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Microsoft Excel 365 Master Class : Beginner to Advanced

سرفصل های دوره

MS-Excel A-Z Microsoft Course. Microsoft Excel 2013, 2016, Excel 2019 and Microsoft/Office 365/2024

1. MS-EXCEL - 365 - Introduction
  • 1. Starting EXCEL
  • 2. Excel Interface
  • 3. Navigating Workbook and Worksheets
  • 4. Back Stage View
  • 5. Mouse Movement
  • 6. Ribbon
  • 7. Save and Save As
  • 8. Entering Data
  • 9. Page Layout and Print 1
  • 10. Page Layout and Print 2
  • 11. Page Layout and Print 3

  • 2. Basic Operations
  • 1. Order of Operations
  • 2. Ranges and Name Ranges
  • 3. Relative and Absolute Referencing
  • 4. Introduction To Formulas
  • 5. More Functions and Formulas
  • 6. How to find Formulas

  • 3. Sheets, Rows and Columns
  • 1. Rows & Columns 1
  • 2. Rows & Columns 2
  • 3. Outline
  • 4. Sorting
  • 5. Subtotal

  • 4. Basic Formatting
  • 1. Basic Formatting
  • 2. Basic Filtering
  • 3. Formatting - Borders & Shading
  • 4. Formatting - Styles
  • 5. Formatting - Table Styles
  • 6. Freeze Panes - How

  • 5. Functions, Ranges and Shortcuts
  • 1. Recap Of Formulas and Functions
  • 2. Sum Function
  • 3. Flash Fill
  • 4. Rounding - The basics
  • 5. Rounding - Further explanation
  • 6. Large & Small - Basics
  • 7. Mode & Median
  • 8. Sumproduct formula

  • 6. Advance operations
  • 1. Advanced Filtering
  • 2. Paste Special
  • 3. Formatting in Depth

  • 7. Data Management
  • 1. Errors - Introduction to types
  • 2. Errors - IFError & ISError
  • 3. Duplicates - What is the Issue
  • 4. Duplicates - How to Resolve
  • 5. Formula Auditing & Watch Window - How
  • 6. Data validation - The Basics
  • 7. Data validation - Custom - AND - Exact

  • 8. Logical Functions
  • 1. IF Function
  • 2. Nested IF
  • 3. Nested IF & IFS and IF ELSE
  • 4. IF ELSE - Example - Inventory Reorder
  • 5. IFS - Student Grading 1
  • 6. IFS - Student Grading 2
  • 7. IFS - Student Grading 3 +Formatting
  • 8. Count - CountA -CountBlank - Countif(s) - FormulaText
  • 9. Serial Numbers, Running Totals & Random Numbers
  • 10. Average IFS
  • 11. MAX & MIN IFS
  • 12. Large AND Small - With IF Function
  • 13. SumIF
  • 14. SumIFS
  • 15. SumIFS + Name Range
  • 16. Applying Logic - And Or
  • 17. Applying Logic - Various Usage of IS
  • 18. More True - False & Exact Function

  • 9. Text Functions
  • 1. Len - Lower -Upper - Proper - Trim - True - False
  • 2. Text Split -1 - How and the Advantages
  • 3. Text Split -2 - Sorting & Text Joint
  • 4. Text Split 3
  • 5. Text Split 4 - Ignore Empty
  • 6. TOCOL & TOROW
  • 7. Text Before & Text After
  • 8. Concatenate - Concat - Justify
  • 9. Left - Right - Len - Concatenate
  • 10. Left - Right - Len - Find - Adding without Concatenate
  • 11. Mid - Extracting data from within data
  • 12. Find & Search - A comparison
  • 13. Text to Columns
  • 14. Replace & Substitute

  • 10. Charts
  • 1. Charts - Introduction
  • 2. Chart Types - Bar Chart
  • 3. Chart Types - Various
  • 4. Charts - Customization
  • 5. Charts - Pie Charts

  • 11. Date and Time In depth
  • 1. Date & Time Functions
  • 2. Date & Time Functions Continued

  • 12. Lookup - Basic to Advanced
  • 1. Vlookup - How to find Values
  • 2. HLOOKUP - Horizontal Value Lookup
  • 3. XLOOKUP - Reducing limitations Of Vlookup & Hlookup
  • 4. Index Match - A Perfect Match
  • 5. XMATCH
  • 6. OFFSET
  • 7. 2 Way Dynamic Lookup

  • 13. Pivot Tables - In depth
  • 1. Pivot Table - An Introduction
  • 2. Pivot Table - Basic Operations
  • 3. Pivot Table - Value Field Settings & Designs
  • 4. Pivot Table - Calculated Fields
  • 5. Pivot Table - Groupings
  • 6. Pivot Table - Slicers

  • 14. Data Analysis
  • 1. What If Analysis

  • 15. Financial Functions
  • 1. Payment Calculation - Using Function
  • 2. FV Calculation - What is it
  • 3. Using FV to Calculate Retirement Fund
  • 4. Schedule of Payments Using PPMT & IPMT
  • 5. Loan Amortization Schedule
  • 6. NPV - Net Present Value - Introduction
  • 7. NPV - Using Functions
  • 8. IRR - Internal Rate of Return
  • 9. XNPV - Dealing With Infrequent Intervals

  • 16. Basic Macros
  • 1. Introduction to Macro
  • 2. Creating a Simple Macro

  • 17. Dashboards
  • 1. Introduction to Dashboards
  • 45,900 تومان
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    ایمیل شما:
    تولید کننده:
    شناسه: 38423
    حجم: 7004 مگابایت
    مدت زمان: 698 دقیقه
    تاریخ انتشار: 21 تیر 1403
    دسته بندی محصول
    طراحی سایت و خدمات سئو

    45,900 تومان
    افزودن به سبد خرید