shifting Layout
071. 21. Bad State Call
072. 1. Displaying our prod
073. 2. Adding our prod
074. 3. URL Routing with Product Pi
075. 4. Shad-CN Caro
076. 5. Review
077. 6. User Review Ac
078. 7. New Drizzle Kit Co
079. 8. Star S
080. 9. Review C
081. 10. Zus
082. 11. Add To
083. 12. Remove From
084. 13.Price Animation and Local Storage Per
085. 14.Cart Prog
086. 15.Order T
087. 16.Stripe Elem
088. 17.Creating Or
089. 18.Order Confirmation
090. 19.Order Details Di
091. 20.Quality Of Life Improvem
092. 21. Stripe CLI and Webh
093. 22. Analytics
094. 23. Rech
095. 24. Cart Progress Anima
096. 25. Algolia Se
097. 26. Tag Sy
098. Deploy
099. 1. Getting Star
100. 2. Setting up Next with Tail
101. 3. Prisma Sch
102. 4. Next Auth With Pr
103. 5. Creating A Stripe Cust
104. 6. Creating our Na
105. 7. Fetching Stripe Prod
106. 8. Formatting Pr
107. 9. Styling our home
108. 10. Product Description
109. 11. State Managment With Zus
110. 12. Adding Products to
111. 13. Car
112. 14. Adding and Removing Prod
113. 15. Empty C
114. 16. Adding Google F
115. 17. Total Price Fo
116. 18. Framer Mo
117. 19. Keeping It Mobile Frie
118. 20. Getting Started with St
119. 21. Stripe Order
120. 22. Saving or
121. 23. Rendering Stripe
122. 24. Success
123. 25. Stripe Webh
124. 26. Dashboard
125. 27. More Dashboard Sty
126. 26. Lottie Animat
127. 27. Dais
128. 28. Adding a drop
129. 29. Dark Light
130. 30. Stripe Dark
131. 31. Adding Different F