1. Introduction
2. Create our World Template
3. Add Input Mapping Context, Inputs, Camera
4. Give the Player a Basic Character
5. Freeing Up Cluttered Asset Packs
6. Add Input Action Events
7. Spawn and Attach Weapon to Players Hand
8. Create Animation Blendspace and Animation Blueprint
9. Add State Machine to Animation Blueprint
10. Give the Player Attack
11. Spawn and Attach Shield to Players Forearm
12. Improve our State Machine
13. Give the Player Meaningful Attack, Create Attack Dummy
14. Deduct Player Health with a Defense Dummy
15. Make the Shield Break
16. Clean Up the Editor Graph and Comment our Script, Collapse to Function
17. Improving the Shield Break Functionality, Adding Death Animation
18. Create a Death Widget, Respawn Player
19. Adding Jump Animations to the Animation Blueprint
20. Create a basic Potion
21. Learning about Interfaces, A mock inventory
22. Create a Health Counter
23. End of the Course, Goodbye from Dr. Loveless