وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

The Essential Algorithms and Data Structures

سرفصل های دوره

Bootstrap DSA with Blind 75, a problem set from an ex-Meta Engineer.

1. Introduction
  • 1. Concepts
  • 2. Note.html

  • 2. Arrays
  • 1.1 01 two sum.zip
  • 1.2 Problem Link.html
  • 1. Two Sum
  • 2.1 02 stock.zip
  • 2.2 Problem Link.html
  • 2. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stocks
  • 3.1 04 product except self.zip
  • 3.2 Problem Link.html
  • 3. Product of Array Except Self
  • 4.1 03 contain duplicate.zip
  • 4.2 Problem Link.html
  • 4. Contains Duplicate
  • 5.1 05 kadane.zip
  • 5.2 Problem Link.html
  • 5. Maximum Subarray
  • 6.1 06 mx product.zip
  • 6.2 Problem Link.html
  • 6. Maximum Product Subarray
  • 7.1 07 rotated sorted.zip
  • 7.2 Problem Link.html
  • 7. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array
  • 8.1 08 rotated sorted search.zip
  • 8.2 Problem Link.html
  • 8. Search in Rotated Sorted Array
  • 9.1 09 3 sum.zip
  • 9.2 3 sum.html
  • 9. 3Sum
  • 10.1 10 water trapping.zip
  • 10.2 Problem Link.html
  • 10. Container With Most Water

  • 3. Bit Manipulation
  • 1.1 11 sum of ints.zip
  • 1.2 Problem Link.html
  • 1. Sum of Two Integers
  • 2.1 12 no of 1s.zip
  • 2.2 Problem Link.html
  • 2. Number of 1 Bits
  • 3.1 13 bit cnt list.zip
  • 3.2 Problem Link.html
  • 3. Counting Bits
  • 4.1 14 missing number.zip
  • 4.2 Problem Link.html
  • 4. Missing Number
  • 5.1 15 reverse bits.zip
  • 5.2 Problem Link.html
  • 5. Reverse Bits

  • 4. Dynamic Programing
  • 1.1 16 climb stairs.zip
  • 1.2 Problem Link.html
  • 1. Climbing Stairs
  • 2.1 17 coin change.zip
  • 2.2 Problem Link.html
  • 2. Coin Change
  • 3.1 18 lis.zip
  • 3.2 Problem Link.html
  • 3. Longest Increasing Subsequence
  • 4.1 19 longest common subsequence.zip
  • 4.2 Problem Link.html
  • 4. Longest Common Subsequence
  • 5.1 20 word break.zip
  • 5.2 Problem Link.html
  • 5. Word Break Problem
  • 6.1 21 combination sum.zip
  • 6.2 Problem Link.html
  • 6. Combination Sum
  • 7.1 22 house rober.zip
  • 7.2 Problem Link.html
  • 7. House Robber
  • 8.1 23 house rober 2.zip
  • 8.2 Problem Link.html
  • 8. House Robber II
  • 9.1 24 decode ways.zip
  • 9.2 Problem Link.html
  • 9. Decode Ways
  • 10.1 25 unique path.zip
  • 10.2 Problem Link.html
  • 10. Unique Paths
  • 11.1 26 jump game.zip
  • 11.2 Problem Link.html
  • 11. Jump Game

  • 5. Graph Theory
  • 1.1 27 clone graph.zip
  • 1.2 Problem Link.html
  • 1. Clone Graph
  • 2.1 28 course schedule.zip
  • 2.2 Problem Link.html
  • 2. Course Schedule
  • 3.1 29 pacific atlantic.zip
  • 3.2 Problem Link.html
  • 3. Pacific Atlantic Water Flow
  • 4.1 30 number of isles.zip
  • 4.2 Problem Link.html
  • 4. Number of Islands
  • 5.1 31 longest consecutive sequence.zip
  • 5.2 Problem Link.html
  • 5. Longest Consecutive Sequence
  • 6.1 32 alien dictionary.zip
  • 6.2 Problem Link.html
  • 6. Alien Dictionary
  • 7.1 33 valid tree.zip
  • 7.2 Problem Link.html
  • 7. Graph Valid Tree
  • 8.1 34 connnected components.zip
  • 8.2 Problem Link.html
  • 8. Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph

  • 6. Intervals
  • 1.1 35 insert interval.zip
  • 1.2 Problem Link.html
  • 1. Insert Interval
  • 2.1 36 merge intervals.zip
  • 2.2 Problem Link.html
  • 2. Merge Intervals
  • 3.1 37 non overlapping intervals.zip
  • 3.2 Problem Link.html
  • 3. Non-overlapping Intervals
  • 4.1 38 can attent meeting.zip
  • 4.2 Problem Link.html
  • 4. Meeting Rooms
  • 5.1 39 meeting room 2.zip
  • 5.2 Problem Link.html
  • 5. Meeting Rooms II

  • 7. Linked List
  • 1.1 40 reverse linked list.zip
  • 1.2 Problem Link.html
  • 1. Reverse a Linked List
  • 2.1 41 cycle ll.zip
  • 2.2 Problem Link.html
  • 2. Detect Cycle in a Linked List
  • 3.1 42 merge 2 ll.zip
  • 3.2 Problem Link.html
  • 3. Merge Two Sorted Lists
  • 4.1 43 merge sorted lists.zip
  • 4.2 Problem Link.html
  • 4. Merge K Sorted Lists
  • 5.1 44 remove nth node from end.zip
  • 5.2 Problem Link.html
  • 5. Remove Nth Node From End Of List
  • 6.1 45 reorder list.zip
  • 6.2 Problem Link.html
  • 6. Reorder List

  • 8. Matrix
  • 1.1 46 set 0s.zip
  • 1.2 Problem Link.html
  • 1. Set Matrix Zeroes
  • 2.1 47 spiral order.zip
  • 2.2 Problem Link.html
  • 2. Spiral Matrix
  • 3.1 48 rotate matrix.zip
  • 3.2 Problem Link.html
  • 3. Rotate Image
  • 4.1 49 word search.zip
  • 4.2 Problem Link.html
  • 4. Word Search

  • 9. Strings
  • 1.1 50 len of longest substr.zip
  • 1.2 Problem Link.html
  • 1. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
  • 2.1 51 char replace.zip
  • 2.2 Problem Link.html
  • 2. Longest Repeating Character Replacement
  • 3.1 52 min window.zip
  • 3.2 Problem Link.html
  • 3. Minimum Window Substring
  • 4.1 53 is anag.zip
  • 4.2 Problem Link.html
  • 4. Valid Anagram
  • 5.1 54 grp anag.zip
  • 5.2 Problem Link.html
  • 5. Group Anagrams
  • 6.1 55 valid paranthesis.zip
  • 6.2 Problem Link.html
  • 6. Valid Parentheses
  • 7.1 56 is palindrome.zip
  • 7.2 Problem Link.html
  • 7. Valid Palindrome
  • 8.1 57 longest pal.zip
  • 8.2 Problem Link.html
  • 8. Longest Palindromic Substring
  • 9.1 58 cnt pal substr.zip
  • 9.2 Problem Link.html
  • 9. Palindromic Substrings
  • 10.1 59 enc dec.zip
  • 10.2 Problem Link.html
  • 10. Encode and Decode Strings

  • 10. Tree
  • 1.1 60 tree depth.zip
  • 1.2 Problem Link.html
  • 1. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
  • 2.1 61 is same tree.zip
  • 2.2 Problem Link.html
  • 2. Same Tree
  • 3.1 62 invert tree.zip
  • 3.2 Problem Link.html
  • 3. InvertFlip Binary Tree
  • 4.1 63 max path.zip
  • 4.2 Problem Link.html
  • 4. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
  • 5.1 64 level order.zip
  • 5.2 Problem Link.html
  • 5. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
  • 6.1 65 serialize deserialize.zip
  • 6.2 Problem Link.html
  • 6. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree
  • 7.1 66 is sub tree.zip
  • 7.2 Problem Link.html
  • 7. Subtree of Another Tree
  • 8.1 67 build tree.zip
  • 8.2 Problem Link.html
  • 8. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal
  • 9.1 68 is bst.zip
  • 9.2 Problem Link.html
  • 9. Validate Binary Search Tree
  • 10.1 69 kth smallest.zip
  • 10.2 Problem Link.html
  • 10. Kth Smallest Element in a BST
  • 11.1 70 lca.zip
  • 11.2 Problem Link.html
  • 11. Lowest Common Ancestor of BST
  • 12.1 71 trie.zip
  • 12.2 Problem Link.html
  • 12. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)
  • 13.1 72 add and search word.zip
  • 13.2 Problem Link.html
  • 13. Add and Search Word
  • 14.1 73 word search 2.zip
  • 14.2 Problem Link.html
  • 14. Word Search II

  • 11. Heap
  • 1.1 74 top k frequent.zip
  • 1.2 Problem Link.html
  • 1. Top K Frequent Elements
  • 2.1 75 median from data stream.zip
  • 2.2 Problem Link.html
  • 2. Find Median from Data Stream
  • 139,000 تومان
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 35823
    حجم: 4010 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 821 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 20 مرداد 1403
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

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    افزودن به سبد خرید