وب سایت تخصصی شرکت فرین
دسته بندی دوره ها

Complete Machine Learning Course With Python

سرفصل های دوره

Learn to create Machine Learning Algorithms in Python using Different Datasets

1 - Introduction
  • 1 - What Is Machine learning
  • 1 - cars.csv
  • 1 - what-is-machine-learning.docx
  • 2 - Key Skills needed to learn Machine learning
  • 3 - Supervised learning vs Unsupervised Learning
  • 4 - Dependent Variable vs Independent Variable
  • 5 - What Does This Course Cover
  • 6 - Basic Python Concepts
  • 6 - Complete-basic-Python-in-90-mins.docx

  • 2 - Introduction to Machine Learning and Anaconda Installation
  • 7 - 1.Introduction-to-Machine-Learning.docx
  • 7 - Introduction to Machine Learning
  • 8 - Anaconda-installation-machine-learning.docx
  • 8 - Anconda Installation

  • 3 - Exploratory Data Analysis
  • 9 - 2.Exploratory-Data-Analysis.docx
  • 9 - What is Exploratory Data AnalysisEDA
  • 10 - knowing initial details of dataset
  • 11 - Modifying or removing unwanted data
  • 12 - Retrieving Data
  • 13 - Statistical Information
  • 14 - Drawing Graphs
  • 15 - EDA Assignment
  • 15 - titanic.csv

  • 4 - Outliers
  • 16 - 3.Outliers.docx
  • 16 - What is Outliers
  • 16 - solid-waste.csv
  • 17 - Finding the Outliers
  • 18 - IQR and handling the outliers
  • 18 - Outliers-Assignment.docx
  • 18 - solid-waste.csv

  • 5 - Simple Linear Regression
  • 19 - 4.Simple-Linear-Regression.docx
  • 19 - What is Regression
  • 20 - What is simple liner regression model
  • 21 - What is rsquared Value
  • 22 - Simple linear regression Program1
  • 22 - homeprices.csv
  • 23 - Simple linear regression Program2train and test data
  • 23 - canada-percapita-Assignment.csv
  • 23 - salary-data.csv

  • 6 - Multiple Linear Regression
  • 24 - 5.Mutiple-Linear-Regression.docx
  • 24 - What is Multiple Linear Regression
  • 25 - Housing.csv
  • 25 - Multiple Linear Regression program 1
  • 25 - homeprices-2.csv

  • 7 - One Hot Encoding
  • 26 - 6.One-Hot-Encoding.docx
  • 26 - What Is One Hot Encoding
  • 27 - One Hot EncodingFirst way
  • 28 - One Hot EncodingSecond way
  • 29 - One Hot EncodingProgram 1
  • 29 - homeprices-3.csv
  • 30 - One Hot EncodingProgram 2Third way
  • 30 - carprices-Assignment.csv
  • 30 - homeprices-3.csv

  • 8 - Polynomial Linear Regression
  • 31 - 7.Polynomial-Linear-Regression.docx
  • 31 - What is Polynomial Linear Regression
  • 32 - Polynomial Linear Regression Program1
  • 32 - salary-experience-Assignment.csv
  • 32 - salary-position.csv

  • 9 - Ridge Regression
  • 33 - 8.Ridge-Regression.docx
  • 33 - What is Bias and Variance
  • 34 - What is Regularization
  • 35 - Ridge RegressionProgram 1
  • 35 - test.csv
  • 35 - train.csv
  • 36 - Ridge RegressionAssignment
  • 36 - boston-houses.csv

  • 10 - Lasso Regression
  • 37 - 9.Lasso-Regression.docx
  • 37 - Advertising-Assignment.csv
  • 37 - What is Lasso regression and practice program1
  • 37 - boston-houses.csv

  • 11 - ElasticNet Regression
  • 38 - 10.ElasticNet-Regression
  • 38 - boston-houses.csv
  • 38 - diabetes-Assignment.csv
  • 38 - what is ElasticNet Regression and practice program1

  • 12 - Logistic Regression
  • 39 - 11.Logistic-Regression.docx
  • 39 - HR-comma.csv
  • 39 - What is Logistic Regression and program1
  • 39 - insurance-data-Assignment.csv

  • 13 - Support Vector MachineSVM
  • 40 - 12.Support-vector-machine-SVM.docx
  • 40 - What is Support Vector Machine

  • 14 - Naive Bayes Classification
  • 41 - 13.Naive-Bayes-Classification.docx
  • 41 - What is Naive Bayes Classification
  • 42 - Naive Bayes Classification Program1
  • 42 - cricket.csv
  • 43 - Naive Bayes Classification Program2
  • 43 - spam.csv

  • 15 - KNN Classifier
  • 44 - 14.KNN-Classifier.docx
  • 44 - KNN Classifer defination and its practice program1
  • 44 - breast-cancer.csv
  • 44 - diabetes-Assignment.csv

  • 16 - Decision Trees
  • 45 - 15.Decision-Trees.docx
  • 45 - Decision Trees Defination and its program1
  • 45 - cricket.csv
  • 45 - salaries-Assignment.csv

  • 17 - Random Forest
  • 46 - 16.Random-Forest.docx
  • 46 - Random Forest Defination and its practice program1
  • 46 - salary-experience-Assignment.csv

  • 18 - KMeans Clusteringunsupervised model
  • 47 - 17.K-Means-Clustering.docx
  • 47 - What is KMeans Clustering
  • 48 - 17.K-Means-Clustering.docx
  • 48 - KMeans Clustering Program1
  • 48 - income.csv

  • 19 - Apriori Algorithm
  • 49 - 18.Apriori-Algorithm.docx
  • 49 - What is Apriori Algorithm
  • 49 - market.csv

  • 20 - Principle Component AnalysisPCA
  • 50 - 19.Principal-Component-Analysis-PCA.docx
  • 50 - what is Principle Component AnalysisPCA
  • 51 - Principle Component Analysis Program1
  • 52 - Principle Component Analysis Program2
  • 53 - Principle Component AnalysisAssignment

  • 21 - KFold Cross Validation
  • 54 - 20.K-Fold-Cross-Validation.docx
  • 54 - What is KFold Cross Validation
  • 55 - KFold Cross Validation Program1

  • 22 - Model Selection
  • 56 - 21.Model-Selection.docx
  • 56 - What is Model Selection
  • 57 - Model Selection Program1
  • 57 - processed.csv

  • 23 - Assignment Solutions
  • 58 - Assignment Solutions
  • 58 - Decision-Trees-Assignment-solution.docx
  • 58 - EDA-assignment-solution.docx
  • 58 - ElasticNet-Regression-Assignment-solution.docx
  • 58 - KNN-Classifier-Assignment-Solution.docx
  • 58 - K-Fold-Cross-Validation-Assignment-solution.docx
  • 58 - K-Means-Clustering-Assignment-Solution.docx
  • 58 - Lasso-regression-Assignment-Solution.docx
  • 58 - Logistic-regression-Assignment-solution.docx
  • 58 - Multiple-linear-regression-Assignment-solution.docx
  • 58 - Naive-Bayes-classification-Assignment-solution.docx
  • 58 - OneHotEncoding-Assignment-solution.docx
  • 58 - Outlier-Assignment-solution.docx
  • 58 - Polynomial-Linear-Regression-Assignment-solution.docx
  • 58 - Principle-component-analysis-Assignment-solution.docx
  • 58 - Random-Forest-Assignment-solution.docx
  • 58 - Ridge-regression-assignment-solution.docx
  • 58 - Simple-Linear-Regression-Assignment-Solution.docx
  • 58 - support-Vector-Machine-SVM-Assignment-solution.docx
  • 45,900 تومان
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 38712
    حجم: 8548 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 715 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 28 تیر 1403
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    45,900 تومان
    افزودن به سبد خرید