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The 3-in-1 Excel, VBA & SQL Master Course

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Learn valuable Excel, VBA, SQL and Programming Skills! Go from beginner to expert and get a Competitive job!

1. Introduction
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2.1 FB Support Group.html
  • 2.2 Join us on Quora.html
  • 2. How to Use The Course
  • 3.1 Office Homepage.html
  • 3. Select the appropriate plan for you
  • 4. Install Office on Windows
  • 5. Install Office on a Mac

  • 2. EXCEL Introduction to Excel
  • 1. What is Excel
  • 2. Overview of the worksheet
  • 3. Overview of the ribbon
  • 4. Overview of the top area
  • 5. The file tab
  • 6. Basic data organisation
  • 7. Self check.html

  • 3. EXCEL Basics of formulas, functions and formatting
  • 1.1 SUM function.xlsx
  • 1. The SUM function - Part I
  • 2. The SUM function - Part II
  • 3. The SUM function - Part III
  • 4.1 01-Addition-Exercise-Starter-File.xlsx
  • 4.2 02-Addition-Exercise-Final-File.xlsx
  • 4. Addition
  • 5.1 01-Subtraction-Exercise-Starter-File.xlsx
  • 5.2 02-Subtraction-Exercise-Final-File.xlsx
  • 5. Subtraction
  • 6.1 01-Multiplication I start.xlsx
  • 6.2 02-Multiplication I final.xlsx
  • 6. Multiplication - Part I.
  • 7.1 01-Multiplication II start.xlsx
  • 7.2 02-Multiplication II final.xlsx
  • 7. Multiplication - Part II.
  • 8.1 01-Division start.xlsx
  • 8.2 02-Division final.xlsx
  • 8. Division
  • 9. Self check.html
  • 10.1 01-Dynamic cell references start.xlsx
  • 10.2 02-Dynamic cell references final.xlsx
  • 10. Dynamic cell References - Part I.
  • 11.1 01-Dynamic cell references II start.xlsx
  • 11.2 02-Dynamic cell references II final.xlsx
  • 11. Dynamic Cell References - Part II.
  • 12.1 Basic formatting I start.xlsx
  • 12. Basic Formatting - Part I.
  • 13.1 Basic formatting II start.xlsx
  • 13. Basic Formatting - Part II.
  • 14.1 Basic formatting III start.xlsx
  • 14. Basic Formatting - Part III.
  • 15.1 01-Basic formatting start.xlsx
  • 15.2 02-Basic formatting final.xlsx
  • 15. Basic Formatting - Part IV.
  • 16.1 01-Formulas bar I start.xlsx
  • 16.2 02-Formulas bar I final.xlsx
  • 16. Formulas Bar - Part I.
  • 17.1 01-Formulas bar II start.xlsx
  • 17.2 02-Formulas bar II final.xlsx
  • 17. Formulas Bar - Part II.
  • 18.1 01-Formula auditing start.xlsx
  • 18.2 02-Formula auditing final.xlsx
  • 18. Formula Auditing
  • 19.1 01-Error checking and the Watch window I start.xlsx
  • 19.2 02-Error checking and the Watch window I final.xlsx
  • 19. Error Checking and the Watch Window - Part I.
  • 20.1 01-Error checking and the Watch window II start.xlsx
  • 20.2 02-Error checking and the Watch window II final.xlsx
  • 20. Error Checking and the Watch Window - Part II.
  • 21. Self check.html

  • 4. EXCEL Some important math functions
  • 1.1 01-AVERAGE start.xlsx
  • 1.2 02-AVERAGE final.xlsx
  • 1. AVERAGE
  • 2.1 01-MIN start.xlsx
  • 2.2 02-MIN final.xlsx
  • 2. MIN
  • 3.1 01-MAX start.xlsx
  • 3.2 02-MAX final.xlsx
  • 3. MAX
  • 4.1 01-COUNT start.xlsx
  • 4.2 02-COUNT final.xlsx
  • 4. COUNT
  • 5. Self check.html

  • 5. EXCEL Data types and formatting
  • 1.1 01-Number formatting I start.xlsx
  • 1.2 02-Number formatting II final.xlsx
  • 1. Number Formatting - Part I.
  • 2.1 01-Number formatting II start.xlsx
  • 2.2 02-Number formatting II final.xlsx
  • 2. Number Formatting - Part II.
  • 3.1 01-Number formatting III start.xlsx
  • 3.2 02-Number formatting III final.xlsx
  • 3. Number Formatting - Part III.
  • 4.1 01-Number formatting IV start.xlsx
  • 4.2 02-Number formatting IV final.xlsx
  • 4. Number Formatting - Part IV.
  • 5.1 01-Date formatting start.xlsx
  • 5.2 02-Date formatting final.xlsx
  • 5. Date Formatting - Part I.
  • 6.1 01-Date formatting II start.xlsx
  • 6.2 02-Date formatting II final.xlsx
  • 6. Date Formatting - Part II.
  • 7.1 01-Epoch start.xlsx
  • 7.2 02-Epoch final.xlsx
  • 7.3 More about Epoch.html
  • 7. Epoch
  • 8.1 01-Percentages start.xlsx
  • 8.2 02-Percentages final.xlsx
  • 8. Percentages
  • 9.1 01-Currencies I start.xlsx
  • 9.2 02-Currencies I final.xlsx
  • 9. Currencies - Part I.
  • 10.1 01-Currencies II start.xlsx
  • 10.2 02-Currencies II final.xlsx
  • 10. Currencies - Part II.
  • 11.1 01-Fractions start.xlsx
  • 11.2 02-Fractions final.xlsx
  • 11. Fractions
  • 12. Self check.html
  • 13.1 01-Text start.xlsx
  • 13.2 02-Text final.xlsx
  • 13. Text - Part I.
  • 14. Text - Part II - Character set
  • 15. Text - Part III - Numbers formatted as text
  • 16.1 01-Formatting the table start.xlsx
  • 16.2 02-Formatting the table final.xlsx
  • 16. Formatting The Table - Part I - Text Filters I
  • 17.1 01-Formatting the table II start.xlsx
  • 17. Formatting The Table - Part II - Text Filters II
  • 18.1 01-Formatting the table III start.xlsx
  • 18.2 02-Formatting the table III final.xlsx
  • 18. Formatting The Table - Part III - Text Filters III
  • 19.1 01-Formatting the table IV start.xlsx
  • 19.2 02-Formatting the table IV final.xlsx
  • 19. Formatting The Table - Part IV - Number Filters I
  • 20.1 01-Formatting the table V start.xlsx
  • 20.2 02-Formatting the table V final.xlsx
  • 20. Formatting The Table - Part V - Number Filters II
  • 21.1 01-Formatting the table VI start.xlsx
  • 21.2 02-Formatting the table VI final.xlsx
  • 21. Formatting The Table - Part VI - Color filters
  • 22.1 01-Formatting the table VII start.xlsx
  • 22.2 02-Formatting the table VII final.xlsx
  • 22. Formatting The Table - Part VII - Date Filters
  • 23.1 01-Formatting the table VIII start.xlsx
  • 23.2 02-Formatting the table VIII final.xlsx
  • 23. Formatting The Table - Part VIII - Sorting
  • 24.1 01-Formatting the table IX start.xlsx
  • 24.2 02-Formatting the table IX final.xlsx
  • 24. Formatting The Table - Part IX - Multi-level sorting
  • 25.1 01-Formatting the table X start.xlsx
  • 25.2 02-Formatting the table X final.xlsx
  • 25. Formatting The Table - Part X - Autofitting
  • 26.1 01-Formatting the table XI start.xlsx
  • 26.2 02-Formatting the table XI final.xlsx
  • 26. Formatting The Table - Part XI - Wrapping text
  • 27.1 01-Formatting the table XII start.xlsx
  • 27.2 02-Formatting the table XII final.xlsx
  • 27. Formatting The Table - Part XII - Freeze Panes
  • 28.1 01-Formatting the table XIII start.xlsx
  • 28.2 02-Formatting the table XIII final.xlsx
  • 28. Formatting The Table - Part XIII - Cut-copy rows and columns
  • 29.1 01-Named ranges I start.xlsx
  • 29.2 02-Named ranges I final.xlsx
  • 29. Named Ranges - Part I
  • 30.1 01-Named ranges II start.xlsx
  • 30.2 02-Named ranges II final.xlsx
  • 30. Named Ranges - Part II
  • 31.1 01-Inserted tables start.xlsx
  • 31.2 02-Inserted tables final.xlsx
  • 31. Inserted Tables - Part I
  • 32.1 01-Inserted tables II start.xlsx
  • 32.2 02-Inserted tables II final.xlsx
  • 32. Inserted Tables - Part II
  • 33. Self check.html

  • 6. EXCEL More challenging formulas
  • 1.1 01-INDEX start.xlsx
  • 1.2 02-INDEX final.xlsx
  • 1. The INDEX Function - Part I
  • 2.1 01-INDEX II start.xlsx
  • 2.2 02-INDEX II final.xlsx
  • 2. The INDEX Function - Part II
  • 3.1 01-INDEX III start.xlsx
  • 3.2 02-INDEX III final.xlsx
  • 3. The INDEX Function - Part III
  • 4.1 01-SUM combined with INDEX start.xlsx
  • 4.2 02-SUM combined with INDEX final.xlsx
  • 4. The SUM Function Combined With the INDEX Function
  • 5.1 01-VLOOKUP start.xlsx
  • 5.2 02-VLOOKUP final.xlsx
  • 5. The VLOOKUP Function - Part I
  • 6. A Quick Detour The Search Functionality
  • 7.1 01-VLOOKUP 2 start.xlsx
  • 7.2 02-VLOOKUP 2 final.xlsx
  • 7. The VLOOKUP Function - Part II
  • 8.1 01-VLOOKUP 3 start.xlsx
  • 8.2 02-VLOOKUP 3 final.xlsx
  • 8. The VLOOKUP Function - Part III
  • 9.1 01-VLOOKUP Approximate match numbers start.xlsx
  • 9.2 02-VLOOKUP Approximate match numbers final.xlsx
  • 9. The VLOOKUP Function - Part IV
  • 10.1 01-VLOOKUP Approximate match numbers II start.xlsx
  • 10.2 02-VLOOKUP Approximate match numbers II final.xlsx
  • 10. The VLOOKUP Function - Part V
  • 11.1 01-VLOOKUP Approximate match strings start.xlsx
  • 11.2 02-VLOOKUP Approximate match strings final.xlsx
  • 11. The VLOOKUP Function - Part VI
  • 12. Self check.html

  • 7. EXCEL Handling Errors
  • 1.1 01-IFERROR start.xlsx
  • 1.2 02-IFERROR final.xlsx
  • 1. The IFERROR function - Part I
  • 2. The IFERROR function - Part II
  • 3.1 01-NAME error start.xlsx
  • 3.2 02-NAME error final.xlsx
  • 3. The NAME Error
  • 4.1 01-VALUE error start.xlsx
  • 4.2 02-VALUE error final.xlsx
  • 4. The VALUE Error
  • 5.1 01-REF error start.xlsx
  • 5.2 02-REF error final.xlsx
  • 5. The REF Error
  • 6. The NUM Error
  • 7. The DIV0 Error
  • 8. The NULL Error
  • 9. Self check.html

  • 8. EXCEL Sanitizing your data
  • 1.1 01-TRIM start.xlsx
  • 1.2 02-TRIM final.xlsx
  • 1. TRIM - Part I
  • 2.1 01-TRIM II start.xlsx
  • 2.2 02-TRIM II final.xlsx
  • 2. TRIM - Part II - LEN
  • 3.1 01-TRIM III start.xlsx
  • 3.2 02-TRIM III final.xlsx
  • 3. TRIM - Part III - Checking for equality
  • 4.1 01-Removing blank rows start.xlsx
  • 4.2 02-Removing blank rows final.xlsx
  • 4. Removing Blank Rows
  • 5.1 01-Hiding and unhiding rows and columns start.xlsx
  • 5.2 02-Hiding and unhiding rows and columns final.xlsx
  • 5. Hiding and Unhiding Rows and Columns
  • 6.1 01-Dropdown lists start.xlsx
  • 6.2 02-Dropdown lists final.xlsx
  • 6. Dropdown Lists - Part I
  • 7.1 01-Dropdown lists II start.xlsx
  • 7.2 02-Dropdown lists II final.xlsx
  • 7. Dropdown Lists - Part II
  • 8.1 01-Dropdown lists III start.xlsx
  • 8.2 02-Dropdown lists III final.xlsx
  • 8. Dropdown Lists - Part III
  • 9. Self check.html

  • 9. EXCEL Conditional Functions and Formatting
  • 1.1 01-IF start.xlsx
  • 1.2 02-IF final.xlsx
  • 1. IF - Part I
  • 2.1 01-IF II start.xlsx
  • 2.2 02-IF II final.xlsx
  • 2. IF - Part II
  • 3.1 01-IFS start.xlsx
  • 3.2 02-IFS final.xlsx
  • 3. The IFS - Part I
  • 4.1 01-IFS II start.xlsx
  • 4.2 02-IFS II final.xlsx
  • 4. The IFS - Part II
  • 5.1 01-IFS III start.xlsx
  • 5.2 02-IFS III final.xlsx
  • 5. The IFS - Part III
  • 6.1 01-AND start.xlsx
  • 6.2 02-AND final.xlsx
  • 6. AND - Part I
  • 7.1 01-AND II start.xlsx
  • 7.2 02-AND II final.xlsx
  • 7. AND - Part II
  • 8.1 01-OR start.xlsx
  • 8.2 02-OR final.xlsx
  • 8. OR - Part I
  • 9.1 01-OR ii start.xlsx
  • 9.2 02-OR ii final.xlsx
  • 9. OR - Part II
  • 10. Self check.html
  • 11.1 01-COUNTIF start.xlsx
  • 11.2 02-COUNTIF final.xlsx
  • 11. COUNTIF - Part I
  • 12.1 01-COUNTIF ii start.xlsx
  • 12.2 02-COUNTIF ii final.xlsx
  • 12. COUNTIF - Part II
  • 13.1 01-COUNTIFS ii start.xlsx
  • 13.2 02-COUNTIFS ii final.xlsx
  • 13. COUNTIFS
  • 14.1 01-SUMIF start.xlsx
  • 14.2 02-SUMIF final.xlsx
  • 14. SUMIF - Part I
  • 15.1 01-SUMIF II start.xlsx
  • 15.2 02-SUMIF II final.xlsx
  • 15. SUMIF - Part II
  • 16.1 01-SUMIFS start.xlsx
  • 16.2 02-SUMIFS final.xlsx
  • 16. SUMIFS
  • 17.1 Conditional formatting I start.xlsx
  • 17. Conditional Formatting - Part I
  • 18.1 01-Conditional formatting II start.xlsx
  • 18.2 02-Conditional formatting II final.xlsx
  • 18. Conditional Formatting - Part II
  • 19.1 01-Conditional formatting 3 start.xlsx
  • 19.2 02-Conditional formatting 3 final.xlsx
  • 19. Conditional Formatting - Part III
  • 20.1 01-Conditional formatting 4 start.xlsx
  • 20.2 02-Conditional formatting 4 final.xlsx
  • 20. Conditional Formatting - Part IV
  • 21.1 01-Conditional formatting 5 start.xlsx
  • 21.2 02-Conditional formatting 5 final.xlsx
  • 21. Conditional Formatting - Part V
  • 22.1 01-Conditional formatting 6 start.xlsx
  • 22.2 02-Conditional formatting 6 final.xlsx
  • 22. Conditional Formatting - Part VI
  • 23. Self check.html

  • 10. EXCEL Cells and References
  • 1.1 01-Cell references 1 start.xlsx
  • 1.2 02-Cell references 1 final.xlsx
  • 1. Cell References - Part I
  • 2.1 01-Cell references 2 start.xlsx
  • 2.2 02-Cell references 2 final.xlsx
  • 2. Cell References - Part II
  • 3.1 01-Cell references 3 start.xlsx
  • 3.2 02-Cell references 3 final.xlsx
  • 3. Cell References - Part III
  • 4.1 01-Cell references 4 start.xlsx
  • 4.2 02-Cell references 4 final.xlsx
  • 4. Cell References - Part IV
  • 5.1 01-Cell references 5 start.xlsx
  • 5.2 02-Cell references 5 final.xlsx
  • 5. Cell References - Part V
  • 6.1 01-Referencing other worksheets start.xlsx
  • 6.2 01-Referencing other worksheets start.xlsx
  • 6.3 02-Referencing other worksheets final.xlsx
  • 6.4 02-Referencing other worksheets final.xlsx
  • 6. Referencing Other Worksheets - Part I
  • 7.1 01-Referencing other worksheets II start.xlsx
  • 7.2 02-Referencing other worksheets II final.xlsx
  • 7. Referencing Other Worksheets - Part II
  • 8. Referencing Other Workbooks - Part I
  • 9. Referencing Other Workbooks - Part II

  • 11. EXCEL Advanced Lookup Formulas
  • 1.1 01-MATCH start.xlsx
  • 1.2 02-MATCH final.xlsx
  • 1. MATCH
  • 2.1 01-INDEX recap start.xlsx
  • 2.2 02-INDEX recap final.xlsx
  • 2. INDEX Recap
  • 3.1 01-INDEX MATCH start.xlsx
  • 3.2 02-INDEX MATCH final.xlsx
  • 4.1 01-INDEX MATCH MATCH start.xlsx
  • 4.2 02-INDEX MATCH MATCH final.xlsx

  • 12. EXCEL Array formulas
  • 1.1 01-Working with multiple values new start.xlsx
  • 1.2 02-Working with multiple values new final.xlsx
  • 1. Working With Multiple Values - Part I
  • 2.1 01-Working with multiple values II new start.xlsx
  • 2.2 02-Working with multiple values II new final.xlsx
  • 2. Working With Multiple Values - Part II
  • 3.1 01-Working with multiple values III new start.xlsx
  • 3.2 02-Working with multiple values III new final.xlsx
  • 3. Working With Multiple Values - Part III
  • 4.1 01-Basic Array Formula Example 1 start.xlsx
  • 4.2 02-Basic Array Formula Example 1 final.xlsx
  • 4. Basic Array Formula Example
  • 5.1 01-Conditional array fromula start.xlsx
  • 5.2 02-Conditional array fromula final.xlsx
  • 5. Conditional Array Formula
  • 6.1 01-Single result array formula start.xlsx
  • 6.2 02-Single result array formula final.xlsx
  • 6. Single Result Array Formula
  • 7.1 01-UNIQUE start.xlsx
  • 7.2 02-UNIQUE final.xlsx
  • 7. The UNIQUE Function
  • 8.1 01-Array formula for finding unique values start.xlsx
  • 8.2 02-Array formula for finding unique values final.xlsx
  • 8. Array Formula for Finding Unique Values - Part I
  • 9.1 01-Array formula for finding unique values 2 start.xlsx
  • 9.2 02-Array formula for finding unique values 2 final.xlsx
  • 9. Array Formula for Finding Unique Values - Part II
  • 10.1 01-Array formula for finding unique values 3 start.xlsx
  • 10.2 02-Array formula for finding unique values 3 final.xlsx
  • 10. Array Formula for Finding Unique Values - Part III
  • 11.1 01-Array formula for finding unique values 4 start.xlsx
  • 11.2 02-Array formula for finding unique values 4 final.xlsx
  • 11. Array Formula for Finding Unique Values - Part IV
  • 12.1 01-Returning first distinct value start.xlsx
  • 12.2 02-Returning first distinct value final.xlsx
  • 12. Returning First Distinct Value
  • 13.1 01-Returning non duplicates start.xlsx
  • 13.2 02-Returning non duplicates final.xlsx
  • 13. Returning Non-duplicates

  • 13. EXCEL Charts
  • 1.1 Charts Intro.xlsx
  • 1. Introduction to Charts
  • 2.1 01-Bar chart start.xlsx
  • 2.2 02-Bar chart final.xlsx
  • 2. Bar Chart - Part I
  • 3.1 01-Bar chart 2 start.xlsx
  • 3.2 02-Bar chart 2 final.xlsx
  • 3. Bar Chart - Part II
  • 4.1 01-Bar chart 3 start.xlsx
  • 4.2 02-Bar chart 3 final.xlsx
  • 4. Bar Chart - Part III
  • 5.1 01-Bar chart 4 start.xlsx
  • 5.2 02-Bar chart 4 final.xlsx
  • 5. Bar Chart - Part IV
  • 6.1 01-Bar chart 5 start.xlsx
  • 6.2 02-Bar chart 5 final.xlsx
  • 6. Bar Chart - Part V
  • 7.1 01-Column chart start.xlsx
  • 7.2 02-Column chart final.xlsx
  • 7. Column Chart - Part I
  • 8.1 01-Column chart 2 start.xlsx
  • 8.2 02-Column chart 2 final.xlsx
  • 8. Column Chart - Part II
  • 9. Column Chart - Part III
  • 10.1 01-Column chart for comparison start.xlsx
  • 10.2 02-Column chart for comparison final.xlsx
  • 10. Column Chart - Part IV
  • 11.1 01-Adding more data start.xlsx
  • 11.2 02-Adding more data final.xlsx
  • 11. Column Chart - Part V
  • 12.1 01-Pie chart start.xlsx
  • 12.2 02-Pie chart final.xlsx
  • 12. Pie Chart - Part I
  • 13.1 01-Pie chart 3D start.xlsx
  • 13.2 02-Pie chart 3D final.xlsx
  • 13. Pie Chart - Part II
  • 14.1 01-Doughnut chart start.xlsx
  • 14.2 02-Doughnut chart final.xlsx
  • 14. Pie Chart - Part III
  • 15.1 01-Pie chart explosion start.xlsx
  • 15.2 02-Pie chart explosion final.xlsx
  • 15. Pie Chart - Part IV
  • 16.1 01-Line chart start.xlsx
  • 16.2 02-Line chart final.xlsx
  • 16. Line Chart - Part I
  • 17.1 01-Secondary axis start.xlsx
  • 17.2 02-Secondary axis final.xlsx
  • 17. Line Chart - Part II
  • 18.1 01-Combo chart start.xlsx
  • 18.2 02-Combo chart final.xlsx
  • 18. Combo Chart
  • 19.1 01-Moving and copying charts start.xlsx
  • 19.2 02-Moving and copying charts final.xlsx
  • 19. Moving and Copying Charts
  • 20.1 01-Sparklines start.xlsx
  • 20.2 02-Sparklines final.xlsx
  • 20. Sparklines - Part I
  • 21.1 01-Sparklines style and grouping start.xlsx
  • 21.2 02-Sparklines style and grouping final.xlsx
  • 21. Sparklines - Part II
  • 22.1 01-Sparklines style and grouping 2 start.xlsx
  • 22.2 02-Sparklines style and grouping 2 final.xlsx
  • 22. Sparklines - Part III
  • 23.1 01-Column sparklines start.xlsx
  • 23.2 02-Column sparklines final.xlsx
  • 23. Sparklines - Part IV
  • 24.1 01-Win loss sparkline start.xlsx
  • 24.2 02-Win loss sparkline final.xlsx
  • 24. Sparklines - Part V
  • 25.1 01-People Graph start.xlsx
  • 25.2 02-People Graph final.xlsx
  • 25. People Graph

  • 14. EXCEL Pivot tables and charts
  • 1.1 01-Pivot table start.xlsx
  • 1.2 02-Pivot table final.xlsx
  • 1. Pivot Table - Part I
  • 2.1 01-Pivot table 2 start.xlsx
  • 2.2 02-Pivot table 2 final.xlsx
  • 2. Pivot Table - Part II
  • 3.1 01-Pivot table 3 start.xlsx
  • 3.2 02-Pivot table 3 final.xlsx
  • 3. Pivot Table - Part III
  • 4.1 01-Pivot table 4 start.xlsx
  • 4.2 02-Pivot table 4 final.xlsx
  • 4. Pivot Table - Part IV
  • 5.1 01-Pivot table 5 start.xlsx
  • 5.2 02-Pivot table 5 final.xlsx
  • 5. Pivot Table - Part V
  • 6.1 01-Pivot table 6 start.xlsx
  • 6.2 02-Pivot table 6 final.xlsx
  • 6. Pivot Table - Part VI
  • 7.1 01-Pivot table 7 start.xlsx
  • 7.2 02-Pivot table 7 final.xlsx
  • 7. Pivot Table - Part VII
  • 8.1 01-Pivot table 8 start.xlsx
  • 8.2 02-Pivot table 8 final.xlsx
  • 8. Pivot Table - Part VIII
  • 9.1 01-Pivot table 9 start.xlsx
  • 9.2 02-Pivot table 9 final.xlsx
  • 9. Pivot Table - Part IX
  • 10.1 01-Pivot table 10 start.xlsx
  • 10.2 02-Pivot table 10 final.xlsx
  • 10. Pivot Table - Part X
  • 11.1 01-Multiple value fields start.xlsx
  • 11.2 02-Multiple value fields final.xlsx
  • 11. Pivot Table - Part XI
  • 12.1 01-Multiple value fields 2 start.xlsx
  • 12.2 02-Multiple value fields 2 final.xlsx
  • 12. Pivot Table - Part XII
  • 13.1 01-Multiple value fields 3 start.xlsx
  • 13.2 02-Multiple value fields 3 final.xlsx
  • 13. Pivot Table - Part XIII
  • 14.1 01-Manual sorting start.xlsx
  • 14.2 02-Manual sorting final.xlsx
  • 14. Pivot Table - Part XIV
  • 15.1 Pivot from multiple tables start.xlsx
  • 15. Pivot Table - Part XVa
  • 16.1 01-Pivot from multiple tables 2 start.xlsx
  • 16.2 02-Pivot from multiple tables 2 final.xlsx
  • 16. Pivot Table - Part XVb
  • 17.1 01-Pivot table distinct count start.xlsx
  • 17.2 02-Pivot table distinct count final.xlsx
  • 17. Pivot Table - Part XVI
  • 18.1 01-Filtered totals start.xlsx
  • 18.2 02-Filtered totals final.xlsx
  • 18. Pivot Table - Part XVII
  • 19.1 01-Calculated field start.xlsx
  • 19.2 02-Calculated field final.xlsx
  • 19. Pivot Table - Part XVIII
  • 20.1 01-Calculated item start.xlsx
  • 20.2 02-Calculated item final.xlsx
  • 20. Pivot Table - Part XIX
  • 21.1 Pivot cache start.xlsx
  • 21.2 Unsharing Pivot Cache.html
  • 21. Pivot Table - Part XX - Pivot cache I
  • 22.1 01-Pivot cache 2 start.xlsx
  • 22.2 02-Pivot cache 2 final.xlsx
  • 22. Pivot Table - Part XX - Pivot cache II
  • 23.1 01-Pivot cache 3 start.xlsx
  • 23.2 02-Pivot cache 3 final.xlsx
  • 23. Pivot Table - Part XX - Pivot cache III
  • 24.1 01-Pivot table with dates start.xlsx
  • 24.2 02-Pivot table with dates final.xlsx
  • 24. Pivot Table with Dates
  • 25.1 01-Pivot charts start.xlsx
  • 25.2 02-Pivot charts final.xlsx
  • 25. Pivot Charts

  • 15. EXCEL Useful Worksheet Operations
  • 1.1 01-Worksheet operations start.xlsx
  • 1.2 02-Worksheet operations final.xlsx
  • 1. Useful Worksheet Operations

  • 16. EXCEL Useful Excel Features
  • 1.1 Comments and Notes start.xlsx
  • 1. Comments and Notes
  • 2.1 01-Copy-paste start.xlsx
  • 2.2 02-Copy-paste final.xlsx
  • 2. Copy & Paste - Part I
  • 3.1 01-Copy-paste 2 start.xlsx
  • 3.2 02-Copy-paste 2 final.xlsx
  • 3. Copy & Paste - Part II
  • 4.1 01-Copy-paste 3 start.xlsx
  • 4.2 02-Copy-paste 3 final.xlsx
  • 4. Copy & Paste - Part III
  • 5.1 01-Copy-paste 4 start.xlsx
  • 5.2 02-Copy-paste 4 final.xlsx
  • 5. Copy & Paste - Part IV
  • 6.1 01-Cut-paste start.xlsx
  • 6.2 02-Cut-paste final.xlsx
  • 6. Copy & Paste - Part V
  • 7.1 01-Filling cells start.xlsx
  • 7.2 02-Filling cells final.xlsx
  • 7. Filling Cells
  • 8.1 Find and replace start.xlsx
  • 8. Find and Replace - Part I
  • 9. Find and Replace - Part II
  • 10.1 01-Find and replace 3 start.xlsx
  • 10.2 02-Find and replace 3 final.xlsx
  • 10. Find and Replace - Part III
  • 11.1 Find and replace 4 start.xlsx
  • 11. Find and Replace - Part IV
  • 12.1 01-Grouping start.xlsx
  • 12.2 02-Grouping final.xlsx
  • 12. Grouping
  • 13.1 Importing external data.xlsx
  • 13.2 sales numbers with headers.txt
  • 13.3 sales numbers with headers.xlsx
  • 13.4 sales numbers.txt
  • 13.5 sales numbers.xlsx
  • 13. Importing External Data
  • 14.1 01-Merging cells start.xlsx
  • 14.2 02-Merging cells final.xlsx
  • 14. Merging Cells
  • 15.1 file 1.xlsx
  • 15.2 file 2.xlsx
  • 15. Opening Multiple Excel Files
  • 16.1 Printing start.xlsx
  • 16. Printing

  • 17. EXCEL A Challenging Job Interview Question - Text Manipulation
  • 1.1 01-Swap names start.xlsx
  • 1.2 02-Swap names final.xlsx
  • 1. Swap Names - Part I
  • 2.1 01-Swap names 2 start.xlsx
  • 2.2 02-Swap names 2 final.xlsx
  • 2. Swap Names - Part II
  • 3.1 01-Swap names 3 start.xlsx
  • 3.2 02-Swap names 3 final.xlsx
  • 3. Swap Names - Part III
  • 4.1 01-Swap names 4 start.xlsx
  • 4.2 02-Swap names 4 final.xlsx
  • 4. Swap Names - Part IV
  • 5.1 01-Swap names 5 start.xlsx
  • 5.2 02-Swap names 5 final.xlsx
  • 5. Swap Names - Part V

  • 18. EXCEL A Simplified Live Project
  • 1.1 seat planning start.zip
  • 1. Seat Planning - Part I
  • 2.1 seat planning 2 start.zip
  • 2. Seat Planning - Part II
  • 3.1 seat planning 3 start.zip
  • 3. Seat Planning - Part III
  • 4.1 01-seat planning 4 start.zip
  • 4.2 02-seat planning 4 final.zip
  • 4. Seat Planning - Part IV
  • 5.1 01-seat planning 5 start.zip
  • 5.2 02-seat planning 5 final.zip
  • 5. Seat Planning - Part V
  • 6.1 01-seat planning 6 start.zip
  • 6.2 02-seat planning 6 final.zip
  • 6. Seat Planning - Part VI
  • 7.1 01-seat planning 7 start.zip
  • 7.2 02-seat planning 7 final.zip
  • 7. Seat Planning - Part VII

  • 19. VBA Intro and basic interface
  • 1.1 vba intro.zip
  • 1.2 VBA Intro.xlsx
  • 1. Intro
  • 2. Visual Basic Editor

  • 20. VBA Subroutines, variables, data types
  • 1. Our First Subroutine
  • 2. Compiling
  • 3. Saving a Macro Enabled Workbook
  • 4.1 Macro has been blocked.html
  • 4. UPDATE 2023.02.02 Unblocking a macro-enabled Workbook
  • 5. Enabling Macros
  • 6.1 01-integer variables start.zip
  • 6.2 02-integer variables final.zip
  • 6. Integer Variables - Part I
  • 7.1 01-integer variables 2 start.zip
  • 7.2 02-integer variables 2 final.zip
  • 7.3 VBA Documentation.html
  • 7. Integer Variables - Part II
  • 8.1 01-string variables start.zip
  • 8.2 02-string variables final.zip
  • 8. String Variables - Part I
  • 9.1 01-string variables 2 start.zip
  • 9.2 02-string variables 2 final.zip
  • 9. String Variables - Part II
  • 10.1 01-cells and ranges start.zip
  • 10.2 02-cells and ranges final.zip
  • 10. Cells and Ranges
  • 11.1 01-working with numbers start.zip
  • 11.2 02-working with numbers final.zip
  • 11. Working With Numbers - Part I
  • 12.1 01-working with numbers 2 start.zip
  • 12.2 02-working with numbers 2 final.zip
  • 12. Working With Numbers - Part II
  • 13.1 01-working with numbers 3 start.zip
  • 13.2 02-working with numbers 3 final.zip
  • 13. Working With Numbers - Part III
  • 14.1 01-working with numbers 4 start.zip
  • 14.2 02-working with numbers 4 final.zip
  • 14. Working With Numbers - Part IV
  • 15.1 01-working with numbers 5 start.zip
  • 15.2 02-working with numbers 5 final.zip
  • 15. Working With Numbers - Part V
  • 16.1 About bits and bytes.docx
  • 16.2 about bits and bytes.zip
  • 16. About Bits and Bytes

  • 21. VBA Core programming concepts
  • 1.1 01-modules start.zip
  • 1.2 02-modules final.zip
  • 1. Modules
  • 2.1 01-if start.zip
  • 2.2 02-if final.zip
  • 2. IF - Part I
  • 3.1 01-if 2 start.zip
  • 3.2 02-if 2 final.zip
  • 3. IF - Part II
  • 4.1 01-if 3 start.zip
  • 4.2 02-if 3 final.zip
  • 4. IF - Part III
  • 5.1 01-if 4 start.zip
  • 5.2 02-if 4 final.zip
  • 5. IF - Part IV
  • 6.1 01-select case start.zip
  • 6.2 02-select case final.zip
  • 6. Select Case - Part I
  • 7.1 01-select case 2 start.zip
  • 7.2 02-select case 2 final.zip
  • 7. Select Case - Part II
  • 8.1 01-select case 3 start.zip
  • 8.2 02-select case 3 final.zip
  • 8. Select Case - Part III
  • 9.1 01-arrays start.zip
  • 9.2 02-arrays final.zip
  • 9. Arrays - Part I
  • 10.1 01-arrays 2 start.zip
  • 10.2 02-arrays 2 final.zip
  • 10. Arrays - Part II
  • 11.1 01-dynamic arrays start.zip
  • 11.2 02-dynamic arrays final.zip
  • 11. Dynamic Arrays
  • 12.1 01-range to array start.zip
  • 12.2 02-range to array final.zip
  • 12. Range to Array - Part I
  • 13.1 01-range to array 2 start.zip
  • 13.2 02-range to array 2 final.zip
  • 13. Range to Array - Part II
  • 14.1 01-for loop start.zip
  • 14.2 02-for loop final.zip
  • 14. The FOR Loop - Part I
  • 15.1 01-for loop 2 start.zip
  • 15.2 02-for loop 2 final.zip
  • 15. The FOR Loop - Part II
  • 16.1 for loop 3 start.zip
  • 16. The FOR Loop - Part III
  • 17.1 for loop 4 start.zip
  • 17. The FOR Loop - Part IV
  • 18.1 01-for loop with 2-dimensional array start.zip
  • 18.2 02-for loop with 2-dimensional array final.zip
  • 18. The FOR Loop - Part V
  • 19.1 looping by columns start.zip
  • 19. The FOR Loop - Part VI
  • 20.1 for each loop start.zip
  • 20. The FOR EACH Loop
  • 21.1 do loop until start.zip
  • 21. The DO LOOP - Part I
  • 22.1 do until loop start.zip
  • 22. The DO LOOP - Part II
  • 23.1 exit do start.zip
  • 23. The DO LOOP - Part III
  • 24.1 do loop while start.zip
  • 24. The DO LOOP - Part IV
  • 25.1 do while loop start.zip
  • 25. The DO LOOP - Part V
  • 26.1 while wend loop start.zip
  • 26. The WHILE WEND Loop

  • 22. VBA Intro To Objects
  • 1.1 01-collections start.zip
  • 1.2 02-collections final.zip
  • 1. Collections - Part I
  • 2.1 01-collections 2 start.zip
  • 2.2 02-collections 2 final.zip
  • 2. Collections - Part II
  • 3.1 01-collections 3 start.zip
  • 3.2 02-collections 3 final.zip
  • 3. Collections - Part III
  • 4.1 collections 4 start.zip
  • 4. Collections - Part IV
  • 5.1 activesheet start.zip
  • 5. The ActiveSheet Object
  • 6.1 01-range object start.zip
  • 6.2 02-range object final.zip
  • 6. Range Object - Part I
  • 7.1 01-range object 2 start.zip
  • 7.2 02-range object 2 final.zip
  • 7.3 Object Properties.html
  • 7. Range Object - Part II
  • 8.1 01-range object 3 start.zip
  • 8.2 02-range object 3 final.zip
  • 8. Range Object - Part III
  • 9.1 01-range object 4 start.zip
  • 9.2 02-range object 4 final.zip
  • 9.3 Bold font.html
  • 9.4 Colors.html
  • 9. Range Object - Part IV
  • 10.1 01-worksheet object start.zip
  • 10.2 02-worksheet object final.zip
  • 10. Worksheet Object - Part I
  • 11.1 01-worksheet object 2 start.zip
  • 11.2 02-worksheet object 2 final.zip
  • 11. Worksheet Object - Part II
  • 12.1 Excel Worksheet.html
  • 12.2 worksheet object 3 start.zip
  • 12. Worksheet Object - Part III
  • 13.1 Workbook Object Test.xlsx
  • 13. Workbook Object - Part I
  • 14.1 workbook object final.zip
  • 14.2 Workbook Object Test.xlsx
  • 14. Workbook Object - Part II
  • 15.1 nothing keyword final.zip
  • 15.2 nothing keyword start.zip
  • 15. The NOTHING Keyword
  • 16.1 object and non-object variables start.zip
  • 16. Object and Non-object Variables - Part I
  • 17.1 object and non-object variables start.zip
  • 17. Object and Non-object Variables - Part II

  • 23. VBA Ways of Running Your Code
  • 1.1 running a macro from quick access final.zip
  • 1.2 running a macro from quick access start.zip
  • 1. Part I
  • 2.1 create a button for a macro final.zip
  • 2.2 create a button for a macro start.zip
  • 2. Part II
  • 3.1 keyboard shortcut for macro final.zip
  • 3.2 keyboard shortcut for macro start.zip
  • 3. Part III

  • 24. VBA Functions and More Challenging Concepts
  • 1.1 application object final.zip
  • 1.2 application object start.zip
  • 1. Application Object
  • 2.1 functions final.zip
  • 2.2 functions start.zip
  • 2. Functions
  • 3.1 option explicit final.zip
  • 3.2 option explicit start.zip
  • 3. Option Explicit
  • 4.1 arguments start.zip
  • 4. Arguments
  • 5.1 byval and byref final.zip
  • 5.2 byval and byref start.zip
  • 5. ByVal and ByRef - Part I
  • 6.1 byval and byref 2 final.zip
  • 6.2 byval and byref 2 start.zip
  • 6. ByVal and ByRef - Part II
  • 7.1 getlastrow start.zip
  • 7. GetLastRow - Part I
  • 8.1 getlastrow start.zip
  • 8. GetLastRow - Part II
  • 9.1 getlastcolumn start.zip
  • 9. GetLastColumn
  • 10.1 01-getcolumnletterperindex start.zip
  • 10.2 02-getcolumnletterperindex final.zip
  • 10. GetColumnLetterPerIndex
  • 11.1 calling with named arguments final.zip
  • 11.2 calling with named arguments start.zip
  • 11. Calling With Named Arguments
  • 12.1 declaring arguments final.zip
  • 12.2 declaring arguments start.zip
  • 12. Declaring Arguments
  • 13.1 optional arguments final.zip
  • 13.2 optional arguments start.zip
  • 13. Optional Arguments
  • 14.1 ways of calling functions and subs start.zip
  • 14. Ways of Calling Functions and Subs
  • 15.1 data type conversion start.zip
  • 15.2 data type conversion start.zip
  • 15. Data Type Conversion - Part I
  • 16.1 data type conversion start.zip
  • 16. Data Type Conversion - Part II
  • 17.1 worksheet functions start.zip
  • 17. Worksheet Functions
  • 18.1 vartype start.zip
  • 18. VarType
  • 19.1 constants start.zip
  • 19. Constants
  • 20.1 module level variables and constants start.zip
  • 20. Module Level Variables and Constants
  • 21.1 global variables and constants start.zip
  • 21. Global Variables and Constants

  • 25. VBA Macros, Recordings and Enhancing Them
  • 1.1 recording macro with absolute reference final.zip
  • 1.2 recording macro with absolute reference start.zip
  • 1. Recording Macro with Absolute Reference - Part I
  • 2.1 recording macro with absolute reference 2 final.zip
  • 2.2 recording macro with absolute reference 2 start.zip
  • 2. Recording Macro with Absolute Reference - Part II
  • 3.1 running a macro with relative references final.zip
  • 3.2 running a macro with relative references start.zip
  • 3. Running a Macro with Relative References
  • 4.1 copy paste macro final.zip
  • 4.2 copy paste macro start.zip
  • 4. Copy Paste Macros - Part I
  • 5.1 copy paste macro 2 start.zip
  • 5. Copy Paste Macros - Part II

  • 26. VBA Debugging and Error Handling
  • 1.1 error handling final.zip
  • 1.2 error handling start.zip
  • 1. Part 1
  • 2.1 error handling 2 final.zip
  • 2.2 error handling 2 start.zip
  • 2. Part 2
  • 3.1 error handling 3 final.zip
  • 3.2 error handling 3 start.zip
  • 3. Part 3
  • 4.1 error handling 4 final.zip
  • 4.2 error handling 4 start.zip
  • 4. Part 4

  • 27. VBA Essential Operations
  • 1.1 getting user input inputbox start.zip
  • 1. Getting User Input - InputBox
  • 2.1 getting user input msgbox start.zip
  • 2. Getting User Input - MsgBox
  • 3.1 opening a new workbook start.zip
  • 3. Opening a New Workbook
  • 4.1 opening an existing workbook start.zip
  • 4.2 Test workbook.xlsx
  • 4. Opening an Existing Workbook
  • 5.1 closing a workbook start.zip
  • 5.2 Test workbook.xlsx
  • 5. Closing a Workbook
  • 6.1 saving a workbook start.zip
  • 6.2 Test workbook.xlsx
  • 6. Saving a Workbook

  • 28. VBA Events
  • 1.1 workbook events start.zip
  • 1. Workbook Events - Part I
  • 2.1 workbook events start.zip
  • 2. Workbook Events - Part II
  • 3.1 worksheet events start.zip
  • 3. Worksheet Events

  • 29. VBA Managing Your Code
  • 1.1 exporting and importing modules start.zip
  • 1. Exporting and Importing Modules
  • 2.1 calling a function or sub of another workbook start.zip
  • 2.2 test workbook 2.zip
  • 2.3 test workbook.zip
  • 2. Calling a Function or Sub of Another Workbook
  • 3.1 personal macro workbook start.zip
  • 3. Personal Macro Workbook

  • 30. VBA Classes and Object-based Programming
  • 1.1 intro to object based programming.zip
  • 1.2 Test workbook.xlsx
  • 1. Intro to Object-based Programming - Part I
  • 2.1 intro to object based programming.zip
  • 2.2 Test workbook.xlsx
  • 2. Intro to Object-based Programming - Part II
  • 3.1 class modules final.zip
  • 3.2 class modules start.zip
  • 3. Class Modules
  • 4.1 private member variables final.zip
  • 4.2 private member variables start.zip
  • 4. Private Member Variables
  • 5.1 properties final.zip
  • 5.2 properties start.zip
  • 5. Properties
  • 6.1 init final.zip
  • 6.2 init start.zip
  • 6. Init
  • 7.1 order object start.zip
  • 7. Order Object
  • 8.1 car object start.zip
  • 8. Car Object
  • 9.1 associate an order with a car start.zip
  • 9. Associate an Order With a Car
  • 10.1 calculating the order price start.zip
  • 10. Calculating the Order Price
  • 11.1 private subs and functions start.zip
  • 11. Private and Public keywords in Subs and Functions

  • 31. VBA Simplified Live Project Automation
  • 1.1 seat planning automation vba updated 2023 09 17.zip
  • 1.2 seat planning automation vba.zip
  • 1. Seat Planning Overview
  • 2.1 seat planning automation vba updated 2023 09 17.zip
  • 2.2 seat planning automation vba.zip
  • 2. Check Worksheets
  • 3.1 seat planning automation vba updated 2023 09 17.zip
  • 3.2 seat planning automation vba.zip
  • 3. DeleteWs
  • 4.1 seat planning automation vba updated 2023 09 17.zip
  • 4.2 seat planning automation vba.zip
  • 4. Delete Data
  • 5.1 seat planning automation vba updated 2023 09 17.zip
  • 5.2 seat planning automation vba.zip
  • 5. Add Employee Data
  • 6.1 seat planning automation vba updated 2023 09 17.zip
  • 6.2 seat planning automation vba.zip
  • 6. Copy Employee Data
  • 7.1 seat planning automation vba updated 2023 09 17.zip
  • 7.2 seat planning automation vba.zip
  • 7. Add Location Formula
  • 8.1 seat planning automation vba updated 2023 09 17.zip
  • 8.2 seat planning automation vba.zip
  • 8. Add Free Seats Formulas
  • 9.1 seat planning automation vba updated 2023 09 17.zip
  • 9.2 seat planning automation vba.zip
  • 9. Create Pivot Table Macro - Part I
  • 10.1 seat planning automation vba updated 2023 09 17.zip
  • 10.2 seat planning automation vba.zip
  • 10. Create Pivot Table Macro - Part II

  • 32. SQL Intro to SQL
  • 1. What are SQL and Databases
  • 2.1 Download Xampp.html
  • 2. Installing Xampp
  • 3. Setting Database Password
  • 4. Stopping MariaDB

  • 33. SQL First Steps
  • 1. Creating a Database and a Database Table
  • 2. Adding Rows to Tables
  • 3. Our First Query

  • 34. SQL Using VBA with SQL
  • 1.1 Download ODBC Driver.html
  • 1. Installing OBDC Driver
  • 2.1 setting up vba for sql.zip
  • 2. Setting Up VBA for SQL - Part I
  • 3.1 setting up vba for sql.zip
  • 3. Setting Up VBA for SQL - Part II
  • 4.1 setting up vba for sql.zip
  • 4. Setting Up VBA for SQL - Part III

  • 35. SQL Querying Data
  • 1.1 where.zip
  • 1. WHERE
  • 2.1 Data to insert.txt
  • 2. Adding More data
  • 3.1 order by final.zip
  • 3.2 order by.zip
  • 3. ORDER BY
  • 4.1 and final.zip
  • 4.2 and start.zip
  • 4. AND
  • 5.1 or final.zip
  • 5.2 or start.zip
  • 5. OR
  • 6.1 combining and and or final.zip
  • 6.2 combining and and or start.zip
  • 6. Combining AND and OR
  • 7.1 not.zip
  • 7. NOT
  • 8.1 where field is not null.zip
  • 8. WHERE field is NOT NULL
  • 9.1 as.zip
  • 9. AS
  • 10.1 no records returned.zip
  • 10. No Records Returned
  • 11.1 between.zip
  • 11. BETWEEN
  • 12.1 like.zip
  • 12. LIKE
  • 13.1 in.zip
  • 13. IN
  • 14.1 select distinct.zip

  • 36. SQL Important Basic Statements
  • 1. Changing The Table
  • 2. Insert Ignore Into - Part I
  • 3.1 insert ignore into.zip
  • 3. Insert Ignore Into - Part II
  • 4.1 update.zip
  • 4. UPDATE
  • 5.1 delete.zip
  • 5. DELETE

  • 37. SQL Working with a Table
  • 1.1 insert ignore into for reinsert.zip
  • 1. Reinserting The Data
  • 2. Exporting a Database
  • 3.1 CREATE TABLE query.docx
  • 3. SQL for Creating a Table
  • 4.1 create table if not exists final.zip
  • 4.2 create table if not exists.zip
  • 4. Create a Table Using SQL
  • 5.1 alter table add column.zip
  • 5. ALTER TABLE ADD Column
  • 6.1 alter table modify column.zip
  • 7.1 alter table drop column.zip
  • 7. ALTER TABLE DROP Column
  • 8.1 drop table.zip
  • 9.1 unique.zip
  • 9. UNIQUE

  • 38. SQL Limit
  • 1.1 limit.zip
  • 1. LIMIT

  • 39. SQL Joins
  • 1.1 inner join 1.zip
  • 1. Inner Join - Part I
  • 2.1 inner join 2.zip
  • 2.2 sql to run in phpmyadmin.txt
  • 2. Inner Join - Part II
  • 3.1 left join.zip
  • 3. Left Join

  • 40. SQL Functions
  • 1.1 min.zip
  • 1. The MIN Function
  • 2.1 max.zip
  • 2. The MAX Function
  • 3.1 count.zip
  • 3. The COUNT Function
  • 4.1 group by.zip
  • 4. The GROUP BY Function
  • 5.1 avg.zip
  • 5. The AVG Function - Part I
  • 6.1 avg 2.zip
  • 6. The AVG Function - Part II
  • 7.1 sum.zip
  • 7. The SUM Function
  • 8.1 having.zip
  • 8. The HAVING Keyword

  • 41. SQL Adding SQL to the Live Project
  • 1.1 seat planning automation vba and sql updated 2023 09 17.zip
  • 1.2 seat planning automation vba and sql.zip
  • 1.3 sql for employee data.txt
  • 1. Seat Planning Automation VBA and SQL

  • 42. Google Sheets Introduction
  • 1. Important Notice
  • 2. What is Google Sheets
  • 3. Registering a Google account
  • 4. Google Sheets and other software
  • 5. Creating a new Spreadsheet
  • 6. A brief intro to the Worksheet
  • 7. Renaming the Spreadsheet
  • 8. Brief discussion of some features
  • 9. A brief overview of the File menu
  • 10. A brief overview of the Edit menu
  • 11. The Undo and Redo commands
  • 12. A brief overview of the View menu
  • 13. A brief overview of the Insert menu
  • 14. A brief overview of the Format menu
  • 15. A brief overview of the Data menu
  • 16. A brief overview of the Tools menu
  • 17. A brief overview of the Extensions menu
  • 18. A brief overview of the Help menu
  • 19. A brief overview of the Toolbar or Command Strip
  • 20. Saving your work
  • 21. Adding more data
  • 22. The problem with one dimensional data
  • 23. Tabular Data
  • 24. Adding a header
  • 25. End of introduction

  • 43. Google Sheets Basic Formatting
  • 1.1 01 - Starter.html
  • 1.2 02 - Final.html
  • 1. How to use the resource files
  • 2.1 01 - Starter.html
  • 2.2 02 - Final.html
  • 2. Column widths and autofitting
  • 3.1 01 - Starter.html
  • 3.2 02 - Final.html
  • 3. Overflowing cell contents
  • 4.1 01 - Starter.html
  • 4. Row heights and autofitting
  • 5.1 01 - Starter.html
  • 5.2 02 - Final.html
  • 5. Adding borders and fill to cells

  • 44. Google Sheets Basics of formulas and functions
  • 1. Intro to formulas
  • 2. Addition
  • 3. Referring to cells
  • 4.1 Starter.html
  • 4. Subtraction
  • 5.1 Multiplication Starter.html
  • 5. Multiplication
  • 6. Operator precedence
  • 7.1 Division Starter.html
  • 7. Division
  • 8.1 SUM function end.html
  • 8.2 SUM function start.html
  • 8. The SUM function
  • 9. The importance of the locale
  • 10. The importance of the display language
  • 11. The formula help
  • 12.1 Range End.html
  • 12.2 Range Start.html
  • 12. Range
  • 13.1 Dynamic Cell References Start.html
  • 13. Dynamic cell references - Part 1
  • 14.1 Dynamic Cell References End.html
  • 14. Dynamic cell references - Part 2
  • 15. Sometimes we dont even need a formula
  • 16. Formula Suggestions
  • 17. Where to find more functions

  • 45. Google Sheets Dashboard
  • 1. Overview of the dashboard
  • 2. Moving spreadsheets
  • 3. Starring spreadsheets
  • 4. Opening a spreadsheet from Google drive

  • 46. Google Sheets Handling Data
  • 3. CTRL A
  • 4. SHIFT and cursor
  • 5. CTRL cursor
  • 6. Named ranges
  • 7.1 Changing a named range end.html
  • 7.2 Changing a named range start.html
  • 7. Changing a named range
  • 8.1 Deleting a named range end.html
  • 8.2 Deleting a named range start.html
  • 8. Deleting a named range
  • 9.1 Number format 1 end.html
  • 9.2 Number format 1 start.html
  • 9. Number format 1
  • 10.1 Number format 2 end.html
  • 10.2 Number format 2 start.html
  • 10. Number format 2
  • 11.1 Data Types 3 End.html
  • 11.2 Data Types 3 Start.html
  • 11.3 Explanation of Scientific notation from Microsoft.html
  • 11. Scientific notation
  • 12.1 Data Types 4 End.html
  • 12.2 Data Types 4 Start.html
  • 12. Accounting format
  • 13.1 Data Types 5 End.html
  • 13.2 Data Types 5 Start.html
  • 13. Financial format
  • 14.1 Data Types 6 End.html
  • 14.2 Data Types 6 Start.html
  • 14. Currency format
  • 15.1 Data Types 7 End.html
  • 15.2 Data Types 7 Start.html
  • 15. Changing the currency - Part 1
  • 16.1 Data Types 8 End.html
  • 16.2 Data Types 8 Start.html
  • 16. Changing the currency - Part 2
  • 17.1 Color Palette.html
  • 17.2 Data Types 9 End.html
  • 17.3 Data Types 9 Start.html
  • 17.4 Developer docs.html
  • 17.5 Google Sheets Help Center.html
  • 17. Custom number format
  • 18.1 Data Types 10 End.html
  • 18.2 Data Types 10 Start.html
  • 18. Percent
  • 19.1 Data Types 11 End.html
  • 19.2 Data Types 11 Start.html
  • 19. Text
  • 20.1 Data Types 12 End.html
  • 20.2 Data Types 12 Start.html
  • 20. Dates
  • 21.1 Data Types 13 End.html
  • 21.2 Data Types 13 Start.html
  • 21. Custom date format
  • 22.1 Data Types 14 End.html
  • 22.2 Data Types 14 Start.html
  • 22. Date Time
  • 23.1 Data Types 15 End.html
  • 23.2 Data Types 15 Start.html
  • 23. Time
  • 24.1 Data Types 16 End.html
  • 24.2 Data Types 16 Start.html
  • 24. Duration

  • 47. Google Sheets Basic Math Functions
  • 1.1 Math Functions Start.html
  • 1. Average
  • 2. Min
  • 3. Max
  • 4.1 Math Functions End.html
  • 4. Count

  • 48. Google Sheets Functions For Text Manipulation
  • 1.1 String Manipulation 1 End.html
  • 1.2 String Manipulation 1 Start.html
  • 1. UPPER
  • 2. LOWER
  • 4. LEN
  • 5. FIND and SEARCH
  • 6. LEFT
  • 7. RIGHT
  • 8. MID
  • 9. Swapping names 1
  • 10. Swapping names 2
  • 11. Improving the readability of long formulas
  • 12.1 String Manipulation 1 Start.html
  • 12. Avoiding repetition with LET
  • 13.1 String manipulation 2 end.html
  • 13.2 String manipulation 2 start.html
  • 13. TRIM
  • 14.1 String manipulation 2 end.html
  • 14. REPLACE
  • 15.1 String manipulation 2 end.html
  • 16.1 String manipulation 2 end.html
  • 16. SPLIT

  • 49. Google Sheets Functions For Working With Dates
  • 1.1 Dates Start.html
  • 1. DATE
  • 2. DATEDIF
  • 3. TODAY
  • 4. NOW
  • 5. Calculation Settings
  • 6. Changing the timezone
  • 7.1 End.html
  • 7. Version history

  • 50. Google Sheets Functions with conditional logic
  • 1.1 Conditional logic 1 end.html
  • 1.2 Conditional logic 1 start.html
  • 1. Conditional logic
  • 2.1 Conditional logic 2 end.html
  • 2.2 Conditional logic 2 start.html
  • 2. IF
  • 3.1 Conditional logic 2 end.html
  • 3.2 Conditional logic 2 start.html
  • 3. IFS - Part 1
  • 4.1 Conditional logic 2 end.html
  • 4.2 Conditional logic 2 start.html
  • 4. IFS - Part 2
  • 5.1 Conditional logic 2 end.html
  • 5.2 Conditional logic 2 start.html
  • 5. OR
  • 6.1 Conditional logic 2 end.html
  • 6.2 Conditional logic 2 start.html
  • 6. IF combined with OR
  • 7.1 Conditional logic 2 end.html
  • 7.2 Conditional logic 2 start.html
  • 7. AND
  • 8.1 Conditional logic 2 end.html
  • 8.2 Conditional logic 2 start.html
  • 8. IF combined with AND
  • 9.1 Conditional logic 2 end.html
  • 9.2 Conditional logic 2 start.html
  • 9. A challenge with IF OR AND
  • 10.1 SUMIF and SUMIFS end.html
  • 10.2 SUMIF and SUMIFS start.html
  • 10. SUMIF and SUMIFS
  • 11.1 COUNTIF and COUNTIFS end.html
  • 11.2 COUNTIF and COUNTIFS start.html

  • 51. Google Sheets Sorting and Filters
  • 1.1 Sorting and filters start workbook.html
  • 1. Sorting data - Part 1
  • 2. Sorting data - Part 2
  • 3. Sorting data - Part 3
  • 4. Filters - Part 1
  • 5. Filters - Part 2
  • 6. Filters - Part 3
  • 7. Filters - Part 4
  • 8. Filters - Part 5
  • 9. Filter Views
  • 10. Slicers

  • 52. Bonus Lectures & Student Requests
  • 1. Useful Excel Shortcuts
  • 2.1 copyonlyvisiblecells end.zip
  • 2.2 copyonlyvisiblecells start.zip
  • 2. Copy only visible cells - Part 1 of 2
  • 3.1 copyonlyvisiblecellswithmacro.zip
  • 3. Copy only visible cells - Part 2 of 2
  • 4.1 Circular reference example start.xlsx
  • 4. Iterative calculation - Part 1 of 14 - Circular references
  • 5. Iterative calculation - Part 2 of 14 - Enabling iterative calculation
  • 6. Iterative calculation - Part 3 of 14 - Formulas without circular references
  • 7. Iterative calculation - Part 4 of 14 - Looking at each iteration
  • 8. Iterative calculation - Part 5 of 14 - The problem with Automatic calculations
  • 9. Iterative calculation - Part 6 of 14 - Switching to Manual calculation
  • 10.1 Iterative calculation 1 start.xlsx
  • 10. Iterative calculation - Part 7 of 14 - A more meaningful example
  • 11. Iterative calculation - Part 8 of 14 - Calculating interest without circular ref
  • 12. Iterative calculation - Part 9 of 14 - Calculating interest with circular ref
  • 13.1 Iterative calculation 2 start.xlsx
  • 13. Iterative calculation - Part 10 of 14 - The Kryptonite example
  • 14. Iterative calculation - 11 of 14 - Calculating amortization without circular ref
  • 15. Iterative calculation - 12 of 14 - Calculating amortization with circular ref
  • 16. Iterative calculation - 13 of 14 - The Maximum Change condition
  • 17. Iterative calculation - 14 of 14 - Is iterative calculation useful
  • 18. Will chatGPT take our Excel jobs
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